Sentences with phrase «environmental inputs»

It responds in complex ways to environmental input by altering that input before expressing itself uniquely in response.
In the first lesson, I covered the effects of environmental inputs.
• Does the importance of parental and environmental inputs grow as children age?
Because plants do not possess a nervous system, they must be able to perceive and respond to environmental inputs in a different way: this is where ABA comes in.
Lighting and colour Natural or daylight is one of the most important environmental inputs, especially in terms of visual development.
If the importance of parental and environmental inputs grew as children age, black students would be expected to lose ground relative to whites.
Functional Medicine practitioners understand that your health is determined by the interplay between your unique genetic makeup, your individual environmental inputs and lifestyle (like the air your breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the quality of your sleep, the toxins you are exposed to), and the psychological, spiritual, and social factors in your life.
Future research with young puppies raised with extremely minimal human contact would enable us to test whether environmental input is needed to shape this preference or whether it is an innate preference, as it seems to be in human infants (Cooper and Aslin 1990).
Addressing the root causes of imbalance, by addressing the patient's unique set of environmental inputs and fundamental physiological processes, restores health — but involves much more than a prescription directed at the proximate cause, the symptoms associated with the chief complaint.
Instead, the stem cells» program involved just 16 interactions between 12 proteins, called transcription factors, and three environmental inputs, in this case provided by chemicals in the lab.
Neither of these two categories is completely determinant, and there is no prescribed amount of genetic or environmental input that will ensure someone will or will not develop schizophrenia.
Assessment and treatment first address the patient's core clinical imbalances, fundamental physiological processes, environmental inputs, and genetic predispositions, rather than heading straight for the diagnosis.
Functional Medicine focuses on understanding the fundamental physiological processes, the environmental inputs, and the genetic predispositions that influence health and disease so that interventions are focused on treating the cause of the problem, not just masking the symptoms.
Functional medicine physicians focus on restoring balance to the dysfunctional systems by strengthening the fundamental physiologic processes that underlie them and by adjusting the environmental inputs that nurture or impair them.
We figured out your brain can do that with the response to environmental inputs.
But you can change which genes get turned on or off, and how that affects your physiology, by changing those environmental inputs.
Previous research has suggested that «reducing adversity and promoting learning in the first 1,000 days of life is particularly critical, as this is a period when children's brains are most sensitive to environmental input,» McCoy says.
Research evidence has shown that the brain could rewire itself — a process called neuroplasticity — as a result of environmental input, and at a faster pace than originally thought.
More often than not this behavior has developed simply as a learned response from human or environmental inputs.
The practical goal for humans and societies then should not to be sustainable but to minimize the environmental inputs and outputs of their systems.
Equipment and systems used in buildings, transportation, and manufacturing are becoming adaptive to environmental inputs, anticipatory...
Hal Fritts worked for many years to develop a tree growth model based on realistic physiology and environmental inputs.
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