Sentences with phrase «environmental ills»

The phrase "environmental ills" refers to problems or issues caused by harm done to our natural surroundings. It includes things like pollution, deforestation, climate change, and loss of biodiversity. Overall, it means the negative impacts on the environment that can harm both nature and human beings. Full definition
And most of all, environmentalists are still acting like Old Testament prophets, warning of a plague of environmental ills about to rain down on humanity.
Pope Francis and the spiritual leader of the world's Orthodox Christians have issued a joint appeal for political leaders to «support the consensus of the world» that climate change and other environmental ills have created an ecological crisis that is harming the world's poorest the most.
In the future, ultra-accurate microchips and specialized sensors could be embedded in our phones and automatically send location and environmental data to databases for scientists to use, but for now there are still a host of ways that cell phones are helping to fight environmental ills from quick mobilization of protestors to smart apps and there will be many more to come.
Could taxing environmental ills prove more of a solution to pollution than dilution?
A common refrain is that many of China's environmental ills result from poor local enforcement and implementation of the country's environmental regulations and policies.
Excess nitrogen and phosphorus in the environment cause diverse environmental ills, many of which directly affect human health and welfare.
«Barring an almost inconceivable reduction in the earth's population, dense urban centers offer one of the few plausible remedies for some of the world's most discouraging environmental ills.
Daniel B. Botkin, a widely respected ecologist and author of noted books on environmental history, philosophy and science, has turned his attention to energy, with a new book charting one path to a prosperous post-fossil future in which energy is abundant but not a source of environmental ills.
And if we really want to get serious about climate change and other environmental ills, we might consider taxing all fossil fuels, which are too cheap given the health costs they impose.
It is still not quite acceptable to say so, but the accusation that transcendental and conversionary theism generally and Christianity particularly are the primary source of our environmental ills (as well as of colonialism, imperialism, militarism, poverty, and the oppression of minorities and women), as many are saying today, is an argument of escalating rhetorical influence, but of declining credibility.
Earlier this year, STRI research associate William Laurance published a paper in Science, stressing the importance of considering wildlife conservation during transportation infrastructure planning, because it is well known in the conservation community that roads «can unleash a Pandora's box of environmental ills, such as land encroachment, wildlife poaching, forest fragmentation, exotic species invasions and illegal mining.»
The logic of sprawl saw cities eat up a larger and larger share of the surrounding real estate, fueling habitat destruction, smog from tailpipe emissions, runoff from impermeable pavement and other environmental ills.
Trump signed into law last month a surprisingly strong allocation of $ 139.5 million for the Global Environment Facility, which supports programs to alleviate a host of environmental ills, including climate change, biodiversity and desertification.
«Unmanaged growth in motor vehicle use threatens to exacerbate growing income inequality and environmental ills, while more sustainable transport delivers access for all, reducing these ills,» said Replogle.
With two billion of the world's population living on less than $ 2 a day, alleviating crushing poverty and the health, social and environmental ills that accompany it, is everyone's moral responsibility.
It is the answer to our environmental ills: «Because of increased pollution and the continued destruction of our forests, you might not
But it's already clear that the Francis, as long hinted, will focus on social imbalance as a driver of environmental ills, with the world divided between societies that, in essence, are consumptive spendthrifts and those, largely because of poverty, that are deeply vulnerable to environmental stresses.
The Clean Power Plan's defenders treat it as if it were a seawall holding back a tide of environmental ills.
Isn't overpopulation the real root of our environmental ills?
World population needs to be stabilised quickly and high consumption in rich countries rapidly reduced to avoid «a downward spiral of economic and environmental ills», warns a major report from the Royal Society.
Burning fossil fuels has created many of these environmental ills,» the story read.
Now that the leak is plugged, the reasoning goes, perhaps a more organized effort to address the environmental ills the spill brought to light — oil dependence, the dangers of deep water drilling, etc — can indeed capture the public's attention.
It is the answer to our environmental ills: «Because of increased pollution and the continued destruction of our forests, you might not always be getting the oxygen you need for your active lifestyle.»
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