Sentences with phrase «environment back step»

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He felt that it was his job to «wake up» people out of this slumber that they may step back and look at the ways new technologies were shaping the environment.
It's time for us to stand back and see what is really happening here: further loss of food sovereignty, the addition of another crop which is not proven safe for either the environment or humans and another step towards world food control by a handful of multinationals.
You create an environment in which your kid can succeed, and then you step back and let him do the hard work.
When parents are able to step back and observe their child, they can begin to think about how to best organize their daily routines and environment to maximize their child's ability to sleep.
«While Donald Trump and his Republican allies continue to roll back environmental protections, it is crucial that New York State steps up to protect our environment and serve as an example to the rest of the nation.»
«So we wanted to step back and look just at what the fluid does to the pattern formation, since the fluid environment is always present in these systems.
Statement on behalf of Climate Action Network Europe, Carbon Market Watch, European Environmental Bureau, Sandbag, Transport & Environment, and WWF European Policy Office EU governments must step back from irreparably weakening Europe's biggest climate law, six of Europe's leading environmental NGOs have said, after talks between member states and the European Parliament ended in deadlock...
After a hectic week / weekend, with lots of shopping, it's time to take a step back in a greener environment, away from the city.
To begin addressing these crises back in 2000, the convened leaders set down the Millennium Declaration, a series of collective priorities for peace and security, poverty reduction, the environment and human rights — essential steps for the advancement of humankind, as well as for the immediate survival for a significant portion of it.
EDUTOPIA: I want to take a step back and ask about all of these interventions more broadly: How does this work if a child comes from a chaotic or unstable home environment?
Coming into Warrior Tech, the greatest struggle for me was coming into this environment and taking a step back to let the students take the wheel.
Let's step back and examine the types of assessment available to educators as they build a balanced assessment environment.
The Common Core requires all teachers to do what heretofore only our master teachers have accomplished: step back and let students construct their own meaning; craft learning environments where collaboration, investigation and discovery is a design principle of each lesson; provide choices and variation in pedagogical stances; and adapt to the needs of diverse learners.
«I think its important to step back and take a look at the school environment,» suggests Kazarian.
I contend that when one takes a step back to view the bigger picture of the sector, we see a far different environment, one in which the charter sector is flourishing and growing.
While many other cars» eco setting typically scale back throttle response, the Mini takes it a step further and detunes the climate control in Green mode, which should more significantly improve fuel economy in warm environments.
Take a step back and look at your environment.
Solution: Well, it depends on who you ask, but it's likely to be the culmination of thousands of small — and big — steps taken by individuals, organizations, nations and humankind to work our way back to a greener environment.
Step back in time and experience an environment found nowhere else on earth.
Massive crowds, interactive environments and a plethora of ways to take your target out has me excited to step back into Agent 47's shoes.
Each series offers a unique perspective on the art world itself, with Freeberg taking a step back to turn his lens not only on works of art — but on the environment in which the work is displayed and the people who interact with it.
The threatening environment at the UNFCCC will not make youth step back in their fight for a just world.
Mr. Schwarzenegger has put the environment high on his agenda, and backed steps to reduce industrial emissions of greenhouse gases.
The conversation keeps getting dragged away because the ethanol * program * has had lots of unintended effects (corn prices, food prices, etc.) You claim that raising fuel efficiency will do more than ethanol in terms of saving the environment, but take another step back and consider the easiest way to save the environment — taxing carbon emissions.
The difference is stark compared to similarly framed photos taken with a standard camera — the wide angle anchors the subject in the frame, while stepping back for the same framing makes them more part of the environment.
Taking portraits with the wide - angle camera on the LG G6 is a great way to capture the environment around the subject without having to step far back.
Once you've made your list of jobs, take a step back and review it, looking for themes — are you drawn to work in a corporate environment or positions where you answer to no one?
«I begin by creating a caring environment utilizing my 25 years of experience allowing you to relax, step back and assess what you need from therapy.Once our relationship is established I begin helping you to create solutions to your challanges that we work on in every session My goal is to ensure that you have the inner resources and courage to address new challenges on a daily basis and find within yourself the power to overcome your internal struggles.I help people to step back from the tree and see the whole forest.»
As we step back and look at what we learned from mixed - use, it's that the environment we create on the ground level with the retail creates a great environment for the uses above.
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