Sentences with phrase «entire novel»

They read entire novels in five hours like you.
I have written entire novels for under $ 5,000 and I have made over $ 50,000 per book.
This collective lesson in grit and growth mindset will then be carried over when these readers actually stick with their independent book choices and reap the rewards of reading entire novels on their own.
Soon it may be possible to produce entire novel genomes or to make numerous changes in existing ones.
I read entire novels on that thing.
Answers to such questions are possible, and indeed, one can view Dostoevsky's entire novel as an extended answer to Ivan's question.
For a start, I much prefer reading pieces of paper than direct from a computer screen so I doubted I would enjoy reading entire novels off a screen.
When you sell entire novels for 3.99 or thereabouts, it can be tough to ask a dollar for a story that might only be 5,000 words and take 20 minutes for someone to read.
Kate Paulk invented the term to refer to those of us who suddenly, without explanation acquire entire novels in our heads, needing only typing, «as though beamed from elsewhere.»
ï «§ I've learned more about writing from having to deal with the editor comments than I've learned from writing entire novels.
This doesn't necessarily mean crushing an entire novel in a few hours, but put aside a little time to read, preferably 20 to 30 minutes.
At the age of fourteen, he had written an entire novel.
Even before I had any faith at all, I had written an entire novel about him — two novels, in fact.
Babies aren't known for sitting through an entire novel, but they do love interactive books like Where's Spot?
And there must be something common to the creative act, whatever its discipline, in James's assertion that from one evocative fragment of conversation overheard by the writer a entire novel can be written, that from the slightest bit of material a whole novelistic world is created.
But I feel the most confident if I already know the structure of the entire novel right from the beginning.
When I have time, I blow through almost an entire novel in one day so these probably won't last me through summer, but maybe during our Memorial Day getaway.
But write an entire novel?
The avid readers among my students might choose to read and review an entire novel as their project.
In that case, I didn't have to read the entire novel.
However, some teachers find the prospect of reading and analyzing an entire novel with their classes to be overwhelming or problematic.
Along with the entire novel study, I have also included a word document that includes all of the questions.
This narrative technique diminished the suspense of the entire novel.
I read the entire novel sitting at my desk one day, and then I walked into our editor Lynn's office and told her we had to interview Emma Donoghue.
Overall, it took two days to record the entire novel comprising of 40 pages which he had earlier estimated to take not more than 4 hours.
Unlike real books, you can not download the entire novel to read samples, instead an algorithm extrapolates the first ten or twenty pages and delivers them to your e-reader.
Although the action is sparse throughout almost the entire novel, what I found was an intricate and evocative rendering of life in a world under a literal «big brother» known as the infamous Securitate - people who secretly informed on their fellow citizens to the government.
It creates a strong foreshadowing for the setting and the events that follow, sets a solid tone for the entire novel.
The Dinner by Herman Koch The entire novel takes place over a dinner between family at an elegant (if absurdly pretentious and overpriced) restaurant.
Now that you've read the entire novel, do you believe he means this?
I'd created a story map of my entire novel in less than two hours, and I hadn't lost my mind over it.
I've definitely gotten the most mileage out of having an entire novel free.
Short for National Novel Writing Month, NaNoWriMo is something of a revolution that challenges writers everywhere to write an entire novel in one month.
If you can't finish an entire novel right now, finish a chapter.
As aspiring and professional writers get into training for blasting through the process of writing an entire novel in 30 days, I've put together a set of excellent books on all aspects of writing craft, career skills, and indie publishing skills.
Never mind writing a bestseller, I have great respect for anyone who has had the dedication and persistence to sit and write by themselves an entire novel!
I can write an entire novel faster than any traditional publisher can cut a check.
As I'm looking back on 2017, I find myself facing a surprising amount of objective wins: I rewrote an entire novel this year and started on the next revision.
So what if, for example, you baked a 500foot cake and rewrote your entire novel in frosting, then invited an elementary school to come and eat it.
Like they haven't suffered throughout the entire novel.
The filmmaker has disclosed that if this is successful, he will make a playable, immersive world of the entire novel.
For me, she is the least sympathetic character in the entire novel.
Nothing in the entire novel points to this particular person — or so it seems.
From the beginning, Childress seizes on a couple of assumptions that more or less undergird the entire novel — namely, that international banking is evil and the military is a soul-less killing machine with no tolerance for dissent.
It gives you a chance to do a little plotting, and see if the story idea has legs, if it can last through an entire novel.
Kept the plot high concept and the suspense building through the entire novel, to the breaking point at the end.

Phrases with «entire novel»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z