Sentences with phrase «environmental factors beyond your control»

If you live in an earthquake - prone region or one with high deer populations, comprehensive coverage will protect against those environmental factors beyond your control.

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These factors — many of which are beyond our control and the effects of which can be difficult to predict — include: credit, market, liquidity and funding, insurance, operational, regulatory compliance, strategic, reputation, legal and regulatory environment, competitive and systemic risks and other risks discussed in the risk sections of our 2017 Annual Report; including global uncertainty and volatility, elevated Canadian housing prices and household indebtedness, information technology and cyber risk, regulatory change, technological innovation and new entrants, global environmental policy and climate change, changes in consumer behavior, the end of quantitative easing, the business and economic conditions in the geographic regions in which we operate, the effects of changes in government fiscal, monetary and other policies, tax risk and transparency and environmental and social risk.
Account for variations in emissions with clear narrative — reductions must be due to your climate initiatives, not to economic, environmental or other factors beyond your control
Often the family and environmental risk factors a child experiences are beyond the control of any one person.
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