Sentences with phrase «environmental leadership»

There is national and global demand for environmental leadership.
This started my journey on environmental leadership, as the following year I became president of the club.
They've made environmental leadership a cornerstone of their corporate DNA while continuing to sell very successfully to mainstream audiences.
The social responsibility and environmental leadership categories are divided into sections.
In my personal experience, environmental leadership helped me find my passion to further my knowledge on sustainability and become an activist myself.
The State Senate does not have a good record of environmental leadership in recent years, so the Independent Democratic Conference's inclusion is unlikely to make a bad situation worse.
«The Institute, as well as the facilities and operations of Cavallo Point Lodge, will add to the San Francisco Bay Area's reputation and record of environmental leadership, talent, and innovation.»
A specialized environmental leadership program offers opportunities for American professionals in the field, including scientists and engineers, to take part in an 8 - 12 week fellowship with counterparts in India.
About the Napa Valley Vintners The Napa Valley Vintners nonprofit trade association has been cultivating excellence for 70 years by inspiring its 500 members to produce consistent quality wines, provide environmental leadership and care for the extraordinary place they call home.
By establishing an ambitious and nation - leading energy - saving target, the Governor has shown strong environmental leadership yet again.»
«Through this unique offering, Your Credit Union continues to demonstrate environmental leadership in its community,» says Ron Seftel, Chief Executive Officer, Bullfrog Power.
Environmental Leadership Award, sponsored by Veolia This Award is for the company or operating unit that can demonstrate excellence in environmental leadership through the development or use of innovative clean technology or products that help reduce the environmental footprint of chemical manufacturing.
She noted efforts by the network in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey showed environmental leadership by providing a rapid response for water well screenings for Texans in the affected area.
Stocks of the pipelines and major environmental polluters are soaring, from oil and gas to coal, mining and forestry, expecting U.S. environmental leadership to be as dead under Trump as it was under Obama and his push for the TPP and TTIP (with its fines for any government daring to impose standards that cost these companies money).
Respond to the question «What does environmental leadership mean to you?»
The New Leaders Initiative (NLI) grows environmental leadership by raising the profile of young emerging environmental leaders in North America, celebrating their achievements, and providing them with the skills, resources, and relationships to lead effective campaigns and projects.
«It is time for new environmental leadership in New York.
Under Dr. Umenhofer's stewardship, these firms received two environmental leadership awards, including recognition for a project associated with the Bren School MESM Program in 1999.
This year, our project support team is piloting a new effort to enhance the work of our fiscally - sponsored projects by introducing affinity groups designed to focus peer learning opportunities and facilitate collaboration between projects enhancing our network, leveraging its impact, and building environmental leadership while developing a new generation of capacity building programs.
If you read my last environmental Inc. post, The Joy of Helping the Environment, you know the joy I believe you can find in environmental leadership today.
Jill will oversee programs and events for museum - goers of all ages and connect community members to meaningful service and environmental leadership opportunities, both at the museum and in their own neighborhoods.
«Governor Cuomo's climate and environmental leadership now appears a cynical sham to cover up his administration's relationship with fossil fuel interests like CPV.
«We are therefore extremely proud and honored to be able to demonstrate environmental leadership within our headquarters facility.»
Our early environmental leadership has spawned more environmental technology One of the biggest sites that contain hot porn video from biggest adult tubes.
I'm an English, history, philosophy, and environmental leadership teacher in Northern California.
For details on the Park Stewardship youth programs — RYC, LINC (Linking Individuals with their Natural Community), Advanced Internships — as well as Crissy Field Center environmental leadership programs, visit Youth Leadership Programs.
The National Park Service is committed to protecting park resources and values by demonstrating environmental leadership when designing, developing, and operating facilities within Katmai.
UTB graduates interested in returning for the school year can apply for UTB II, an intensive monthly environmental leadership program that builds on previous summer experiences.
The first award was handed out today to both New Zealand (related to persistent energy subsidies) and Belgium, for having «environmental leadership as murky as a tall glass of weisse beer.»
Tucked into President Obama's Rose Garden announcement of the first fuel and efficiency standards for big trucks (along with other transportation initiatives) was a line hinting at his form of reality - based environmental leadership, which has disappointed some environmentalists but may be the only route possible given the constraints of American - style democracy.
Calls for serious environmental leadership from the heads of state gathered at the G8 summit in Italy have rung out across the blogosphere this week.
In a focused and powerful address, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom addressed the Ecocity World Summit last week with a call for environmental leadership at the local level.
With environmental leadership like Breakthrough's, more and more previously shamed nuclear supporters should start to boldly show their true colors.
Scandals like this prove that Pruitt is using his power for personal benefit, not environmental leadership.
I want to particularly thank our President for his extraordinary environmental leadership.
With the major environmental challenges we face, we need environmental leadership more than ever,» said Erik Solheim, Head of U.N. Environment.
Recognition for Albert Straus» environmental leadership continues to grow.
This new pilot initiative underscores the Prize's commitment to grassroots environmental leadership through its continued support for Prize winners.
Email Mona to learn about our year - round programming, such as our: Brower youth award application process, program partnership for events, opportunities to apply for to the Goddard fund for environmental leadership projects, and our college level fellowships.
«This is an opportunity for Congress to provide responsible environmental leadership where the White House has failed.»
For all the talk of American environmental leadership, Obama and his spokespeople might as well be wearing Captain Planet capes.
At this critical time, I firmly believe that Earth Island's unique role in growing and supporting environmental leadership is vital for building the sustainable future we all envision.
Merkel's environmental leadership goes way back - she was named German environment minister in 1994.
Encouraging environmental leadership and best practices of ocean stewardship through strategic partnerships.
While it helps fund R&D; into next generation compostable packaging and shows strong environmental leadership, compostable Sun Chips bags may have done for compostable consumer goods packaging what those dim flickering spiral bulbs did for CFLs in the early 1990's.
Success in these congregations is also contingent upon GreenFaith's assistance — we meet them where they're at, no matter the stage of environmental leadership, and we provide them the mentoring, resources and structure they need.

Phrases with «environmental leadership»

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