Sentences with phrase «entirely alien concept»

Some people are perfectly familiar with closing external shutters and operating external blinds, for other people it is an entirely alien concept.

Not exact matches

Metaphysics for Bergson strives to minimize the mediation of all symbols (like words and concepts), and although metaphysics «claims to dispense with symbols,» it can not dispense with them entirely.13 Hence, since it requires reflection and articulation (in spite of being based on intuition) metaphysics will always be required to genuflect at the door to the sanctuary of the intellect (even though the immediacy of Being, analogous to the Holy Spirit in a Christian sanctuary is supposed to be present in intuition), and it is in the moment of genuflection that the idea of logical necessity infiltrates metaphysics and becomes an unhappy resident alien.
Such a conception is in no sense, as compared with the viewpoint of these sayings of Jesus, further developed or more profound; rather it results from a wholly different premise, a wholly different conception of God and man; it is based on the concept of law, aesthetically applied, which is entirely alien to Judaism and to Jesus.
Run the words of the title together and you get a not - terribly - clever yet not - entirely - awful summary of what the film is getting at when it's not busy being a retarded high - concept buddy cop flick pairing your typical crusty old vet with an earnest rookie who happens to be an alien with a spotted pate instead of a hilarious racial minority.
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