Sentences with phrase «entire century»

When family members have been isolated for a long time — in the case of the autocephalous Orthodox Churches, for entire centuries — it is natural for fear and uncertainty to overshadow the possibility of conversation.
Data from six waves of the Swedish Level of Living Survey (LNU) are ideal for our purpose as they include a broad range of childhood and adult living conditions for one entire century of Swedes, born between 1892 and 1991.
Over the entire century, high - grade corporate bonds offered an incremental 0.5 % of compounded return as a default risk premium.
The move resulted in an organic rivalry with Tottenham Hotspur, which has lasted for an entire Century.
The temperature baseline used in the Paris climate agreement may have discounted an entire century's worth of human - caused global warming, a new study has found.
«Light - water reactors are with us for the entire century,» Kazimi noted.
The big news here is that there's no peaking and no decline, and continued increases over the entire century to 10 billion.
Based on the fantasy novel by Mark Helprin and written and directed by Oscar - winning filmmaker Akiva Goldsman, Winter's Tale tells the story of a mysterious young man in early 1900's New York (Colin Farrell) who is being hunted through an entire century by an evil demon (Russell Crowe).
Almost an entire century after the world's first cinematic introduction to Dracula placed audiences under his haunting spell, the studio that pioneered the genre reawakens one of legend's most captivating figures in an action - adventure that heralds a pulse - pounding rebirth of the age of monsters.
Across our nation, school design and construction has changed little during the past three - quarters of a century; some might argue over an entire century!
Ourednik doesn't claim to tell the full history of an entire century in 122 pages, and your story doesn't have to cover a subject in its entirety either.
Over the course of six adventures, and an entire century of local history, Touchstone Season 1 builds into a moving coming - of - age saga that has won plaudits from young and old readers alike with its intelligent blend of time travel adventure, science fiction, historical romance and fantasy.
The USD was strong — only the Swiss Franc appreciated against it over the entire century.
The Whitney offers a singular view of American art, assimilating an entire century into three postwar movements — Abstract Expressionism, Pop Art, and Minimalism.
Imagine sculpture in New York's Guggenheim Museum, including more than 100 works spanning an entire century.
From an opening wall of flashy realism, one turns left — and a Jackson Pollock hangs as if floating over the entire century.
What we call «Modern Art» lasted for an entire century and involved dozens of different art movements, embracing almost everything from pure abstraction to hyperrealism; from anti-art schools like Dada and Fluxus to classical painting and sculpture; from Art Nouveau to Bauhaus and Pop Art.
As you may have heard, New York's young artist community has been in a rather fast migration away from Manhattan for this entire century.
This year's edition spans an entire century, from the hand - painted color version of Georges Méliès» A Trip to the Moon (1902), unseen for 109 years; to Raúl Ruiz's first feature, Tres tristes tigres (1968), made in his native Chile; to Seijun Suzuki's deliriously hyper - stylized Zigeunerweisen (1980).
One of the great 20th century sculptors, the French artist Louise Bourgeois enjoyed an unbelievably long art career which has spanned almost the entire century.
Spread across two sites, it is nothing less than an anthology of abstract painting spanning an entire century, from early constructivism to post-digital sampling, in which every work holds its own and every work is by a woman.
Basically all the outlet glaciers would have to get into a highly implausible state of utter overdrive and stay there with no slowdowns for the entire century to have Greenland contribute a meter or two (pretty sure I have that basic sketch right).
Since 2007, emissions in the United States have dropped a startling 9 %, ending an entire century of rising emissions.
This study, which was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, is the first to analyze long - term trends in rainfall and surface air temperature over a timescale of nearly an entire century, the study's lead author, Natalie Thomas, a doctoral candidate in atmospheric and oceanic science at the University of Maryland, told Live Science.
The new information is particularly interesting considering that most SLR projections are calculated for the entire century, while this research forecasts levels for 2050 — foreshadowing a more dramatic future — and prompting certain cities to reevaluate their plans to protect their communities.
Assuming emissions are allocated on a per capita basis using 2000 population levels, by 2010 Australia is likely to have consumed nearly half of our total allowed emissions for the entire century, leaving 54 per cent to be distributed over the remaining 90 years.
A recent paper by Andrew Macintosh at the Australia Institute asked how much of our «carbon budget» for the entire century have we have consumed already, if we set the objective of limiting global emissions so as to stabilise concentrations at, say, 550 ppm (itself a target that is too high).6
We have to average below 18 billion tons (below 5 GtC) a year for the entire century if we're going to stabilize at 450 ppm (see «Nature publishes my climate analysis and solution»).
We're at 30 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions a year — rising 3.3 % per year — and we have to average below 18 billion tons a year for the entire century if we're going to stabilize at 450 ppm.
The data set contains indicators on childhood living conditions for an entire century of Swedes, born 1892 — 1991.
Thus, the data set includes information on childhood living conditions for an entire century of Swedes.
«The entire Century 21 team wishes Pat the best as he embarks on this difficult journey.
Congrats to the entire CENTURY 21 Percy Fulton's Management team and sales staff.
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