Sentences with phrase «environmental characteristics»

By combining the results from the field and the greenhouse, the most important species traits and environmental characteristics for establishment success could be identified.
In particular, given certain environmental characteristics, some individuals may be better suited to thriving in a setting while others might struggle in the same situation.
Individual - level exposure to disaster, neighborhood environmental characteristics, and their independent and combined associations with depressive symptoms in women.
Dr. Cathy: The population is best described by environmental characteristics as opposed to genetics.
The major strengths of carton packs are their convenience, their product protection qualities and their good environmental characteristics.
Because twins share a prenatal environment, the fetuses have many environmental characteristics in common, like gestational age and the mother's lifestyle.
Research must be undertaken to inform the development of a more comprehensive model to address the multifaceted manner in which individual and environmental characteristics contribute to risk.»
The following environmental characteristics are critical to developing a successful after - school program:
based on research that examines parental and environmental characteristics able to increase or limit families» capacity to benefit from the proposed intervention; and
In a review of relevant research, Repetti, Taylor, and Seeman [18] concluded that positive parental and family environmental characteristics are positively related to indicators of children's social development, and vice versa.
But be sure to work on the balance of environmental characteristics, such as recyclability, recycled content, source reduction, renewable materials, compostability / biodgegradability and reusability, with functionality and cost.
Icelandic Glacial ™ natural spring water is the result of a perfect combination of environmental characteristics that create a remarkably fresh, balanced water with a clean finish.
Called the Synthetic Derivative, the vast database allows researchers to search for phenotypes — clinical descriptions, lab measures, demographic and environmental characteristics — that are common to patients with the same diagnosis.
Software is used to assimilate, manipulate, and present data to create a picture of an area's geographical and environmental characteristics.
Funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, researchers are following 200 infants with congenital Zika syndrome and their families to understand the ongoing health impact, why some babies affected by the virus develop more normally than others, and if more positive prognoses are linked with family or environmental characteristics.
However, it has also been suggested that species characteristics are less important as determinants of plant establishment success than other factors such as seed availability or environmental characteristics, like dense vegetation.
In March the National Research Council (NRC) published a report urging more research into whether «critical junctures in human evolution and behavioral development may have been affected by the environmental characteristics of the areas where hominids evolved.»
The researchers stress that prevention and harm reduction initiatives need to be adapted to reduce the risk of harm among in this population, where increased rates of experimentation and environmental characteristics may augment and combine to increase risks associated with consuming lesser - known psychoactive substances.
The open two - seater also sets new standards in its class for fuel consumption and environmental characteristics.
Artist: Sam Moyer Exhibition title: Slowly Venue: Rodolphe Janssen, Brussels, Belgium Date: May 25 — July 17, 2015 Photography: Hugard & Vanoverschelde photography, images courtesy of the artist and Rodolphe Janssen Galerie Rodolphe Janssen is proud to announce the debut of a new series of sculptures and paintings by artist Sam Moyer that address the dimensional, architectural, and environmental characteristics of the gallery as site.
«More and more occupiers are recognizing the role the physical and environmental characteristics of their offices can play on the recruitment, retention, health, and even performance of their employees.
The signage provides complete, unbiased information on the environmental characteristics of the different categories of eco-responsible products, outlining why items were selected.
The assessment should include a review of the resident's history, physical examination, environmental characteristics and if all alternatives to the restraint have been explored.
While risk factors related to individual differences in outcomes have been studied in depth, there is a growing body of research that has revealed the effects of positive personal and environmental characteristics on diabetes management and glycemic control.
Method: Extensive literature searches were conducted using Medline, PsychInfo, and CINAHL to identify studies assessing positive personal and environmental characteristics and diabetes outcomes.
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