Sentences with phrase «environmental clues»

Instead, the story was left to be discovered by the player, told through subtle environmental clues and diligently scanning your surroundings.
The first part focuses on using environmental clues for animal recognition.
You'll have to figure out what to do just from environmental clues.
Other than minor hand holding in the introductory levels, the player is left alone to discover the other aspects of the game, aided by the clever use of environmental clues.
Instead, the story was left to be discovered by the player, told through subtle environmental clues and diligently scanning your surroundings.
The game turns out to be a puzzle action adventure where you're left using environmental clues and contextual logic to find solutions to complete goals.
Considering a single dialogue choice or a missed environmental clue can potentially condemn a character to death, it's a risky scenario that could either be invigorating or consistently irritating.
The unsettling ambience of this beautiful, yet dangerous world is only further heightened by a story told solely through environmental clues, not to mention its limited use of sound — the majority of which are delegated to the clanking of your enemies» distant echoes.
Featuring no waypoints or map, the game does attempt to guide you in some areas via subtle environmental clues, but on several occasions I apparently missed these clues and found myself completely lost with no sense of where to go.
Each of these required our team track a target throughout the open world, by using environmental clues, such as a fresh footprint or carcass of another devoured beast.
Subtle environmental clues and smartly doled - out powerups will help you find your path through the world, and from the first moments the 2D essentials of jumping and attacking have a perfectly tuned weight and snappiness to them.
Many of Detroit: Become Human's scenarios will provide you with a success rate, a percentage that increases and decreases depending on the environmental clues you've collected, dialogue choices you've made and decisions you've elected to make from previous episodes (some of which will lock out potential narrative avenues completely).
When in a battle you can feel and hear it, just like your there, the extra sounds and environmental clues are just fantastic in Iron Front.
Through moments of emergent storytelling and environmental clues, Prey slowly reveals the introspective nature of its core concept, elevating the already excellent gameplay to a weighty science - fiction experience worthy of its predecessors.
Some missions have environmental clues that explain and foreshadow things that will happen later in the game.
Then I realised the environmental clues were not obviously highlighted or clear what they meant at a glance.
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