Sentences with phrase «entire debt»

That's more than $ 4,200 for each of the country's 35 million people, and more than a quarter of the federal government's entire debt load.
The redemption of RMLC's entire debt occurred on August 20, 2014 and the Rensselaer County Nursing Home property, equipment and furnishings were sold to Rensselaer County.
Each partner is jointly and severally liable for the partnership's debts, i.e. rather than the debt being divided up between the partners, each partner is responsible for the entire debt.
At Money magazine, however, reporter Kara Brandeisky found a case study: a 22 - year - old recent college graduate who paid off $ 23,374.84 in student loans — his entire debt — in 10 months.
Plus, he adds, by asking for payment on only the oldest invoice, you are subtly currying goodwill with the customer, who'll appreciate your leniency in not demanding the entire debt.
More than that, at the end of a fixed term, the entire debt is repaid.
Yes, Jesus paid the entire debt for me and the whole world on calvary.
During the entire debt repayment time, I got asked by many if I was going to stop using credit cards after they were done.
You can make payments once a month to pay back the entire debt amount of a whole month for all the creditors.
Your entire debt burden can be eased through the method of debt consolidation whether you do it on your own or take the help of a professional debt consolidation company.
Determine the amount you have to pay monthly as well as the life time of the entire debt.
For example, if you owe a family member or a local business $ 1,000, they might be willing to take $ 500 or $ 600 now, satisfying the entire debt, rather than waiting months to get the full $ 1,000.
You will add the minimum payment amount together and deduct the figure from the amount you have available to commit towards repaying your entire debts.
You can't even begin to rebuild your credit score until the entire debt settlement process is complete, and that could be years.
The entire debt settlement process usually takes between one and three years.
This will continue until the entire debts are fully paid off.
A statutory demand requires the company to pay the entire debt or enter into a payment plan with us within 21 days.
If you can pay off the entire debt in a lump sum, many credit card companies will drastically reduce the amount you owe.
Most of these «Do not pay until...» deals require you to retire the entire debt by the deadline, or they will charge you deferred interest for the entire period.
Two - cycle billing also hurts those who pay a lot off in one month but don't extinguish the entire debt, leaving a balance for the next month.
Simply put, debt settlement is the process of paying your creditors less than what you owe and having the entire debt erased off the books.
Well, the fact is that with this loan the entire debt can be cleared in one go.
God forbid, if something happens to you the entire debt burden will fall upon your family!
Debt consolidation enables you to pay off your entire debt with lower interest rates.
Settlements are meant for those who truly can't afford to pay their entire debts.
These are for negotiated agreements between borrowers and guaranty agencies to accept less than full payment as full liquidation of the entire debt.
That means they require both spouses to sign for the new debt and if they do, both spouses are legally responsible to repay the entire debt.
A secondary reason for why you should consolidate your cards is the convenience of having your entire debt in one single account.
Typically, an IVA will last around five years, but they can also end either when you have paid off your entire debt, or if you default on the payments altogether, in which case you will most likely be forcibly declared bankrupt.
A secondary reason for credit card consolidation is the convenience of having your entire debt in one single account.
It is wise to do the balance transfer only if you can pay off the entire debt during the introductory period.
Obviously, the best solution for past due taxes is to pay the entire debt as quickly as possible.
Lenders want to see impeccable credit history, but they will accept credit scores and credit histories that are less than perfect if you make payments on time and your entire debt is low compared to your income.
If you had a co-signer — which is common in the case of private loans for grad school — the entire debt will typically land on their shoulders.
«In other cases, like a creditor charge - off, the entire debt may still be collectible.»
The structure of a loan also helps you stay on track to pay off the entire debt.
The entire debt picture will determine what you need to do with your student loan debts.
But, you would still have to repay the entire debt amount.
If the debt settlement company charges a 20 % fee on the entire debt it will add $ 3,400 to the reduced balance, for a total of $ 20,400.
This «offer» is less than your total debt, and once your payments are made, the entire debt is erased.
More importantly, the debt - to - income ratio tries to compare apples to oranges: namely your entire debt to one year's net income.
If you do take advantage of that second 30 days that you're disputing the entire debt or any portion of the debt, or if you tell them that you want the name and address of the original creditor, then you really make them jump through hoops.
If you died, she'd be responsible for the entire debt.
A life insurance policy naming her as your beneficiary could give her enough funds to cover your share of the mortgage, or perhaps to pay off the entire debt.
Typically, the entire debt load is cut in half or more.
Along with the aforementioned benefits listed above, debt consolidation puts you in direct contact with a certified credit counsellor, who will be your go - to for anything that has to do with your debt throughout the entire debt consolidation process.
Lenders would prefer to have some debt repayment rather than have the entire debt written off through a default or bankruptcy.
In five years the entire debt is gone.

Phrases with «entire debt»

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