Sentences with phrase «entire mind»

and then I found myself applying all of those same descriptions to someone else's child in the cradle of civilization just yesterday, and my stomach heaves and then I shut down my entire mind and heart, unable to bear it.
Once parents learn that baby is on the way, their entire mind set changes.
Sometimes it is necessary to become a part of a TRT program in order to get testosterone levels where they need to be, but healthy habits should still be practiced to help quicken the process, to help keep testosterone levels up as long into the future as possible and to maintain overall good health for the entire mind and body.
She applies Functional Medicine principles to bring your entire mind and body back into balance.
For the process of yoga training and yoga retreats to be truly complete, it is essential for an entity to undergo an entire mind, body, spirit transformation.
Therapeutic Yoga uses traditional yoga poses to strengthen muscles, improve core strength, increase joint range of motion, improve neuromuscular control and balance, and incorporates breathing and meditation to fine tune the entire mind - body spirit.
Benefits of Therapeutic Yoga Therapeutic Yoga uses traditional yoga poses to strengthen muscles, improve core strength, increase joint range of motion, improve neuromuscular control and balance, and incorporates breathing and meditation to fine tune the entire mind - body spirit.
Her Bikram inspired and Baptisite Method of Yoga training, will allow student's to dig a little deeper, reach a little higher, go a little further, connecting the entire mind, body, and spirit connection.
Many thyroid conditions are related to auto - immune disorders and mineral deficiencies; your Reboot nutritionist / coach takes the entire mind and body into consideration to help you not only begin to feel better, but also to assist in educating you on some of these aspects and more, so you can start thriving in your daily life.
You may become so relaxed that your entire mind - body system slows way, way down.
For example, if you're experiencing an imbalance that is contributing to feelings of anxiety and distraction, your massage will focus on relaxing and grounding you, using warm essential oils and soothing massage strokes that will calm your entire mind - body system.
I work with a person's entire mind and body and utilize local businesses and resources to address the many needs these clients present with.»
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