Sentences with phrase «entrepreneur and investors»

On the one hand, the technology reflects a massive opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors.
The opportunity has been staring entrepreneurs and investors in the face for years.
We are entrepreneurs and investors who understand the challenges and obstacles facing emerging companies addressing water and waste related opportunities.
The advice and council of serial entrepreneurs and investors is invaluable in helping you achieve your objectives.
Join a group of entrepreneurs and investors to discuss whether blockchain technologies will spark a revolution — or end up on the coding room floor.
We pride ourselves on our quality of service and ability to consistently deliver safe, secure and successful deal making for Internet entrepreneurs and investors alike.
Flash forward to the present: I started my fourth, and current, startup in 2011 with mentorship this time, from two extremely successful entrepreneurs and investors.
Our reputation and relationships help entrepreneurs and investors make profitable decisions and valuable connections.
Instead of making more money, it's all about the challenge as many entrepreneurs and investors will attest.
Flexible capital solutions for real estate entrepreneurs and investors of any profile or size with rehab, bridge, and rental loans.
But it's a very important concept for startup entrepreneurs and investors to understand.
I have been lucky enough to be able to watch and assist some of the great entrepreneurs and investors work at very close range during my working like.
The hope is that strong, profitable companies will create a genuine tech ecosystem, attracting jobs and money, and creating new entrepreneurs and investors as a result.
A Web search will answer many questions; talking with other entrepreneurs and investors can answer the rest.
I have been a venture capital investor since 2007 and I have worked with incredible entrepreneurs and investors almost every day since.
The change has caused a bit of uncertainty among entrepreneurs and investors, who now have to deal with an extra step in the fundraising process.
By building a community of amazing entrepreneurs and investors, we hope to help more amazing companies succeed and see them shape, transform, and impact the world around us.
It's also how capitalism rewards entrepreneurs and investors for their risk taking.
What's unclear is what Knee would recommend for future education entrepreneurs and investors, aside from a narrower vision and some increased caution.
That is why rather than have anyone pick a solution, I favor letting the free market figure it out through entrepreneurs and investors.
Our reputation and relationships help entrepreneurs and investors make profitable decisions and connections.
His experience with a CPA firm was enough to realize entrepreneurs and investors are the wealthy; not only in assets but lifestyle and freedom.
The reasoning of the founder, who is a serial entrepreneur and an investor himself, was simple.
The pressing issues of getting off the ground and gaining traction are matters for now, but entrepreneurs and investors alike must have one eye on the future as well.
If you're playing the consumer web game — and many entrepreneurs and investors are — you aren't in it for the small exit.
What we're saying is that as a real estate entrepreneur and investor, you should be serving others through your deals and transactions.
But without it, there's no pipeline of ideas for entrepreneurs and investors to turn into products.
Look for blowback from entrepreneurs and investors who argue that the move unfairly punishes legitimate cryptocurrency companies and related crypto products.
MAGNiTT's data - rich platform provides users insights on MENA's startup ecosystem on a subscription model, and enables direct connections between entrepreneurs and investors.
UNION is the product of Born Wild Brands, an incubation and advisory firm founded by entrepreneur and investor Zubin Mehta.
CNBC is launching the Disruptor 50 Roadshow, a series of events across the country to educate entrepreneurs and investors on start - up success.
Jason Nazar is one of the most active tech entrepreneurs and investors in southern California, and is a popular contributor for Wall Street Journal, Forbes, INC, Fortune, and Business Insider.
I first heard about the idea from entrepreneur and investor Mark Suster, and it's saved me immeasurable time and anxiety.
Here at Propel we're excited about this dynamic model and look forward to partnering with entrepreneurs and investors as we explore it together.
Public relations advice from serial entrepreneur and investor David Rose, and Scott Gerber, founder of the Young Entrepreneur Council.
Craig Hall, a serial entrepreneur and investor based in Holland, notes that the city's history of entrepreneurship emerged from economic necessity.
In August 2014, blockchain technology company Blockstream was founded by the same Adam Back and Gregory Maxwell, as well as entrepreneur and investor Austin Hill and several Bitcoin Core developers, including Dr. Pieter Wuille.
Peter Thiel is a technology entrepreneur and investor best known for co-founding PayPal.
The 2018 edition of TechCircleLive saw entrepreneurs and investors gather in Bengaluru to decode how technology is changing the...
By allowing entrepreneurs and investors to support their communities while making a profit, C3s are meant to bypass some of the strict regulatory requirements of registered charities and thereby unlock previously untapped capital for social enterprises.
If you're pitching billionaire entrepreneur and investor Mark Cuban, you'll want to be aware of this one little thing that will make or break your deal.
Entrepreneurs and investors believe that virtual reality headsets developed to engulf masses in digital worlds are the upcoming behemoth moneymakers in the field of technology.
The #BuyaBusiness Expo is an annual event organized by Thebe Reed Exhibitions, connecting entrepreneurs and investors who are looking to grow, diversify or enter into business ownership with one of the many business and franchise opportunities available at the show.
The 2018 edition of TechCircleLive saw entrepreneurs and investors gather in Bengaluru to discuss how technology and the digital revolution have impacted the way businesses are run in India.
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