Sentences with phrase «entire goal»

A former Buffalo during Bill McCartney's glory days, he came aboard with Favorite Son status and stocked the staff with other former CU stars (it seemed that Colorado's entire goal when hiring Embree in 2011 was to remind fans that the Buffs were good once).
For Dr. Smith, joining the team at VESHW meant fulfilling the dream of working with a team of extremely talented veterinarians and staff whose entire goal is to provide the best medicine possible to each and every little (or big) furry patient.
These are leaders who, as I wrote in my book Great CEOs Are Lazy, prioritize wearing the «Coach's Hat»: their entire goal is to build a safe and accepting environment where people are encouraged to do their best work.
«MIMIR's entire goal is to leverage blockchain infrastructure to seamlessly provide blockchain access to end users by greatly taking advantage of the enormous node network being created by the blockchain bubble.»
«My entire goal now is that.
Isn't the entire goal of a political campaign to sway the minds of impressionable voters towards your way of thinking?
Guess that pesky «we STILL can't finish our chances» thing and missing the entire goal with 80 % of the shots didn't hurt the scores.
If the forthcoming summer is indeed the summer of the striker as Richard Jolly says, many of these strikers will command similarly high valuations as some clubs will look for high volumes of goals, others for the style that suit them, while some others might actually be looking for goal scorers who will bear their entire goal scoring burden.
Because the entire goal of their operations was geared towards changing people's minds around politics and encouraging people to vote one way or another on issues and candidates, campaigns were forced to build two very different types of relationships.
Next time you enter the gym, your entire goal is to «beat the logbook» by either adding slightly more weight to the bar or cranking out an extra rep or two with the same weight.
My entire goal in making whole food based recipes is to recreate favorites without compromising taste but while ensuring the quality of ingredients is intact.
Since starting the blog in 2010, my entire goal for A Dash of Details has been to inspire you with outfits I would actual wear, and outfits you could replicate with items from your own closet.
Since the entire goal of a hair mask is to add moisture to your hair, there are plenty of easy DIY ways to achieve this with the ingredients in your fridge.
The entire goal of this series is to arm you with the information and knowledge you need to avoid the creepers and the weirdos in the online dating world.
There's a pretty decent array of race types in the game, including a standard race; stunt races, where your entire goal is to score more stunt points than your opponents; and dark horse races, where your purpose is to allow one specific car to win the race, which means you'll have to knock other cars out of the race using any means necessary.
His entire goal in life is to fly, and he has been busy designing wings that will allow him to do just that, using his stolen camera to photograph birds to study their physics.
After communicating one on one with each stakeholder, then it is recommended to go back to the entire group of the stakeholders to present your full understanding of the entire goals for the eLearning project.
Repeat the entire goal - setting process every nine weeks and your students will be pros by the end of the year.
-LSB-...] Other states with private school choice are finding — surprise, surprise — that regulations such as testing restrict the opportunities available to families, which compromises the entire goal of school choice.
Their entire goal is to solve a problem, one they're hoping your book will address.
My entire goal when investing was to earn extra money.
I ended up breaking off that entire goal.
The entire goal of the mode is to simply stare at women, and I quickly started to feel a little uncomfortable about doing so, not in a physical sense but mentally, wondering why the hell I was even doing it.
After that the story takes a backseat to the action as the entire goal of the game is to simply destroy enough of the ship to ensure it never makes it to the Forge World.
The entire goal is to make Idle Champions a complimentary experience to the tabletop game.
Animals seem to leave each other alone regardless of their listed temperaments and appear to be entirely unaffected by the weather, while Sentinels do absolutely nothing unless you happen to piss them off, while aliens simply stand around, their entire goal in life seemingly to wait in one spot for a player to pop by for all of a minute.
The Psychonauts 2 crowdfunding campaign was announced in December at The Game Awards, reaching more than half of its entire goal within the first day.
The entire «hunt monsters to make stronger weapons to hunt bigger monsters» thing is still the entire goal of Toukiden, but it shakes things up enough to make it worth checking out.
You can't actually die, but the entire goal of Warband is to build up a band of followers, earn enough money to get some land, maybe get yourself married into the bargain, and then take over the entire kingdom.
Enemies will actually spawn endlessly and even bosses will not have actual health, but the entire goal instead is to fill your gauge by pummeling them, then triggering your Burst to start the next sections.
The entire goal of Stealth Inc is to unlock the gate in each of the 80 levels (many of them need to be unlocked).
The commitment, announced in conjunction with the industry's National Forest Week celebrations, builds on FPAC's ambitious «30 by 30» Climate Challenge that proposes to remove 30 megatonnes of CO2 a year by 2030 — more than 13 per cent of the federal government's entire goal.
«Being very simple is the entire goal of our software.»
Finding which final expense insurance company is the cheapest, is their entire goal.
In the end, their entire goal is simply to discern whether or not you satisfy certain conditions or not.
Their entire goal is to explore the possibilities of VR and they seem to be focusing a lot of apps.
The entire goal of a cover letter is to get the employer to read your resume.
Tags: Featured Job Search Strategy reCareered Blog career career change career coach change cover letter Employment fear of change Job job search networking Resume Job seekers are notoriously afraid to embrace change... even though their entire goal is based on change (sure — sometimes the change is thrust upon us).
Job seekers are notoriously afraid to embrace change... even though their entire goal is based on change (sure — sometimes the change is thrust upon us).
This is the entire goal of your resume's reflection of your personal brand... to entice the reader to spend more time on your resume, rather than discarding it.
At the end of the day, the entire goal is to ensure pharmacy technicians have the knowledge and skills to help stay healthy and safe.
The entire goal of this section is to focus your attention on how to apply what you've just heard to your clinical setting.

Phrases with «entire goal»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z