Sentences with phrase «enough leverage»

Libraries simply do not have enough leverage against major publishers and retailers to improve this situation in the private sector.
It's almost impossible to get enough leverage for the familiar one - handed - laptop - carry.
But with Al and Felder there, he was the least deserving, but the biggest name, so not enough leverage
The companies say that consolidation is necessary to keep up with other mergers in the health care space, and the combining forces is the only way for them to gain enough leverage in order to keep costs low for consumers.
If those advertisers threatened to stay away from Watch until Facebook fixed its fake - news issues, I have a feeling that'd create enough leverage to force change.
Productive third - party involvement designed to alter the confrontational foreign policy narrative as well as a structural environment that allows enough leverage for domestic decision makers (elected civilian leadership in Pakistan's case) to implement and enforce new policies are also imperative for change to happen.
I wanted to own my home outright and lower my COL as a purely commission based earner that had enough leverage on his money already.
Defiant and determined to transform the Democratic Party, Sen. Bernie Sanders is opening a two - month phase of his presidential campaign aimed at inflicting a heavy blow on Hillary Clinton in California and amassing enough leverage to advance his agenda at the convention in July — or even wrest the nomination from her.
Either one would build up enough leverage if the economy had the oomph to absorb it.
Now, however, the internet has given fandom enough leverage to allow the dubiously legal practice of writing about other people's characters...
There are people who point out that the Lightning Network might not offer enough leverage to scale, if Bitcoin really wants to become a truly global settlement layer for payments with virtually no fees and almost instant transaction times.
I am very new to the concept of bargaining (learned the hard way during a recent trip to Mexico) and I don't see how one person gets enough leverage to negotiate effectively with a bank.
If those advertisers threatened to stay away from Watch until Facebook fixed its fake news issues, I have a feeling that'd create enough leverage to force change.
Health care is very local, and companies have traditionally had a hard time preventing hospitals and doctors from raising prices or delivering mediocre care, because they don't have enough leverage to force health care providers to do things differently.
The invoice itself is enough leverage to support a loan that will help you fill the orders and finance your business while you wait to receive your clients» payments.
But these World Championships, begun in 1983, were a Nebiolo creation, and their success gave him enough leverage to force his way onto the International Olympic Committee.
For all that rhetoric, however, it was not clear that Mr. Cuomo, or other Democrats, had enough leverage to convince Mr. Felder that he would pay a political price, and even if so, whether they would use it any time soon.
You won't have enough leverage, and even if you shift it a little, it'll settle back down as soon as you stop pushing.
Me and my friend tried to change the oil on my car, but one problem is my jack wouldn't put the car up high enough to give me enough leverage to break the bolt at the bottom of the tank.
Because I'm fairly short, once I unhook the single, central latch inside, I have to get out of the car to get enough leverage to be able to snap the top into place.
To get the seat to recline, I had to put my footrest up and have my feet fully planted on the ground to get enough leverage to push the seat back.
Budgeting $ 20 to $ 50 per month can give you enough leverage to afford a policy without spreading your budget too thin.
They may grant you a short hold on the loan, which can give you (or the person you cosigned for) enough leverage to get your finances back on track, and your lender, a better chance of being paid back.
Misuse of data is bad, but some coverage of Cambridge Analytica suggests that knowing what someone liked on Facebook is enough leverage to transform elections.
It wasn't until the Galaxy S III that the Korean electronics firm had enough leverage to say, «You know what, we are going to sell one version of the Galaxy S, and that's that.»
Carriers can place five or six small - cell sites around an existing macro site, giving them enough leverage to force rent concessions by threatening to decommission the macro site, he notes, in conjunction with early termination clauses.
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