Sentences with phrase «enough hours in the day for»

It's a combination of a few things that are real: the baby won't sleep, I have four children and there aren't enough hours in the day for everything to get done, I have obligations...
It's a combination of a few things that are real: the baby won't sleep, I have four children and there aren't enough hours in the day for everything to get done, I have obligations and duties and work and requirements demanding all of my attention and my time just like everyone else — trust me, I'm no special snowflake.
I've been meaning to try out my Burger maker to make some Quinoa, Lentil Burgers for some time now, not enough hours in the day for everything I want to make!
There are never enough hours in the day for on - the - go parents.
This may sound like a minor issue, but for many parents of special needs kids, there simply aren't enough hours in the day for exercise.
Like many others, this isn't my FT job and there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to make on this scale.
From video games to movies and from books to the occasional anime binge, there are never enough hours in the day for it all.
Often there are just not enough hours in the day for study, full - time work and family life.
Fortunately for them there aren't enough hours in the day for a single person to monitor all of them.
There aren't enough hours in the day for her to write all of the story ideas in her head.
Ok so yesterday there wasn't enough hours in the day for me so that's why I only... [Read more...]
It always has been and always will be one of the greatest experiences in my gaming life and this addition just comes with one complaint and that is none of the games fault, but my complaint with this release is that there is not enough hours in a day for me to play enough of Skyrim.
Without an extra hand — or five — there were simply not enough hours in the day for us to do all that our business needed us to do.
There aren't enough hours in a day for a managing broker to «read» and check each new listing and or buyer agency agreement, or especially even each APS.

Not exact matches

Even if you stop sleeping, there are not enough hours in a day and night for you to do everything that is required for your business to grow.
What's one must - make dish you'd recommend for frantic, busy entrepreneurs who never have enough hours in the day?
In 1995, when Father Bernard McCoy moved in to the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank in rural Sparta, Wis., he had much more to do than pray for nearly five hours a day: He needed to figure out how to earn enough money to keep the abbey goinIn 1995, when Father Bernard McCoy moved in to the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank in rural Sparta, Wis., he had much more to do than pray for nearly five hours a day: He needed to figure out how to earn enough money to keep the abbey goinin to the Cistercian Abbey of Our Lady of Spring Bank in rural Sparta, Wis., he had much more to do than pray for nearly five hours a day: He needed to figure out how to earn enough money to keep the abbey goinin rural Sparta, Wis., he had much more to do than pray for nearly five hours a day: He needed to figure out how to earn enough money to keep the abbey going.
Google's balloons fly free and out of eyesight, scavenging power from card table - sized solar panels that dangle below and gather enough charge in four hours to power them for a day as the balloons sail around the globe on the prevailing winds.
But perhaps our favorite story came from one buyer to whom bitcoin not only gave back time — the bitcoin payment cleared in one hour instead of the several days for a traditional bank transfer — but also enough money to buy a new sportscar.
During the last hour of trading on Monday, stock markets in the United States rose enough for the day to end slightly ahead.
The same people who protest international support for third - world countries saying «we need to take care of our own first» are ironically the same people who actually want to abolish food stamps, the WIC program, free school lunches, welfare and social security in the US, never mind the fact that the people who benefit from these programs are the ones who cut their lawns, clean their homes, serve their meals in restaurants, and build their houses, all while going home to a tiny apartment they share with 6 other people and finding nothing to eat in the house but a can of green beans because payday is still 2 days off and there's only enough gas in the car to get them to work the next two days, so driving around town for 2 hours trying to find an open food bank isn't an option.
The parables disclose with what pleasure and tolerance he surveyed the broad scene of human activity: the merchant seeking pearls; the farmer sowing his fields; the real - estate man trying to buy a piece of land in which he had secret reason to believe a treasure lay buried; the dishonest secretary, who had been given notice, making friends against the evil day among his employer's debtors by reducing their obligations; the five young women sleeping with lamps burning while the bridegroom tarried and unable to attend the marriage because their sisters who had had foresight enough to bring additional oil refused to lend them any; the rich man whose guests for dinner all made excuses; the man comfortably in bed with his children who gets up at midnight to help his importunate neighbor only because he despairs of getting rid of him otherwise; the king who is out to capture a city; the man who built his house upon the sand and lost it in the first storm of wind and rain; the queer employer who pays all of his men the same wage whether they have worked the whole day or a single hour; the great lord who going to a distant land entrusts his property to his three servants and judges them by the success of their investments when he returns; the shepherd whose sheep falls into a ditch; the woman with ten pieces of silver who, losing one, lights the candle and sweeps diligently till she finds it, and makes the finding of it the occasion of a celebration in which all of her neighbors are invited to share — and how long such a list might be!
In other words, while American TV was importing the equivalent of two broadcast days» worth of programming a year, they were exporting enough to fill the broadcasting schedules of twenty - two TV networks, operating eighteen hours a day for a year!
I've had requests for more fish and seafood recipes lately and since there aren't enough hours in the day and days in the week, we'll be sharing some recipes from the archives.
Reducing the overfill of a 450 - gram pack by one gram, on a line producing 200 packs per minute running 16 hours a day for 230 days a year, would result in you saving enough raw materials to make an additional 98133 products.
He finished in 12 days, 18 hours, 35 minutes and 13 seconds, good enough for 36th place.
He opined, though, that the matches had to be close enough to make a possible shootout between Day and No. 1 Jordan Spieth in Sunday's finale worth watching — for those in the U.S. willing to tune in on the proceedings into the wee hours of the morning.
Chris's wife had had enough of his obsessive comments and discussions about all things Arsenal and didn't want to hear about it for 20 out of the 24 hours in a day.
I'm pretty sure we'll be buying the Sleepyhead Grand (suitable for 9 - 36 months) when Charlie is old enough, he now sleeps for a couple of hours in the day instead of little naps, which has transformed our day for the better.
Always make sure to get enough fluids: it's recommended to drink eight 8 - ounce glasses per day, plus another 8 - ounce glass for every hour spent outside in the summer heat.
I just happened to run across is paid I was looking up information in regards to breastfeeding I have breasts at all my kids I have 5 my baby is 11 months and I am still breastfeeding I don't want to quit anytime soon especially since I can not have any more children I enjoyed the time that I still have a home and knowing that I am doing good for him makes me feel like a good mother but I am concerned because he doesn't want to eat food very really can I get home to eat he would just nurse all day every hour to two hours he refuses anything in a bottle or cup even if its juice I'm concerned that he's not getting enough to eat because all he wants is to nurse can you please advise me on this thank you
The foods I ate was enough to flare up her reactions and one day she didn't wake up or feed for over 20 hours (most of that time was spent in the ER of course, as I called 911 as soon as I realize she didn't wake up through the night and I couldn't wake her.
Milk will stay fresh for 72 hours or so in the refrigerator, but if the temperature is low enough, the milk may last as long as 8 days.
For a newborn baby, 14 - 18 hours of sleep on average in a day is enough.
As much as I wished I could go beyond the 1 year mark with my 2nd, I just could not do it between waning milk supply, baby teething, not enough time to pump at work, moving and needing a babysitter for several days at a time and traveling (how am I going to nurse an 11 month old between standing in line 3 hours at the aiport, transfers, and trying to get some badly needed shut eye on the airplane?)
I'm breastfeeding my seven week old son and need to start saving milk, I was trying to Pump every two hours but I wasn't getting milk back in enough time to feed my son when he woke up if I start pumping three times a day how long should i pump for on each breast
Using a simple alternator, six hours of pedaling can create and store enough electrical energy in batteries to light about six homes for 30 days (in areas where people use less electricity than in the U.S.).
I think those articles in the past have sort of taken a look at the country and said, you know, «There is not enough consistent solar radiation across the country» or, you know, «It's only for a few hours a day — what do you do all night long?»
With JWST, a few hours of integration time will be enough to detect Earth - like levels of water vapor, molecular oxygen, carbon dioxide and other generic biosignatures on planets orbiting a white dwarf; beyond that, observing the same planet for up to 1.7 days will be enough to detect the two CFCs in concentrations of 750 parts per trillion, or 10 times greater than on Earth.
«I drink enough to use the bathroom every hour,» says Ann Austin, 46, a health - care training and development specialist in St. Louis who has narcolepsy, which causes her to have sudden sleep attacks during the day, particularly when she is driving or working at the computer for long stretches.
Sure enough, two days before my due date, I woke up with contractions around 4 a.m. I didn't want to wake my husband, so I sat in the recliner and timed them for a couple of hours.
This usually means that you select a weight where you can't lift past about a minute or less before your form fails or you can't do another rep.. In Power Hour you train each muscle group for about 5 minutes, so the intensity and trauma is not great enough to require 2 days of rest.
If our 6» 2 ′ man suddenly stops exercising for 2 - 3 hours per day and instead trains for 1 hour a day, then 4,000 or 5,000 calories may be enough to make him seriously overweight in only a couple months.
If you feel tired in mid-afternoon, then you probably have a sleep debt and should try to increase your sleep hours for a few weeks until you can make it through the day with enough energy.
After countless nights of not getting enough sleep, I have discovered that in order for me to be productive and focused during the day, I need to make sure to get in 7 - 8 hours of quality sleep.
Hey Doc I started training at the age of 13 and literally never stopped ever I have had major knee surgeries 5 or so years ago I have had countless stressful jobs I could not stand I finally said enough is enough and pursued by Personal training career I have an unbelievable passion for the fitness / nutrition lifestyle I'm 26 now at the age of 22 - 23 I achieved body fat percentage of 2 percent while working a back breaking job and literally sleeping 2 - 3 hours a night due to my hormone imbalance I didn't have a spoil meal in 8 months I was finally achieving the look I've been longing for for the 10 years I was already training and it was due to proper training times and nutrition little did i know I was already deep in a over trained zone for years before that I used to spend 3 - 5 hours a day in the gym from the age of 14 through 19 years old i just loved it so much and though more was better as I got older I got smarter I studied non stop this all leads to my decline at age 23 I look back and I know every little thing I did wrong basically al all started at work 3 years ago to make a very long story short I had continued dizziness lack of sex drive for years insomnia all of the above to the 10th degree I know I've abused my body not many can say they have done the work i have done in gyms over all these years I left work one night with sharp pains in my abdomen got blood work done got called back a week or so later and was notified in A very unprofessional way that at the age of 23 I had a testosterone level of 73.6 I have all the blood work to prove it from then on I was treated horribly by doctors none believing what I havenput myself through in the prior years basically going into every appointment and teaching each person endos euros physicians etc..
As someone who works full time by day and a style blogger in the evenings and on the weekends, sometimes I feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day, but I wouldn't trade this opportunity for the world!
I would definitely recommend a visit to Charleston and Savannah (they are only a 2 hour drive apart) for 4 - 5 days to have enough time to see all of the history, landscape and fit in all of the yummy food!
That feeling of «there aren't enough hours in the day» is an ongoing one for me.
Notice I didn't say I changed into a morning person:) Basically though, you need to get up at the same time in the morning every day, for at least 2 - 3 weeks, and go to sleep early enough to get 8 hours of sleep.
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