Sentences with phrase «environmental experts»

• Create and maintain effective liaison with environmental experts to obtain required information and support.
As a result, many environmental experts fear that if manufacturers are not paid to destroy the waste gas, they will simply resume releasing it into the atmosphere.
Given the droughts we see occurring every year and the dire reports from environmental experts, these are no small reasons to go organic.
The need for meaningful domestic steps to curb emissions has been a mantra of late among environmental experts.
However, some medical experts, scientists, and environmental experts disagree.
This is just as environmental experts have predicted intense flooding across the country this year.
The lawmakers say they want to hear from health and environmental experts about ways the state can boost its efforts to prevent infections and help those dealing with the illnesses.
The tribunal will actually operate at locations around India and will be composed of environmental experts with the authority to «try all matters related to and arising out of environmental issues.»
As such, we join the growing chorus of world leaders and environmental experts in asking Japan to reconsider its decision to conduct this hunt, or, at a minimum, significantly scale back its scope.
Aggression toward humans and native animal species, the depletion of submerged vegetation in aquatic ecosystems and degraded water quality due to droppings are among the negative impacts of mute swan populations, environmental experts say.
To honor Earth Day, Marina Lofts developer Asi Cymbal hosted an Earth Day event for nationally recognized arborists and other environmental experts at the downtown site of the Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Rain Tree.
Other environmental experts agree, adding that disposers require an unnecessary waste of water and electricity.
that in their preliminary study, a staffed panel of environmental experts concluded the use of renewables would be impossible in Albany due to the wattage of power needed to run the plaza.
Today, the Conference of Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 20) begins in Lima (Peru) and is widely seen — as Elias Ntungwe Ngalame in an article for Deutsche Welle (DW) rightly notes — by environmental experts «as a crucial springboard to COP 21 in Paris» next year.
Environmental experts working in the field, including Bookbinder, expect that the EPA will go after automobiles first, since they're perceived as the lower - hanging fruit.
That was also echoed by two environmental experts brought in by Buchanan Energy, the company that is seeking to build the new gas station that will include an estimated 10 pumps, 6,800 - square - foot convenience store and a 2,200 - square - foot car wash.
According to Fletcher, «Environmental experts recently called toilet paper «one of the greatest excesses of our age,» leading to suggestions that Americans adopt reusable cloth toilet wipes as an environmentally friendly alternative.»
Environmental experts started warning people to be careful around the dangerous plant known as the Giant Hogweed Giant Hogweed is a public health hazard that ranks up there higher than poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac in respect to its potential to harm humans.
And the chain also earned kudos from environmental expert Mary Cordaro for its less - toxic cleaning products and natural linens.
Concerned that the deformities might have been caused by environmental toxins, the students decided to bring their discovery to the attention of state environmental experts and lawmakers.
March 5, 2013 — From feral swine to Asian carp, a broad coalition of animal and environmental experts descend on Washington, D.C. for National Invasive Species Week.
«This is the result of our struggle,» environmental expert Armen Vermishyan told ArmeniaNow after the statement.
It's expected that the EPA and NHSTA will work together to devise a single standard to govern cars, and that could come as early as August, environmental experts predict.
In response to his essay, we have invited environmental expert and frequent Cato Institute author Indur Goklany; climate scientist Joseph J. Romm, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress; and Michael Shellenberger and Ted Nordhaus, the co-founders of The Breakthrough Institute, a think tank whose mission includes encouraging an «equitable and accelerated transition to the clean energy economy.»
At a June 4 conference in Seoul, South Korea, scientists and environmental experts discussed prospects for the biologically rich Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) on the Korean Peninsula.
In addition, E&E Legal's stable of legal, energy, and environmental experts regularly publish blogs, and op - eds, which garner the group significant exposure and credibility.
By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 18:37 GMT, 5 January 2011 Thousands of dead crabs have washed up along the Kent coast, with environmental experts believing the cold weather in Britain is to blame.
Environmental experts credit Agrawal with bringing national and international awareness to the problems disenfranchised communities in India face from the lack of accountability by industrial developers — and a government all too willing to turn a blind eye.
Boisvert, who has been described as a «left - wing environmental expert, is no «climate denier,» yet he calls for climate alarmists to take a deep breath and step back from doomsday forecasts that likely have little to do with what will actually take place in the future.
Lehman Brothers has more environmental experts than the UNEP.»
Not only can you take a look at the report's findings on a mapped viewing tool, which makes it really easy to take in, but Landmark's team of environmental experts provide direct advice on «next steps» should a risk be flagged up, which is hugely reassuring.
Although they're certainly on the right track, there's much more that's off the mark about what we're being told by energy / environmental experts like Suzuki.
Solomon told The Alt that in their preliminary study, a staffed panel of environmental experts concluded the use of renewables would be impossible in Albany due to the wattage of power needed to run the plaza.
However, it is a known fact among environmental experts that the production of cement produces large amounts of mercury released from the limestone used as the raw material, the median amount being 1.5 lbs.
Environmental experts warn that Australia's plight should be making the whole world thirsty: As global warming continues, many nations around the world may have to adapt to less water.
As part of this service, we work with environmental experts to determine the parties ultimately responsible for the spill, and we vigorously pursue these parties to recoup our clients «damages and expenses.
Created with the help of environmental experts and Stellar Certification Services, our third - party certified - sustainable vineyard program is one of the most comprehensive in the country.
The new study, published in the journal The Lancet and written by more than 40 international health and environmental experts, uses data from the the Global Burden of Disease, an international study that examines trends across populations and estimates mortality from major diseases and their causes.
The research was conducted by dozens of international health and environmental experts and incorporates data from the ambitious Global Burden of Disease project, which highlighted how smoking, blood pressure, poor diet, and environmental factors affect human health earlier this year.
«Most Canadians have no idea that this deal is being negotiated in secret under the guidance of multinational corporations with no input from labour leaders, environmental experts or even MPs,» O'Hanlon said.
As an article co-authored by two environmental experts and Bob Kingston of the PSAC's Agriculture Union notes, there appear to be no plans for maintaining the careful stewardship of these pasturelands once passed down to the provinces and sold off.
The Ivory Coast now only has 4 % of its land covered by forest, and some environmental experts fear that by 2030 there may not be any left.
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