Sentences with phrase «entertainment forms»

The reality is that even dedicated readers find the logic of buying a tablet that features any number of entertainment forms, email and web access more compelling than a dedicated ereader.
Is the dive into much lower pricing inevitable if literature of all stripes is to stand up to other entertainment forms and media?
I hope to continue writing reviews when time allows (full time work is time consuming) and will continue to voice my reasons on why I believe gaming is an outstanding entertainment form.
Sharing insightful anecdotes they showed how complex narration techniques move the games medium into the realm of one of the most compelling entertainment forms of our time.
My theory is that Apple does not see trade book reading as a huge component in the iPad's success but rather sees it as a key entertainment form that must be included.
Uppers is set on an isolated island where fighting has become the most popular entertainment form.
Guillaume de Fondaumière, Co-CEO at Quantic Dream commented: «Our objective is to make this media a mainstream entertainment form with high creative expectations.
With his inspiring visions of the future of today's most powerful entertainment form, the star game designer and CEO of Lionhead Studios wraps up the conference in style.
Many new home entertainment forms seems to have to go through this type of process to some degree to become socially acceptable, recent examples in my mind being home video, satellite TV, console games and now the internet.
Mirroring the words of Sam Houser, it is great to see videogames starting to be acknowledged at the same level as other entertainment forms.
They baby walkers come in various themes, colors and entertainment form to win the approval of your baby from the very first day.
It seems strange, then, that the most technological of all entertainment forms, video games, has almost no criticism to its name.
Entertainment forms have certainly changed over time, but the bottom line remains: people want to experience some form of escapism, whether it is in front of a theater screen, in a concert venue, or around the circus ring.
Entertainment forms have certainly changed...
This means we don't confine ourselves to just one type of product or entertainment form.
He is an outspoken advocate for pushing the current boundaries of design and interactivity, so that games will achieve their full potential as this century's premiere art and entertainment form.
He is an outspoken advocate for pushing the boundaries of design and interactivity, so that games will achieve their full potential as this century's premiere art and entertainment form.
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