Sentences with phrase «entire observable universe»

The permutation of outcomes quickly compounds to a bewildering range of choices — more than the total number of atoms in the entire observable universe.
We think there are a few hundred sextillion stars (about 1023) in the entire observable universe.
They accepted the notion that the entire observable universe — 100 billion galaxies, each stuffed with 100 billion stars, stretching out more than 10 billion light - years in all directions — was once squashed into a space far smaller than a single electron.
You just want someone to answer you so you can sneer and say it all came outta God's Fundament.You prefer answers like «God made it» or «Zappa made it» to realistic ones like «eons ago there was a state change that affected the entire observable universe.
Ultimately, as he states, the God creative enough «to make the entire observable universe in a dense dot of pure energy is incomprehensible, beyond human imagining,» but still «we can see the consequences of this unimaginably powerful creative act: a universe congenial to the ultimate formation of life, life giving rise to intelligence that can ask questions science can not answer.
We think of the big bang as a moment when the entire observable universe was crushed to a very small size.
At a conservative estimate, say 15 Sites per enzyme must be fixed to be filled by particular amino acids for proper biological function... [T] he probability of discovering this set by random shuffling is one in 1040,000, a number that exceeds by many powers of 10 the number of all atoms in the entire observable universe [Science News, Vol.
If Alan Guth's work is empirically verified, a large question will remain — a question that takes Guth's science to just such a boundary: Where did that primordial something, that «patch of material packed with... repulsive gravity» that contained «the ingredients of what would become our entire observable universe,» come from?
The ingredients of what would become our entire observable universe were packed inside that marble.

Not exact matches

The size of the entire universe is more difficult but we could say that the part of the universe visible to us, compared to the entire universe, would be the equivalent of a single atom in relation our observable universe.
This is observable law all around the entire known universe, and without the intervention of intelligence there is not one singe recorded instance of the natural world resulting in greater order or organization.
Inflationary cosmology, currently the dominant model of the early universe, holds that the entire observable cosmos began as a speck within a far larger (perhaps infinite) existence emerging from the Big Bang.
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