Sentences with phrase «environmental investments»

That ratio could rise to four times the savings by 2030 — a remarkable environmental investment.
The industry's environmental investments represent a crucial aspect of today's energy exploration and production process.
Also, this country has recently issued an exemption to all state owned electricity production companies on all environmental permits and legally binding environmental investments until 2021.
That ratio could rise to four times the savings by 2030 — a remarkable environmental investment.
The founder and manager of environmental investment funds Walden Capital Management and Boston Common Asset Management;
The Court ruled in favor of the OCC in agreeing that AEP's 2009 - 2011 rate plan was unlawful by including $ 63 million in retroactive rates, $ 456 million in costs to potentially provide default service for customers who shop for an alternative supplier and $ 330 million in carrying charges for environmental investments.
The method assesses all important impacts in air, water, energy consumption, waste generation and freshwater consumption and also supports environmental investment decisions...
We should have non-tarrif import penalties equivalent to the cost of the imputed environmental investments we have made meetng the standards to which we are held in the U.S. and Europe.
To make up for the missed revenue from the taxes and fire prevention fees, as well as to pay for offsets to counteract additional allowances put on the market if the carbon price hits its upper bound, money will be taken from the cap - and - trade program's revenue, effectively decreasing the amount of discretionary funds remaining for local environmental investments and other greenhouse gas reduction projects.
In the speech (audio here), Lomborg told the audience the only environmental investment that made economic sense was in measures to combat particulate air pollution.
Its Clean AER project, on schedule to be completed in 2015, will rank as one of the largest environmental investments in the province's history.
«The Japanese will be reviewing their nuclear capacity and (so will) many other places in the world,» said Jeffrey Higgs, managing director at Hong Kong - based asset management firm Environmental Investment Services Asia.
A draft instruction on the National Procedure for Joint Implementation Projects has been produced by the National Environmental Investments Agency (NEIA) and made available for comment on its website.
As expressed in pie charts, the results show big wedges of subsidy stacked on top of barely perceptible slivers of environmental investment.
They've invested for years in revitalizing inner cities (Chicago, Detroit and Cleveland) as well as used the west coast operations to focus on environmental investments and services (ex: septic system renewal loans to preserve local water quality).
In this way, the scorecards theoretically 1) minimize Root Capital's risk as a lender; 2) ensure the alignment of missions between borrower and lender; and 3) provide opportunity to measure how specific social and environmental investments and programs can create financially beneficial relationships throughout the supply chain.
They explained that, based on current policies, environmental investments would add over # 100 to the average annual bill in the coming ten years.
The GCF did make some strides in accrediting a number of national and regional entities based in developing countries, such as the Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia and the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre.
In this way, the credits helped to perpetuate these types of environmental investments.
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