Sentences with phrase «enough time during the day»

I guess the shorter daylight hours just doesn't give the sun enough time during the day to warm things up in here.
«Families should proactively think about their children's media use and talk with children about it, because too much media use can mean that children don't have enough time during the day to play, study, talk, or sleep.

Not exact matches

Sepeti says she and Ken built enough of a client base during their part time days to support the business, but they didn't have any money for advertising.
Since I am the only one earning money for my family, I just want to give enough time for them staying at home during off work than getting a part - time jobs outside and travelling so many hours but not satisfied to earn enough money affecting lack of time for family and gives a tiresome day go back to home.
It gets cold in Vancouver during the winter, usually only for a few days at a time, but long enough that it has taken a toll on a few of my patio plants.
As it is, I feel like I'm not spending enough time with them because I'm away during the day, practicing and working.»
Picture this, we don't come out of the gate firing on all cylinders, Wenger speaks of how there wasn't enough time for the first - teamers to build chemistry, several key players aren't even playing because of Wenger's utterly ridiculous policy regarding players who played in the Confed Cup or the under21s and the boo - birds have returned in full flight... if these things were to happen, which is quite possible considering the Groundhog Day mentality of this club, how long do you think it will take for Wenger to recant his earlier statements regarding Europa... I would suggest that it's these sorts of comments from Wenger which are often his undoing... why would any manager worth his weight in salt make such a definitive statement before the season has even started... why would any manager who fashions himself an educated man make such pronouncements before even knowing what his starting 11 will be come Friday, let alone on September 1st... why would any manager who has a tenuous relationship with a great many supporters offer up such a potentially contentious talking point considering how many times his own words have come back to bite him in the ass... I think he does this because he doesn't care what you or I think, in fact he's more than slightly infuriated by the very idea of having to answer to the likes of you and me... that might have been acceptable during his formative years in charge, when the fans were rewarded with an scintillating brand of football and success felt like a forgone conclusion, but this new Wenger led team barely resembles that team of ore... whereas in times past we relished a few words from our seemingly cerebral manager, in recent times those words have been replaced by a myriad of excuses, a plethora of infuriating stories about who he could have signed but didn't and what can only be construed as outright fabrications... it's kind of funny that when we want some answers, like during the whole contract debacle of last season, we can't get an intelligent word out of him, but when we just what him to show his managerial acumen through his actions, we can't seem to get him to shut - up... I beg you to prove me wrong Arsene
Michael Owen is a horse enthusiast; he even owns race horses and has even bred a few of his own but unfortunately for the Englishman, Owen could never learn to ride or race in competitions during his playing days but since he retired over 3 years ago, the Ballon d'Or winner has enough time to focus on training and learn the ins and outs of horses and horse racing.
In the United States we have horrible parental leave policies and some improved protections for pumping moms, not all moms can take time off during the work day to pump or pump enough breast milk to feed their babies, while they are at work.
I mean like the whole day I'll be feeding there something that I m not producing enough milk during day time..
I would say to continue to follow the Babywise schedule, make sure they are getting enough feedings during the day and with time, they'll start to sleep longer.
And I had every possible support — best breastpump I could buy, an office with a door, and almost total control over my time during the workday, and I still couldn't pump enough to get my son through a day at daycare.
If after six months, when they are eating solid food, you're finding that you're having a hard time getting enough milk during the day by pumping, you can save the meals of baby food for your day care provider to feed.
Sure it was a roller - coaster ride of ups and downs, of crying, of sore nipples, and thinking of giving up as I did not know what I was doing wrong, of pressure from family and friends who were not sure I could produce enough milk, of sleepless nights, and extensive pain because of my cesarean wounds, of managing my time to work, and breastfeeding before leaving for work, during my noon breaks, and after the working day was over.
When a majority of the time during the day has to be dedicated to behavior management, there isn't enough time left to tend to the many other tasks of running a child care program.
I have a hard enough time trying to limit nursing to just before bed, it makes me want to cry sometimes because he wants to nurse when we are at home during the day, but it hurts so bad.
By historic standards, 12 years isn't a very long time, but it is long enough for Naperville residents to have embraced the tradition of visiting Naper Settlement, a 19th Century living history museum village, during the days before and after Christmas.
Get down to that one feeding for long enough that she's basically forgotten that she used to nurse any other time during the day.
The problem with this sleep scenario is that baby will often wake frequently during the night because he isn't enjoying long enough stretches of awake time during the day.
I readily quit my job when baby # 1 came along because it was just a job, with a company I didn't like much, that came with a salary that wasn't enough to justify my leaving my baby BUT also because being with my baby became my tafkid (i.e., filled me in other ways than just occupying me during the day) and was enough for me at that point in time.
Initially, you will want to have enough nursing pads to replace them every few hours during the day (3 - 4 times), if necessary.
If your baby is not sleeping at night (or during naps), it's okay to rely on your baby's nap sleep crutch to ensure that your child gets enough naps at the right times of the day.
Then after she had day - trained, I continued to use these for many months on occasion, such as traveling or long car rides, or times when she might fall asleep in the car (she was not dry during sleep yet), or shopping trips, or if her grandparents were babysitting and she might not be as likely to tell them she had to go potty quickly enough.
If a baby doesn't nap enough during the day, or too much, it will affect their night - time sleep.
When I explained to my husband why we didn't have enough milk the next day, he was much more supportive during pumping time.
In other words, if you could pump another time right after your son goes down to sleep, and then again right before you go to bed, you could end up in a week or two producing more milk in the evening and being able to pump enough then to make up for his needs during the day.
During these somewhat harried days, it may be hard to carve out enough nursing time with baby to reconnect, but lying down with a nursling will rejuvenate you both and keep that unique bond alive!
But yeah I just kind of need to figure out because I, you know work can be stressful enough to have a fair commute, and I would actually have to add time into my workday to fit in the pumping's during the day and that would take time away from my daughter at night and I really don't want to do that.
I will say that by the time he got to around 3 months old things got a pretty difficult with the daytime nap situation; he just wouldn't sleep enough during the day, and it caused him to be very cranky from the late afternoon until bedtime.
Sometimes a working mom will find that her baby drinks only enough during the day to take the edge off his hunger, but then spends the evening nursing non-stop and wakes several times throughout the night to nurse.
I plan on continuing to breastfeed her nightly and like someone else mentioned I can barely pump 3 oz so to be able to save enough for the whole time I'll be away would be hard to do, this will allow me to pump for her night feedings and have her drink Baboo during the day.
I find pumping really difficult and do not think I'd have enough time to do it during my working day.
Even active babies and toddlers whose mothers care for them full - time don't always manage to get enough cuddling during the day.
It came to be that in January, I wasn't pumping enough to make my time worth it just for the few ounces I was getting (and there was no possible way to add more pumping time in during the day).
Like Messick, the need to rapidly compile the results for the compendium paper and write several others made life a little hectic for Kilpatrick, who says that during such times it is essential to not lose sight of all the other important aspects of day - to - day life, such as getting enough sleep; eating well; speaking with family; and, in his case, going to church.
Principal investigators, I call on you to value healthy lifestyles enough to insist that your employees and trainees make time to exercise during the day!
They're bad enough during the day (I recommend turning off all notifications during the day so you're the boss of your time, not your phone).
Television viewing time and reduced life expectancy: a life table analysis Suppression of skeletal muscle lipoprotein lipase activity during physical inactivity: a molecular reason to maintain daily low - intensity activity How many steps / day are enough?
Although such trainees may eat enough calories at times, they often compensate for those high - calorie days by lowering their calories on the following day or even drastically lowering the calories during the rest of the day when they ate a high calorie meal.
During sleep your body and gut do their major self - regulating functions, and if this is disrupted by too much technology, stress, or not allotting enough time for sleep, you will miss out on the full benefits of these three days.
However, most of us have days during which we may not be able to get enough sun exposure, either due to weather or time constraints.
If you're feeling unfocused and having difficult time completing tasks during your day, you may not be getting enough rest.
Tabata type workouts are great because you can fit them in somewhere during your day even if you don't have enough time to go to the gym.
I did this all the time during my early days of being gluten - free when I wasn't well versed enough in scanning the menu for problem dishes.
We use pocket diapers (various brands) during the day but I have had those leak from time to time when they didn't get changed soon enough.
Of course that's a bad strategy especially if you're in a race but during your practices, during your workout, go too hard a couple of times so you know what it feels like — where too hard is and where just hard enough is so you can gauge that when it comes to race day.
If you have enough available time, you can practice recover sessions during the training days as well.
If you're generally healthy but want to make sure you're getting enough or want to boost your D during less - sunny months (when your body has a harder time making enough on its own), Dr. Jampolis recommends taking 1,000 to 2,000 IU of D3 a day in the winter (or year - round if you're overweight or don't get much sun).
In the past I've always visited during Christmas as I get the most vacation days during that time, but now that I'm a full - time blogger I am lucky enough to be able to spend Chinese New Year's with my family, something I haven't done in years.
By the end of our week in Nicaragua, I felt like I had enough sun, so my boyfriend and I skipped the beach during the day and opted for some chill time on our deck.
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