Sentences with phrase «enough support in»

The Too Human developer had sought $ 58 million in damages from Epic after it claimed the Gears of War studio had failed to provide enough support in its use of Unreal Engine 3, and said this resulted in disappointing sales and a poor critical reception.
Analysts believe there is enough support in both Houses of Congress to override Obama's veto, but there is no way to tell if it will have a negative impact on car sales.
This section will be updated with techniques for using multiple renditions when there is enough support in Reading Systems to broadly recommend their use.
They are supremely comfortable and still manage to provide just enough support in cornering.
A comprehensive approach to education reform, with enough support in the education community, is an «absolute priority,» she wrote in an essay in the Wisconsin State Journal.
Last February, a voucher bill from Rep. Dunn (R - Knoxville) stalled when Rep. Dunn realized he did not have enough support in the House of Representative for it to pass.
It simply doesn't have enough support in the state House to pass.
«I don't think there is enough financial support for children with linguistic challenges and I don't think teachers have historically had enough support in supporting EAL students,» she says.
«Miss Sloane» centers on the lobbyist's efforts, along with her small band of young associates, to garner enough support in the Senate to get a controversial gun registration bill passed.
Sometimes they are too short, they don't cover the booty or there isn't enough support in the bust.
Claiming that many universities do not give new lecturers enough support in fulfilling their job requirements, such as course development and supervising students, the report concludes that «institutions should be required to submit a staff development strategy as a precondition for the release of research funding.»
McMahon pulled the resolution from the meeting agenda Tuesday after there was not enough support in a private Republican caucus.
A bill has enough support in the City Council to override a veto by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, but Speaker Christine Quinn has yet to allow a vote.
While the replacement of the FPTP system had been considered since as early as the turn of the twentieth century, it never garnered enough support in Westminster, until the Conservative - Liberal Democrat coalition took office in 2010.
The bill was proposed shortly after another 2016 bill, which sought to ban plastic bags altogether, failed to gain enough support in the county Legislature.
The long - stalled measures were tabled at the behest of Mayor de Blasio, even though sources said there is more than enough support in the council to pass them.
Demonstrators by the hundreds — both those in favor of same - sex marriage and those opposed — jammed the halls of the capital Monday as lawmakers continued to haggle over language that will protect religious institutions and garner enough support in the Republican - controlled Senate for the bill to pass.
The measure failed to garner enough support in previous years.
In the UK Parliament, the Queen's Speech is generally seen as a confidence motion: if the government can't pass it, they don't have enough support in the House of Commons and will probably have to...
has told gay advocacy groups that she will allow a floor vote if there is enough support in favor of a repeal.
Both Faso and Collins have indicated they would try to push for the Medicaid proposal again after the broader American Health Care Act, the replacement bill for the Affordable Care Act, failed to gain enough support in the Republican - led House of Representatives.
Assemblyman Michael Cusick (D - Staten Island), who sponsored the bill outlawing the bag fee in the Assembly, said there's enough support in the chamber to pass it.
Harsher punishments for those who flee the scenes of serious car accidents will have to wait another year, lawmakers say, after a pair of bills — one passed by the state Senate, another by the Assembly — failed to get enough support in the opposite house.
The prime minister is desperate to make sure he wins enough support in the House of Commons to send RAF jets to fight ISIS in Syria.
Assembly Member Mike Cusick (D)-- Staten Island said Monday that he believes he has enough support in the full Assembly to pass the bill right now.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie in a radio interview on Friday doubted whether there was enough support in the Democratic conference for the approval of the education - tax credit, a controversial measure opposed by the state's teachers unions.
But even Dr. Wolynn, who is also a certified lactation consultant, seemed skeptical when I related Kelly's tale — usually women struggle because they haven't had enough support in the first few days after giving birth, in his experience.
It is used mostly as a front carrier and while there may be instructions on using it as a back carrier, it is not recommended, as there's not enough support in the stretchy fabric to do a back carry safely.
Just think about the volume of players that could be sold if we had enough support in the club to make those sales happen...

Not exact matches

Property developers are unhappy with how the National Broadband Network is being rolled out in Western Australia, complaining they are not receiving enough guidance and support from NBN Co..
«They didn't test the product enough and in the right variety of circumstances, especially considering that a wood surface is a very likely support for the product,» said Ignazio Moresco, a product design expert who has worked at frog design, Microsoft and Ericsson.
I found these sneakers to be cushy, bouncy, comfortable, and flexible with just enough arch support in the footbed.
You join a mom's group, but a few weeks isn't enough time to form any real bonds, and you never build that support system that would come in so handy later on.
And yet, various players in the recorded - music industry — record labels, publishing companies, music distributors and even individual artists — routinely argue that services like Spotify aren't paying enough, and that advertising - supported services like YouTube are even worse.
Even so, recognize that data science and engineering go hand in hand, and do what you can to provide enough engineering support for your data scientist to get the job done.
In typical Google style, this boring name hides something fairly revolutionary — or something that could be revolutionary if enough media companies support it.
Or, just as bad, they slap together a brand in a few minutes thinking that it will be enough to support their business.
Throughout the rest of 2018, GM's crossover sales should be strong enough to support margins despite costs from new truck launches, CFRA analyst Efraim Levy said in a note Thursday.
But for his proposal to be put forward for consideration by Dell shareholders, he must first succeed in having Michael Dell's offer voted down and then win enough shareholder support to replace the members of Dell's board with his own nominees.
As a result, economists argue politicians should be doing everything possible to ensure the private sector in this country is strong enough to support the economy when stimulus dollars disappear and central banks tighten monetary policy.
Do you have enough money in either of these plans to support you in retirement?
If you will not have enough money in either a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA to support you upon retirement and you're perhaps looking to Social Security to give you that boost, it's possible that you may have to pay taxes on some of your benefits.
Our advice: This is a scenario in which you should ask our second question, «Is there a segment of the market that would appreciate what differentiates your product / service offering, and is it large enough to support your business»?
While McCaskill's support is good news for those who wish to see the decision overturned, the vote in itself will not be enough to ensure that net neutrality will be restored.
But Democrats and some tax policy experts say that while his proposal is a step in the right direction, it doesn't do enough to support low - income families who arguably benefit most from the extra income.
Elsewhere in Europe, countries such as Italy, Hungary and Bulgaria have strong enough support for these parties to achieve a modest presence in the legislative branch.
As the world shifts to mobile, Facebook's current mobile advertising strategy, which includes showing sponsored stories in a user's newsfeed on their device, is simply not enough to support the company's current valuation, Greenfield said.
Preserving the euro has been enough to sway support for Greek rescues in the past, but political conditions could have changed.
Like much of the research on how diet affects health, the research on the link between meat and cancer has enough ambiguity that it's possible to cherry - pick a research list that supports either position, but many reviews of research on the best - established link between meat and cancer — colorectal cancer — find, as this 2014 review published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition does, that there is a convincing association between meat eating and colorectal cancer.
Italy's borrowing costs have come down in recent months, helped by the promise of European Central Bank support but the election result confirmed fears that it would not produce a government strong enough to implement effective reforms.
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