Sentences with phrase «entire raison»

It's entire raison d'etre is to cast doubt on legitimate science and to create controversies where none exist, soley to benefit major industries with PR problems.
Certainly this is the entire raison d'etre of the climate rapid response team advocacy group, and the predictable result will be a resounding «F *** You» from the American public, and rightfully so.
If global mean temperature measurements during the next several years continue to significantly miss the IPCC forecast this severely undercuts IPCC basis for the past 25 years and therefore the entire raison d'etre of the IPCC.
It's funny how quickly a shift in perspective can change an opinion, but then again, doing things quickly is the entire raison d'être of the sixth - generation Camaro 1LE.
Those rankled by pop - culture parody, for example, should run screaming, as that's pretty much the show's entire raison d'etre.
Predicated on and playing to our now - ingrained fears of terrorism, these set pieces feel like the entire raison d'etre of the film — or at least the only thing it truly cares about.
And Wendy's toddler's entire raison de etre is to show up from time to time with a portable potty, sit down and poop.
There's almost no way to stray from the original arcade classic that could possibly upset the hardcore nostalgiacs, unless of course they were to somehow strip the chaos and destruction that formed the game's entire raison d'être, however, that is decidedly not the case here.
Of course we at Next Wave, a publication whose entire raison d'être is to support the career development of early career scientists, will do what we can to implement the meeting's suggestions.
Saving public money is apparently the entire raison d'etre of this government, but while Grayling bleeds cash with his overstuffed prisons, there's no investigation of how to spend taxpayer money most effectively.
Of course, writes Crupi, «Viacom's entire raison d'être boils down to street cred, which is a somewhat outdated way of saying that the company lives or dies on its ability to scout and sign digital natives like Liza Koshy, whose primary YouTube channel boasts 14.3 million subscribers.

Not exact matches

Even aside from your MythBusters and your How It's Made, there are now entire channels whose raison d'être is to let people watch planets spinning and nebulas... nebulizing, all in high definition at four in the morning.
In effect, the entire film is a flashback from that crucial moment of performance — because that scene, dramatizing Chubbuck's suicide, is the raison d'être of Greene's film about Chubbuck.
Without unprecedented warming then the raison d' être for an entire industry of solutions to global warming goes out the window.
Lax ethics and zero to little service not only dilutes the entire industry's raison d'etre — it can only get worse as it proliferates.
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