Sentences with phrase «environment act upon»

The material factors of the environment act upon and influence the life - form.

Not exact matches

Although the Chief Justice acknowledged that this argument had some merit, the more determinative factor — and the key difference between the statutory immunity provisions relied upon by the ERCB and Alberta Environment — was that the immunity clause with respect to the former explicitly contemplated the regulator as an entity («the Board or a member of the Board...») whereas the immunity provisions under the Water Act and the EPEA did not (referring only to «persons» in various capacities; see paras 62 — 71).
In such an environment the differentiation born of union may act upon that which is most unique and incommunicable in the individual, namely his personality.
God acts upon the human spirit as its connatural environment and prompts an ever greater knowledge and love of himself, thus confirming the bonds of personal relationships between God and man and between man and his neighbour.
«Truth is one, but men seek it in different ways depending upon their background, education and environment; the only reasonable way for any modern man to act when faced with this pluralism of ethical and moral thinking is to seek to know the truth held by the other person, but with love and respect and openness.»
Now, then, we come to the «information environment» which is at once the chief danger to conserving what is necessary for a humane survival and consequently that upon which the thermostatic activity of education is to act.
All organisms both take account of their environments and act upon their environments.
This encourages all the company's employees to make a sustainable difference by considering and acting upon the impact of their home and working lives on the future of the planet and environment.
In order for the Lacazette experiment to succeed several things need to occur, many of which will require Wenger to act in a very unlike Wenger fashion... firstly, Wenger has to commit to Lacazette as the number 1 striking option, which could prove difficult considering the way in which he has approached that position since RVP's departure... remember that Lacazette has only been here for a cup of coffee and yet he has already played out on the left... I'm truly worried that upon further reflection the club won't be able to resist an increased offer, under the guise that the work environment is increasingly untenable, and Sanchez will find himself elsewhere come September (I pray not though); if that were to happen I fear that Lacazette will be played along side Giroud
When testing crystalline (red) and fluid (green) materials in an environment free of noise — sound vibration or disturbances that are known to act upon a solidifying material — scientists at Florida Tech and Arizona State University discovered that a previously unknown field modulated the speed and shape of the crystal - melt interface, leading to the pictured pattern formations.
The world or environment is not something inert, passive, something waiting to be acted upon.
The Act imposes additional duties upon Federal agency employers intended to reinvigorate their longstanding obligation to provide a work environment free of discrimination and retaliation.
Environment and Climate Change Canada may recommend charges be laid by the PPSC under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, based upon the findings of their investigation currently underway, reports Automotive News Canada.
Journey with an open mind and gentle heart Accept with grace and gratitude the diversity I encounter Revere and protect the natural environment which sustains all life Appreciate all cultures I discover Respect and thank my hosts for their welcome Offer my hand in friendship to everyone I meet Support travel services that share these views and act upon them and, By my spirit, words and actions, encourage others to travel the world in peace
Jeffords, the ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee said, «We must strive to build upon the success of the Clean Air Act, not gut it.»
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