Sentences with phrase «entire nation of people»

I refuse to condemn an entire nation of people as ignorant or morally inferior.

Not exact matches

«A systematic de-anonymization and classification of people who employ encryption tools (of some sort, at least) for an entire nation» has never been exposed before, Guarnieri said.
«the body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of [members] of all nations of the world... A non-Jew's entire reality is only vanity.»
This passage is written to a whole group of people — an entire nation.
While lsaiah confidently foretold the coming of a messianic prince of the house of David, he was nevertheless realistic enough to recognize that Israel, having so woefully broken the people's side of the covenant, would not return as an entire nation to its former greatness.
America has more unchurched people than the entire populations of all but 11 of the world's 194 nations
In the Old Testament, it is the entire people of Israel who are addressed as a royal priesthood, a holy nation.
Nelson Mandela, the legendary figure in the history of South African freedom struggle wrote about Archbishop Desmond Tutu, «here was a man who inspired an entire nation with his words and his courage, who had revived the people's hope during the darkest of times» (Long Walk to Freedom p. 678).
And doing Christian theology is a communion with God who is creator of heaven and earth, lord of the history of nations and people, God who holds the ultimate meaning of life and the ultimate purpose of the entire creation.
From time to time I think people need to be reminded that this nation was stolen from the Native Americans and their entire way of life and populations were wiped out.
The idea that a nation comprised largely of Christian people would become a killing field where neighbors are slaughtering each other in huge numbers, where grown men who attend church regularly would pick up machetes and hack to death entire families, including the children, should strike us as utterly bizarre.
Yes, the argument hinges somewhat on to whom the book was addressed and whom is accused in 3:9 of robbing the entire nation (it does seem strange that the people would be accused of robbing themselves).
Born of a people who never attained greatness as a nation, buffeted by greater and lesser enemies throughout their whole existence, a nation that at its widest period of expansion would have ruled a region scarcely larger than Pennsylvania, this book has mothered three great religions which between them touch very nearly half the entire population of the world.
«In our colonial and pioneer days, most people raised their own food, but as our nation has become industrialized and urbanized, we find that now only 7 per cent of our population produces the food for our entire nation, and our consumers generally buy their food in stores.
Ghanaians will not repeat such a big mistake by voting for another old person in the person of Nana Addo to experience such a bitter situation where the entire nation was in apprehension, therefore Nana Addo should honorably throw his support for President Mahama to go for the second term.
The letter reads, «on this special occasion, I wish to commend Governor Okorocha's leadership and commitment to the people of Imo State and the entire nation.
«People live more and more of their intimate lives online and it was outrageous to suggest surveillance of the entire nation.
The entire nation has been thrown into shock since the bad news broke out with thousands of people sending out sympathies to the late journalist's family and the Multimedia group.
I have said this before but I will continue to say it that Nigeria is a country that practices «Militocracy», that is, Military - Democracy and as a result of this, the entire nation and its people have been blindfolded and dogmatically deceived.
This is because they were put in place with the good of the entire nation and its people in mind.
«Different types of carefully balanced diets — vegan, vegetarian, omnivore — can meet a person's needs and keep them healthy, but this study examined balancing the needs of the entire nation with the foods we could produce from plants alone.
In 2006, Massachusetts was on the same brink that the entire nation is on today: the brink of expanding health insurance to cover far more people than before, through government - driven, market - based reform.
Our current economic system has lifted billions of people and entire nations out of poverty, and provides most people in the developed world with a standard of living that royalty couldn't dream of a century or two ago.
When we encourage people to buy local and regional real foods and grass based animal products raised by real people who receive just wages in exchange for their work and stewardship of the land, we are not only encouraging them to protect and contribute to their own health and the vibrant health of their children, we are encouraging them to protect and contribute to the health of our nation and the health of the entire world.
Racism has always led to differences among people of one nation, not only in the US, but the entire world.
You just can't write a history of the 1700s to 1900s dating scene of this city, and beyond, without mentioning the creation of the Rideau Canal, which was formative in the ensuing capitalization of the city as the seat of the entire nation's government, plus instrumental in the growth of the lumber industry, as well as making possible all the connections with American and European people who brought so much of their cultures to the nation itself.
It's a riveting portrait of tragic insanity, not only for one person, but for an entire nation so consistently ravaged by his remorselessly brutal power.
The Constant Gardener is thoughtful, reflective, and passionate, albeit coldly so, movie about two people, a community, a nation, a continent, and an entire world, offering more items of interest than just the mystery at hand.
Hitler, as depicted by an exceptional Bruno Ganz, is not a frothing lunatic but a cold, calculating, and delusional man at the end of his rope, determined that if National Socialism is to end so will the entire German nation (hypocritical blaming the German people for putting him in charge in the first place).
But he sees no hope for real peace in a secularism that has left entire nations so hungry for transcendent meaning that they have imbibed toxic pseudo-religions such as communism and Nazism, a secularism now priming rootless, morally famished young people for recruitment into global networks of terror.
Not only has the Nations largest bookseller replaced the CEO of the entire company, but the entire Nook division has seen every single key person leave.
The stories forged in Israel that the entire world has come to know have changed people and nations and inspired countless works of art, music, literature, speech, science, and valor for thousands of years; and today, Israel's technological innovation, diverse culture, and ongoing adventure captivate millions of visitors every year.
From the late 1960s his work shifted to depicting everyday people, with some satirical aspects, creating figures that could be conceived as representative of an entire labour force, class or even a nation.
gail combs That we have a large number of people in the industrialized nations who WANT to return to those conditions and are being organized to push for legislation forcing their entire country in to becoming like those African countries is to me truly mind boggling.
>> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > That we have a large number of people in the industrialized nations who WANT to return to those conditions and are being organized to push for legislation forcing their entire country in to becoming like those African countries is to me truly mind boggling.
I'm often amused that people who claim to be «skeptics,» making judgments solely on evidence, accept without question wild assertions such as the idea that any attempt to limit carbon emissions will «destroy the entire socioeconomic structure of the world and starve developing nations of much needed energy.»
Fry urged that the entire population of Tuvalu lives within 2 meters of sea level, that their very existence as a nation is at stake, and that he isn't trying to embarrass anyone, cause trouble, or make a show, but merely serve the people of Tuvalu and protect their future.
At the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, where entire sentences can be composed of acronyms and agricultural discussions are mostly limited to 45 - minute sessions that are closed to observers, it is easy to forget that the decisions countries make have significant and nuanced impacts on real people living in idiosyncratic local contexts.
24 % of our entire inmate population is aboriginal (though First Nations people make up just over 4 % of the total Canadian population).
I will also add, not all political arguments must express or support a complete ban of entire ethnicities or faiths, the misogyny towards women, vitriol about other nations, and a whole slew of other related «political» comments that would be unwelcome for any unreasonable person, unless you are talking to a white supremacist or somebody like.
This area ranks among the top of income earners for the entire nation and therfore hiring a therapist is not a financial issue for most people living here
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