Sentences with phrase «entire study period»

Over the entire study period, that shift added up to floods in some regions occurring, in the most extreme cases, as much as 65 days earlier or 45 days later.
Also, the emergency department trips and inpatient services stayed the same at about 13 percent for the entire study period.
The lung function in U.S. patients older than 40 years of age remained below that of Canadians in the same age group for the entire study period, although the rate of change in the United States was faster than in Canada.
The new study, by IIASA researchers Zbigniew Klimont and Janusz Cofala, and Steven Smith at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in the US, showed that emissions from North America and Europe declined over the entire study period, while emissions from Asia and from international shipping increased.
In the mouse hind limb model, the overall success rate was 88.9 %, and the increased circumference and limb volume were maintained over the entire study period of 8 weeks.
These people also dieted hard for the entire study period and never inserted refeeds or diet breaks, which probably made things much worse.
Over the entire study period, cumulative emission reductions total 6.4 billion metric tons.
Canadian law requires students to confirm their source of financial support for the entire study period and, in some countries, to have a medical examination.
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