Sentences with phrase «environmental chemistry»

She has done research on ozone layer protection and nuclear chemistry, including environmental chemistry, specifically.
«One of the greatest uncertainties in EU environmental legislation is that we do not know the precise effects of synergistic chemicals when determining the scale of damage to nature from chemical cocktails,» says environmental chemistry professor and lead researcher, Nina Cedergreen.
It is a multidisciplinary field of research and draws on environmental chemistry, physics, meteorology, computer modeling, oceanography, geology and volcanology and other disciplines.
For example, Erin Mann, a graduate student studying environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto in Scarborough, Canada, said that melting sea ice in the Arctic Ocean exposes more seawater to the atmosphere, which may make it easier for toxic chemicals in arctic waters to escape into the air.
«The results show that the emissions... are about 1 1/2 times the EPA estimate,» said Steven Wofsy, a professor of atmospheric and environmental chemistry at Harvard and a co-author of the study.
I previously worked at BusinessGreen covering the green economy and have a undergrad master in environmental chemistry from the University of Edinburgh and a science journalism MA from City University.
Environmental chemistry Put your skills towards saving the planet, whether collecting and analysing soil samples or modifying processes to reduce their carbon footprint.
«Real world native biocrusts: Microbial metabolism: Functionally linking microbial community structure with environmental chemistry
1 Laboratory of chemistry and environmental chemistry L.C.C.E - University of Batna 1 - Algeria 2 Faculty of Sciences - Department of Chemistry - University of Biskra - Algeria 3 Faculty of Sciences - Department of physics - University of Batna 2 - Algeria
The Department of Environmental Sciences within Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University invites applications from candidates for a full - time, tenure - track position focusing on applied environmental chemistry and global change.
They are looking for someone with expertise in marine environmental chemistry, marine geochemistry, chemical oceanography, or biogeochemical cycling.
«One of the things about studying environmental chemistry is that things are not easily solved and that's often frustrating,» added Reddy.
Jocelyn holds an undergraduate masters in environmental chemistry from the University of Edinburgh and a science journalism MA from City University London.
Love Canal remains a seminal study in environmental chemistry, the first declared Federal Disaster Area due to man - made causes, and as the event that started the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Superfund program for identifying and cleaning up industrial waste sites.
A distinguished innovator, engineer, and scientist, Dr. Palmer has four patents and over 40 publications in a broad range of fields, including biomedicine, aerospace, optics, communications, transportation, automotive technology, robotics, power, energy, fuels, and environmental chemistry.
Prisle's disciplinary boundary - pushing began when she was pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in theoretical physics and mathematics in her native Denmark and was inspired by an environmental chemistry class to study physical and chemical processes in climate change.
She was a very good scientist working in a field, environmental chemistry, that had actual job openings — not many, granted, but some.
The ETE comprised different research programs relating to the environment carried out at the NUS faculties of engineering, medicine, and science with research efforts focused on the following six areas: biotreatment technology, membrane technology, adsorption and regeneration, environmental chemistry, environmental catalysis and air pollution control, and air quality management.
Founded in 1925, it has long been a national leader in fisheries, environmental chemistry and toxicology, and ecosystem science and restoration ecology with a focus on whole ecosystem management and restoration.
The study's lead author, Heather Stapleton, a Duke University assistant professor of environmental chemistry, said many of the compounds have been used in foam cushions only recently, replacing another chemical that was banned after 2004 because it was building up rapidly in human bodies.
Research ranges from atmospheric sciences to microbiology, climate, oceanography, environmental chemistry, water management, and international environmental policy.
Materials chemistry, environmental chemistry.
Published on behalf of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry is multidisciplinary in scope and publishes papers describing original experimental or theoretical work that significantly advances understanding in the area of environmental toxicology, environmental chemistry and hazard or risk assessment.
Her current research areas include chemistry of radioactive waste systems, environmental chemistry, actinide separations, and radioanalytical chemistry.
Valuable information can be found on a range of life sciences fields including bacteriology, biochemistry, bionics, bioinformatics, biophysics, biotechnology, genetics, geobotany, human biology, marine biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cellular biology, zoology, bioinorganic chemistry, microchemistry and environmental chemistry.
Our research program uses tools from ecology, ecotoxicology, environmental chemistry and physiology to investigate (1) the sources, (2) fate and (3) the ecological implications of the mixtures of contaminants to aquatic habitats.
In particular, Dr. Jackson has focused on the environmental chemistry of arsenic and mercury and in the development of analytical methods for speciation analysis of these elements.
«My degree included subjects as diverse as nanotechnology, biomechanics, engineering design and environmental chemistry
Ultimately, however, a combination of bacteria and environmental chemistry will oxidize everything except for the very durable residuals.
Finally, basic work in atmospheric and environmental chemistry was recognized in 1995 with the prize to Paul Crutzen, from the Netherlands, working at Stockholm University and later at the Max - Planck - Institute in Mainz, Mario Molina of MIT and F. Sherwood Rowland of UC, Irvine.
I teach classes on global warming, environmental chemistry, and global geochemical cycles.
The Environmental Sciences Department offers majors in environmental chemistry and environmental geosciences; the Natural Resources department includes emphases on ecological restoration, fisheries ecology, and wildlife ecology; and the Nature and Culture Department allows majors in outdoor education and humanity and nature studies.
To pursue a carrier in the field of chemistry or environmental chemistry either as educator, enalyst or manager.
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