Sentences with phrase «entire storyline»

The phrase "entire storyline" refers to the entire sequence of events and plot in a story or narrative from beginning to end. Full definition
After all, the series entire storyline has been leading up to that very same moment, so what better time to release the game!
Thomas Middleditch and Nick Kroll have been on Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie from the first table read through the final re-recording and as such, have seen first hand how the film changed through the process — entire storylines excised and then re-shaped.
When one host points out that modern movie trailers give too much away, Anderson is quick to reply that early movie trailers from the 1930s onward were even worse, giving almost entire storylines away.
It's been pretty much one year exactly since my first ever writing buddy (Kareem Mahfouz: notorious whiskey - sponge with the enviable power to pull entire storylines out of his arse as he writes) sent me the first prologue of the first draft of his first novel.
Travelling the land in search of these hidden walls is the sort of adventure that would make up another games entire storyline, yet in Skyrim is something that you can do only if you feel like it, and that's without taking into account the fact that many of the dungeons that contain these walls often have stories of their own to be discovered, often distracting you completely from the task at hand.
After all, the series entire storyline has been leading up to that -LSB-...]
«When Jesus of spoke of the scripture needing to be fulfilled,» says Wright, «he was not simply envisaging himself doing a few scattered and random acts which corresponded to various distant and detached sayings; he was thinking of the entire storyline at last coming to fruition, and of an entire world of hints and shadows now coming to plain statement and full light.»
Seriously, she sometimes goes weeks without appearing on tv and even now her entire storyline is just being Charlotte's friend.
(The entire storyline in that episode is ridiculously sexist and sex negative in general.
Without giving away the entire storyline, I can still give this quote a little context.
Resident Evil 0 reveals the truth behind the Mansion Incident, the catalyst for the entire storyline of the Resident Evil series.
The writing team of John Knoll, Gary Whitta, Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy built the entire storyline around an old fanboy joke: Why in Palpatine's name would the Empire make its ultimate weapon, the Death Star, go supernova with a single well - placed shot?
I'm a staunch believer that the only thing good about Mr. Holland's Opus is young Jean Louisa Kelly, particularly her renditions of Gershwin's «I've Got Rhythm» and «Someone to Watch Over Me», despite the fact that her entire storyline is relegated to being incredibly creepy (she falls in love with Richard Dreyfuss's Mr. Holland, and he seriously considers it).
These ideas and mechanics would be refined by later games, but there's enough good here that Portable Ops deserves attention... even if its entire storyline did end up being completely dismissed in a single one - liner at the start of Peace Walker.
She is pretty much naked her entire storyline, which works well in the comics and is fun for this movie, but I'm not sure she made for the most captivating character to care about.
The entire storyline involving Crane and Birdy Abundas (Scarlett Johansson), the pretty teenage piano player in whom he takes an inappropriate interest, feels as though it's part of a different, and notably more contemporary, film, especially in the final sequence in which she explicitly offers him oral sex.
A new cast of characters will be added, the entire storyline taking place in an endless ocean of clouds where the last fragments of civilization live on the backs of various colossal beasts known as the Titans.
The entire storyline is available to play through on your own, or team up in a seamless multiplayer experience where players from across the globe can adventure together.
Beyond that, the entire storyline involving exactly why Yates wants to kill Mike and how he thinks he's going to get away with it feels even more improbable than the notion of Eisenberg's stoner - killer.
I like Bibb, and she's used well enough here, but her entire storyline is nothing more than a potential spoiler that only detracts attention from (the much better handled) main storyline about the friends and their last big bash.
There is tons and tons of footage in this covering the entire storyline this time, and it looks like a wild ride, but just as campy as Bay's last few movies.
In case the overt sexism of the scene (and, let's face it, the entire storyline) weren't enough, her car acts like an amplifier, spreading her cries of outrage across the parking lot.
There's also a ton of the aforementioned intel collectables, new weapons and equipment modifications, supplies for unlocking skill upgrades, easter eggs (my favourite is the hidden Dark Souls bonfire homage) and side missions in every zone to find and make use of — features typical of an Ubisoft open - world sandbox, but better done in Wildlands solely because you can bring three friends along for the ride and complete the entire storyline with them.
The real problem here is that Jackson bolsters up the five armies battle, which is a mere one chapter in the Tolkien book, to such an extent that it dwarfs (no pun intended) the entire storyline with the main nemesis of the book, Smaug, and nearly suffocates the significance of Bilbo to just a minor manipulator of events.
And that's the problem with the entire storyline.
For instance, the first film's viral marketing featured an entire storyline about a couple named Jamie and Teddy — Teddy disappears, and his girlfriend Jamie keeps a blog, asking where he is.
Yes, you have to show that he's a psychopath but his entire storyline seems to be sacrificed for shots of him doing crazy things.
Anyone even given a whiff of the plot can basically figure out the entire storyline.
The entire storyline of Ken Sanzel's thin script can be summed up by its title.
You can read an entire storyline sprawling over dozens of titles and issues on one thin device, whether you are on the bus, in the coffee shop, or sitting on the can.
Other important factors included artists and editors actually appearing on the screen and setting up the entire storyline.
I thought I'd give you a quick peek at the entire storyline for Shoshone Station, season two of my serial about The Galactic Consortium.
However, Marvel does still have some database clean - up to do: I found several examples of issues appearing out of order or with the wrong publication date, which makes it much harder to read an entire storyline in order.
Resident Evil PS4, PS3 Resident Evil 0 reveals the truth behind the Mansion Incident, the catalyst for the entire storyline of the Resident Evil series.
The entire storyline thus far is that Harper has put Ambrose through a table and a ladder.
The entire storyline is available to play through on your own, or team up in a seamless multiplayer experience where players from across the globe can adventure together.
Did you take the time to find all of the collectables to uncover the ENTIRE storyline?
The Level Pack would let us go through an entire storyline, whether it be TV or recent film, and have one of the most diverse adventure worlds to date.
In fact, I've died about 4 times in the entire game so far (that's about 60 hours of playtime including the entire storyline).
Bungie's first Destiny game faced trouble during development where its entire storyline was scrapped.
And since the protagonist is a custom character that you create, you're basically stuck to playing as someone with no discernible personality, and who utters a grand total of three words during the entire storyline (Venom Snake was flat - out verbose by comparison).
I found out quickly and with some finality that conversation choices can change the entire storyline of the game.
We've been down the road of welcoming new characters, seen their entire storylines play out, and begin anew with others.
Visual Novels are more likely to let the entire storyline go off in a different direction, not just the main path with a little bit of alteration.
As Commander Shepard, you'll fight to save the galaxy from Reapers, all while making decisions that can dramatically shape your interactions and the storyline ahead across the entire storyline.
Resident Evil 0 reveals the truth behind the Mansion Incident, the catalyst for the entire storyline of the Resident Evil ser..
Rarely do viewers watch an entire storyline and then purchase the game to relive it all again.
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