Sentences with phrase «entire narrative arc»

Indeed, the entire narrative arc of our constitutional law saga is full of surprise, mystery and plot reversals worthy of a great novelist.
It takes talent and a generous dose of bravery to peg an entire narrative arc on just one day, however eventful it may be, and Yapa escapes claustrophobia by zooming in and out of each character's backstory and then connecting the dots to yield a larger breathtaking picture.
No roundabout plot point is too convoluted, and that includes the entire narrative arc of this first installment of the last chapter.

Not exact matches

The narrative arc of a great hymn can not be communicated when only a few lines of text can be accommodated on each of the 30 - some frames it takes to display the entire hymn.
Even eschewing the conventions of three act arc is an increasingly rare bird on screen these days, let alone relying on a sole lead to carry the entire movie on her shoulders, but she's refreshingly well - adjusted for someone tasked with bearing such narrative responsibility.
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