Sentences with phrase «entire press conference»

Jose Mourinho's entire press conference including the embargoed sections, ahead of the FA Cup Semi-Final against Tottenham.
Of course Halo got a lot of the attention this year with its high definition remakes and upcoming sequel, but Microsoft's entire press conference focused on games today, and there sure were a lot of them.
In full & uncut; Jose Mourinho's entire press conference, including the embargoed sections, ahead of the Premier League game against Arsenal.
You can watch the entire press conference on the official TIFF youtube channel.
Star Fox will surely be present but what else could be that big to have an entire press conference for?
This year PC gamers are in for a treat, as an entire press conference will be focused on the PC for the first time ever at an E3.
Next up is Phil Spencer, the head of Xbox, to introduce himself and probably the biggest announcement of the entire press conference, backwards compatibility for the Xbox One!
Strangely absent from this week's Sony Press Conference was any discussion on PlayStation VR and the PS4 Pro's integration into that system - in fact the entire Press Conference was rather dull all around leaving us with more questions than answers.
Landsea provided a hyperlink to an online recording of the entire press conference.
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