Sentences with phrase «entire generation of people»

But rather than hold ourselves accountable for the choices that have created this reality, we attribute the lack of young workers with the skills employers need to some innate defect within entire generations of people — and then double down with even more bad public policy.
Meanwhile, an entire generation of people under 30 have moved over to Instagram and tend to avoid Twitter, which is widely known as a bastion of trolls.
For almost an entire generation of people, the milkman is a figment of the imagination.
Historical trauma is when the same traumatic event happens to an entire generation of people.
I don't think I'm exaggerating here when I say that an entire generation of people wanted to work at the Empire Records record shop.
Despite all of the (old) people clamoring about how no one wants to read comics on a computer screen and what about holding the paper and blah blah blah you kids get off my lawn with that rock music, there is an entire generation of people out there who have been reading comics on the web.
It's not just the animals who benefit though, an entire generation of people are learning compassion for the animals they once disregarded (and sadly, abused).
But before you discount an entire generation of people, Heather Romano, managing director of staff development at iVET360, a veterinary practice management services company, says to think about the ways millennials can add to your practice instead.
SARGENT: One of the things that's interesting about this idea of remembrance, particularly in the time that you detail in your books — The Women, White Girls, and the forthcoming Alice Neel, Uptown — in different ways, is what AIDS did to an entire generation of people.
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