Sentences with phrase «environmental groups which»

A second is that some of the scientists working on some of the reports have links to environmental groups which are not always made clear.
STOP donations to all environmental groups which funded this Global Warming propaganda campaign with our money, especially The World Wildlife Fund.
Stop donations to all environmental groups which funded this Global Warming propaganda campaign with our money, especially The Environmental Defense Fund.
It is also in Russia's best interest to fund those environmental groups which are committed to campaigning against fracking.»

Not exact matches

The report on which that claim is based has been widely criticized by environmental groups.
The second part of the Liberal plan is tweaking pipeline reviews, which has taken heavy fire from environmental groups and First Nations critics.
This made U.S. firms the biggest single national group and was similar to levels in 2016, according to CDP, which tracks companies» environmental performance and was formerly known as the Carbon Disclosure Project.
«Today's historic action by the EPA will finally begin the process of restricting the remaining sources of asbestos, which is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans,» said Sonya Lunder of the Environmental Working Group Action Fund, which studies toxic substances.
Ten environmental groups including the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council are involved in the lawsuit, which claims that Trump doesn't have the authority to reduce the size of Grand Staircase - Escalante under the Antiquities Act of 1906.
The groups said the State Department, which granted the permit needed for the pipeline to cross the Canada-U.S. border, relied on an «outdated and incomplete environmental impact statement» when making its decision earlier this month.
The move angered environmental groups, which plan to fight it in court.
The Environmental Markets Group, which resides within the Executive Office, is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Environmental Policy Framework as well as furthering, coordinating and communicating the firm's global environmentalEnvironmental Markets Group, which resides within the Executive Office, is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Environmental Policy Framework as well as furthering, coordinating and communicating the firm's global environmentalEnvironmental Policy Framework as well as furthering, coordinating and communicating the firm's global environmentalenvironmental initiatives.
The CRA denies the audits, which have targeted environmental and anti-poverty groups, have government interference
The pan-Canadian coalition, which emerged from the North American civil society gathering on NAFTA in Mexico City in May 2017, is made up of labour, environmental, farmer, social justice and other civil society groups across English - speaking Canada and Quebec.
Members of its corporate citizenship group, which also monitors whether clients engaged in coal mining and oil drilling are adhering to Citigroup's environmental standards, will check in regularly on partners» gun - selling procedures, the company said.
The Canadian province, which holds the world's third - largest crude reserves, is reviewing renewable - energy policies as exports from its oil sands face increasing opposition from environmental groups and lawmakers in the U.S. and Europe.
Some environmental groups are worried over the rise in coal exports from multiple countries (including the United States and Australia) to China, which burns half of the six billion tons the world burns annually.
According to an Environmental Working Group (EWG) analysis (2010) of the 10,500 ingredients used in toothpaste, sunscreen, nail polish and personal, hair and skin products, only 13 per cent of them have been reviewed for safety in the last 30 years and that was by the Cosmetics Ingredients Review, which is run by the cosmetics industry.
This embossing has been optimised for the Narrow - Neck Press and Blow (NNPB) production method, which also reduces the weight of the glass packaging by 32 %, helping to reduce environmental impact - an ongoing driver for Ardagh Group.
The initiative was devised by environmental group WildAid as part of its 5 To Do Today campaign, which, like Meat Free Monday, is trying to effect environmental change by encouraging people to make changes at an individual level.
Major banks CBA and ANZ have urged the repeal of a law which allows activist investors, unions and environmental groups to pursue fringe causes by forcing companies to hold costly shareholder meetings.
The petition, which was launched by environmental campaign group Final Straw, said that charging customers for straws would mean that serves could only hand out straws on request, which could «dramatically reduce waste.»
This document - developed by Kennedy / Jenks Consultants and underwritten, in part, by the American Vineyard Foundation and Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E)- builds on research and other activities undertaken by the Wine Institute Environmental Working Group of the Technical Committee, which guided the development of this publication for managing winery water and energy.
Research shows that a majority of global consumers, and especially Millennials, support companies that are committed to minimizing environmental impacts and that prioritize sustainable approaches to operations.2 To share more about its water initiatives, Fetzer Vineyards developed a new page on its website containing facts about agricultural water use and details about the company's water policy support. Visit for more on Fetzer Vineyards» water initiatives, including its adoption of BioFiltro's BIDA ® treatment system and its support for water conservation research and advocacy through collaborations with groups like the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) and Ceres» Connect the Drops, both of which were commended for their water policy efforts at the White House Water Summit on Building a Sustainable Water Future in the United States on Maenvironmental impacts and that prioritize sustainable approaches to operations.2 To share more about its water initiatives, Fetzer Vineyards developed a new page on its website containing facts about agricultural water use and details about the company's water policy support. Visit for more on Fetzer Vineyards» water initiatives, including its adoption of BioFiltro's BIDA ® treatment system and its support for water conservation research and advocacy through collaborations with groups like the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) and Ceres» Connect the Drops, both of which were commended for their water policy efforts at the White House Water Summit on Building a Sustainable Water Future in the United States on MaEnvironmental Roundtable (BIER) and Ceres» Connect the Drops, both of which were commended for their water policy efforts at the White House Water Summit on Building a Sustainable Water Future in the United States on March 22, 2016.
Especially organic pears and celery, both of which show up on the Environmental Working Group's «Dirty Dozen» list of foods most contaminated with pesticides.
Our participation in Origin Green is one important element of Kerry's Group - wide sustainability program «Towards 2020,» which outlines our commitment to responsibly source raw materials; reduce the environmental impact of our manufacturing processes and support community initiatives within the international markets in which we operate.
For people who want to start buying some organic foods, Karr and Goldstein recommended the Environmental Working Group's Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce and its Dirty Dozen list, which points out which produce is best to buy organically, due to high levels of synthetic pesticides in conventional food.
These groups were less concerned about market fluctuations and more concerned with issues of social equity, environmental health and having fun, which meant they unwittingly epitomised the goals of political ecology, by challenging the dominant agricultural methods of production and marketing.
Visit more on Fetzer Vineyards» water initiatives, including its adoption of BioFiltro's BIDA ® treatment system and its support for water conservation research and advocacy through collaborations with groups like the Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable (BIER) and Ceres» Connect the Drops, both of which were commended for their water policy efforts at the White House Water Summit on Building a Sustainable Water Future in the United States on March 22, 2016.
This includes Corporate Social Investment, whereby the group promotes the development of learners through three academies which offer holistic, full - year programmes centred around sport, art and education; Entrepreneur Development which focuses on skills - based entrepreneurial development through its Tsogo Sun Book a Guesthouse and Supplier Development programmes; and Environmental Education, committed to initiatives that reduce the impact the business has on the environment.
Another budget - friendly option is to buy organic only for produce on the «Dirty Dozen» list, which is the Environmental Working Group's assessment of the foods that are likely to contain the most pesticides.
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) rates Earth Mama Angel Baby a 1 (the lower the better) which is an excellent score.
Michael Pollan recently shared an interesting post from the Environmental Working Group («Healthy School Food: Pay Now, Save Later») which advocates a redistribution of farm subsidies to support more fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias.
Mass Audubon stands with the affected communities and other interested public and private groups in supporting a strong EPA permit governing the implementation of this crucial environmental cleanup project, which may well affect Massachusetts and the Northeast for centuries.
For more fun, enter some of the ingredients on a site like Skin Deep the Cosmetic Safety Database by Environmental Working Group which reports on the safety of chemicals applied to the skin.
Your next best option is to search the Environmental Working Groups website Skin Deep which lets you search for safe products or type in a product and find out how it ranks for safety against toxic chemicals.
I recommend eating organic foods grown sustainably and as local as possible, especially the Environmental Working Group's «dirty dozen,» which are the foods having the worst pesticides.
The Environmental Working group did an earlier study in 2003 which made me wonder if breast milk was truly safer than formula.
In October some of the group had a day and a half at Kritou Terra, a village at the other end of the island, which hosts an Environmental Centre.
School districts in some states, including all five surveyed, may have additional protection under «recreational use» statutes, which offer immunity from certain claims against landowners who open their property to the public for recreational use.10 In states with broad recreational use statutes, such as Indiana, opening school kitchen facilities could be considered a protected activity under the law, depending on the circumstances of the use and other factors.11 However, in Massachusetts, protection for recreational activities extends only to purposes that are «scientific, educational, environmental, ecological, research, religious, or charitable,» 12 so the state's statute might not apply when districts allow for - profit groups to use school kitchens.
Yesterday the Environmental Working Group's (EWG) AgMag Blog offered a much closer look at those corporate ties, as well as the role of SNA's lobbyists which, in addition to representing SNA, boast a roster of Big Food clients that includes General Mills, Kraft Foods, the North American Meat Association, the National Confectioners Association and the National Frozen Pizza Institute (whose members include Con Agra and Schwan.)
Quoted in the New York Times, Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of the Center for Food Safety, said his group would seek to have the decision reversed based on the alleged inadequacy of the environmental impact statement on which the USDA relied in making its decision.
You can also check with the environmental working group ranking (EWG) which does most of the research for you.
Malas recommends the Environmental Working Group's website (, which provides current news and information about certain products containing BPA.
and also join the global campaign for a toxic - free world by reading the FAQ Sheet, Towards Healthy Environments for Children: Frequently asked questions about breastfeeding in a contaminated environment which emerged out of the combined efforts of breastfeeding and environmental health and justice groups in addressing breastfeeding in a contaminated environment.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Minority Leader Andrea Stewart - Cousins, Democrats both, received scores of 100 from the group, which assessed votes on key environmental issues, including the Clean Water Bond Act, renewable energy, septic storage and bolstering solar panel technology.
Environmental group Riverkeeper, which has been patrolling the lower Hudson for decades, only began sampling north of the federal dam in Troy last summer.
They belong to all Americans and the public wants them preserved and protected, not sold off to multinational oil companies,» read the statement, which was signed by leaders of the Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council, League of Conservation Voters and other environmental groups.
The public comments range from complaints from environmental groups that the impact statement does not fully address public health effects or the impacts of industrialization on the state's rural areas, to concerns from the Independent Oil and Gas Association, which worries the new rules may be too strict.
The company has brought 50 or so tank cars to the line over the past few weeks and put them in storage in the town of Minerva, a move that has drawn the ire of environmental groups and state agencies, which have questioned the legality of storage there.
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