Sentences with phrase «ensure health equity»

«We hope that further research will culminate in the development of effective policies that will ensure health equity for all children,» said Tasian.

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«We view pay and promotion parity as signals of the overall health of our company as well as a means of ensuring equity for all employees,» the companies chief diversity and inclusion officer at the time, Danielle Brown, said in the report.
«We view pay and promotion parity as signals of the overall health of our company as well as a means of ensuring equity for all employees,» Brown wrote in the report.
The former New York senator's campaign said she would ensure enforcement of mental health parity, noting her sponsorship of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and subsequent Affordable Carhealth parity, noting her sponsorship of the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and subsequent Affordable CarHealth Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 and subsequent Affordable Care Act.
Gianaris and Democrats say Republicans have blocked action on measures that would preserve women's health, ensure pay equity and safeguard against potentially negative affects from hydrofracking.
For 2017, there were recommendations in the areas of ensuring equity, promoting excellence, and supporting educators ( and positions related to standards development and implementation, educating students in a changing world, the whole child, health and learning, closing the achievement gap, and multiple measures of assessment.
He believes that this cultural shift goes a long way to fixing the problem, symbolized by the equity policy he helped get passed in Fairfax County Public Schools to ensure equity for every service enacted, including health care.
A modernized teacher workforce is critical when it comes to improving academic achievement, moving toward educational equity, and ensuring the health of the national economy.
«Equity is vital to the health and vibrancy of Brookline, the surrounding municipalities, and the region, and the expanded income - eligible program will help us achieve these goals by ensuring all residents have access to active transportation.
# a new Securities Transfer Act will be enacted to provide a modern framework for the transfer of shares, bonds and other securities, and promote interprovincial and international harmonization of rules; # personal health information access and privacy legislation will be introduced to balance the individual's right to confidentiality with the need to get information for legitimate health purposes; # government will receive the report of the Task Force on Access to Family Justice, and respond to its recommendations accordingly; # a Building Code Act will be enacted that establishes a chief building inspector position, promotes consumer safety, and provides for province wide adoption of the National Building Code and mandatory inspections by qualified inspectors; # a Heritage Conservation Act will be introduced to improve heritage stewardship; # a new Pay Equity Act will be introduced to ensure that pay equity legislation applies to all parts of the public seEquity Act will be introduced to ensure that pay equity legislation applies to all parts of the public seequity legislation applies to all parts of the public service.
In the lead up to this hard fought for progress, Planned Parenthood worked with women's health and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer supporters in Congress and across the country to support the Peace Corps Equity Act, a bill that would correct this inequity and ensure fair treatment for Peace Corps Volunteers.
However, their funding model is likely to ensure their focus is on providing health care to individual patients who present to the centre, rather than a focus on improving health of a defined population; explicitly addressing equity; or a focus on social determinants of health.
The health system should be free from racism and ensure equity of access to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders.
Embody social justice by promoting equity in access to health information and services; empowering individuals and communities to be safe, healthy and strong; and ensuring that all people can have the kinds of relationships and families they want at the most optimal time and in the most optimal circumstances for them.
Payment for health - care services, as well as services related to the underlying determinants of health, has to be based on the principle of equity, ensuring that these services, whether privately or publicly provided, are affordable for all, including socially disadvantaged groups.
Equity of access: Requirements of Indigenous families and communities to ensure equitable access to government - approved childcare settings in Australia, by Stephanie Jackiewicz (Telethon Institute for Child Health Research), Sherry Saggers and Kate Frances (Curtin University), Australasian Journal of Early Childhood — Vol.
The mission of the Health Equity and Access Unit (HEAU) is to ensure Metro South Health offers equitable, accessible and culturally appropriate services.
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