Sentences with phrase «enslaved all»

And we must struggle with the idea that this God of liberation is slow to be moved by injustice, for instance, when the Israelites are enslaved by the Egyptians.»
In a glowing review of a movie called A Perfect Family, Rex Reed writes that the main character Eileen is «a devout, self - obsessed Catholic so enslaved by dogma and ritual that she crosses herself and gives thanks to God before she so much as eats a vegetarian tamale.»
We are to be who God made us to be, rather than enslaved to the thinks that make us less than who God wants us to be.
I actually have an ultra-religious gay friend who married his male partner and you should hear how they skirt around the words of the bible to justify themselves in the eyes of a god they are still enslaved to.
Every declaration of independence such as those of Venezuela and Bolivia can increase the likelihood that economically enslaved nations will begin to act in their own interest.
Regarding malakoi, Matthew notes that most uses of the word in ancient literature are not related to same - sex behavior but rather to men who were self - indulgent and enslaved to their passions... for women.
No longer enslaved by sin and death, the disciple is equipped to challenge evil, sin and death through this initiation into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
He wants us to be free and prosperous (not in the material sense), not enslaved by sin which destroys us and our relationship with Him.
The trees of the field shall yield their fruit, and the earth shall yield its increase, and they shall be secure in the land; they shall know that I am the Lord when I break the bars of their yoke, and deliver them from the hand of those who enslaved them.
BARBARIC??? Before we label «Barbaric» other countries system we should see how «Barbaric» is for the US, corporate and financial system NOT to give a damn about the real American working people who support [by being enslaved and blackmailed] the wealth of those who, instead, destroyed the economy and what was hardly achieved in 60 years!
At that point the devil has control and one is soul enslaved.
Those whacky Franciscan priests took special delight in burning entire clans in their kivas, and Onate was clearly filled with God's love when he killed 800 Acoma villagers, including men, women and children, enslaved the remaining 500, and amputated the left foot of every Acoma man over the age of twenty - five... because they wouldn't give up their winter supplies to support the missions.
I mean not just ideologically but physically, and people are being enslaved and killed because they are Christians.
Let's also not forget the many, many people who have killed or enslaved others in the name of God or used the Bible to justify their atrocious actions.
Anyone willing to let their mind be enslaved by the idea of an imaginary friend in the sky for adults really isn't the brightest person in the first place.
It is not the kind of obedience, however, which takes from him the need to think and make decisions, as it would be, perhaps, if he had become enslaved to a fellowman.
We can become so burdened with the intensity of our missions that we become as enslaved as those we're trying to free.
According to this understanding of revelation, sin means the obscuring of our true possibilities from ourselves, a circumscription that leaves us unfulfilled and enslaved.
Rather the conference was about the possibility of leading transformed lives, not enslaved to same - sex attractions or any other desires to do what God expressly forbids.
Resistance leads toward freedom — for the enslaved, but also for those who are so lost in the pretensions of their power that they do not know themselves as enslavers.
I'm convinced that many of us have become enslaved to sharing our own opinions at the expense of building community.
Cone blended the racial pride of the black power movement with an emphasis on social justice that had been a part of the black church since enslaved Africans first read the Bible.
The old covenant was what enslaved men, so when Jesus replaced it, we became free.
But we do not condemn the people who are enslaved to these sins.
Eyeing but one party and leaving alone all those rich elders and their sons of high society going to third world nations / countries seeking acts of sensualistic desires with enslaved «children» seems to have slipped thru your reason abilities...
The blacks enslaved by the South weren't actually natural slaves, and they weren't actually happy to be deprived of their freedom.
Jesus is telling His disciples that through His blood, that is, through His violent death as a sacrificial scapegoat, they will gain deliverance and release from the sin that has enslaved humanity since the foundation of the world.
There are 35 million people enslaved, right now, in this world.
Greg implies that though most churches in the world are enslaved to the Powers, he and his church have found a better way.
As a result, they have become fully enslaved to sin, to the point that they no longer care about spiritual things and will never believe in Jesus.
We were enslaved to sin the moment we fell (partook of the tree in disobedience to God).
Mammon can be enslaved and made to serve the will of God, but it has many subtle ways of making itself the master instead of the slave.
She saw the prostitutes as young girls enslaved to sin.
Such character - centered writing is a mark of good fiction in any genre, but in detective novels, where the author may feel enslaved to solution - hungry readers, it's especially rare.
Throughout the period of slavery, as numbers of diaries and journals reveal, many across the barriers separating the slaveholding from the enslaved knew each other as friends.
The Spanish conquest in the early 16th century enslaved Indians to work in mines and on plantations.
The Banu Qurayza eventually surrendered and all the men, apart from a few who converted to Islam, were beheaded, while the women and children were enslaved
But the resistance must come from the core belief that our enemies are not humans, but are powers and systems which have enslaved humans, and the one things these powers want is death and destruction.
Yes, Jesus clearly speaks against becoming enslaved to the archys (the religious establishment, the government, the education system and others).
Black theology has its deepest rootage in the experience of enslaved and oppressed Africans, and in their appropriation of the witness of scripture; but not in the philosophical and theological traditions of the Western academy and in its medieval and Greek forebears.
While life and love and good things need to be free, none of us are perfect and not enslaved to one thing or another, at times.
Rameses in Egypt was one of the dreadful places where the enslaved Hebrew people were forced to construct a «supply city» for Pharaoh.
Sooner or later every enslaved will know that he / she is the only one who can make themselves free from any slavery.
If they choose to undergo circumcision they will not only be trying to please humans; they will be enslaved to them.
The treatment of people outside Christianity was even worse, such as our treatment of «pagans» who refused to convert to Christianity after it became the official religion of the Roman Empire, or the Jews during most of Christian history, or other religious groups in Germany and Great Britain who were slaughtered and enslaved by invading Christian armies, or the enslavement of Native Americans and Africans by imperialistic Christian settlers of the «New World.»
He is not enslaved to them individually or collectively, so that he must always use them whether relevant or not.
Christians must minister with compassion and mercy to those it has enslaved.
ISIS has bombed revered religious sites, murdered hundreds and tortured and enslaved many others - all in the name of building an Islamic state.
To choose circumcision is to please human authority; indeed, it is to become enslaved to it.
Yet it also contends that we are enslaved to evil.
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