Sentences with phrase «environmental legislation»

He thereby set the standard for environmental legislation in my country, and laid the foundations for the doctrines of enterprise liability in American law.
But will it improve the prospects for environmental legislation?
Learn how to contact your legislators and let them know you support important environmental legislation.
This type of help should be welcomed by agencies when working on new environmental legislation.
He has provided legal advice to international and domestic companies with regard to compliance with environmental legislation and has negotiated with Mexican environmental authorities on behalf of clients.
Advocates against environmental legislation and regulation, including their lobbyists, are also activists.
And, as environmental legislation becomes stricter, it is good to know that cost and impact reduction go hand in hand.
For example, we have drafted proposed environmental legislation, prepared and provided testimony before legislative committees and related governmental hearings, and presented client concerns to legislators.
Since the supply of coal is not as restricted as oil, an increase in the share of energy supplied by coal seems inevitable, notwithstanding environmental legislation.
When enough citizens start to consciously make an effort to stop climate change, our elected officials will soon follow, and we can finally achieve substantial environmental legislation.
The costs and benefits of taking action or not must therefore be estimated when environmental legislation is being drafted.
The model can serve as a useful tool for environmental legislation.
Get tips for contacting your legislators and find out more about important environmental legislation and policies.
On the other hand, this is only a start, and the complete lack of environmental legislation in the Queen's Speech is no source of encouragement.
Notably, UK citizens and organisations will no longer be able to rely on well - established legal principles of primacy and direct effect in order to ensure the effectiveness of EU environmental legislation in the UK.
In this more recent case, although the supervisor had no prior health and safety convictions, the Crown sought jail, at least in part, because the supervisor had previous convictions under environmental legislation for which the supervisor had been fined and jailed.
Last year saw a batch of landmark environmental legislation passed all over North America.
The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is a 501 (c)(4) nonprofit organization that aims to educate the public regarding environmental legislation and support what the group considers to be pro-environmental public policies and political candidates.
For the last decade, coal - burning utilities have been fighting a rearguard action, resisting costly antipollution measures required by environmental legislation.
That sounds strange initially but isn't so strange when you consider the history of major environmental legislation and note that a moderate Republican could bring his or her base and lure many Democrats, while a Democrat is unlikely ever to lure sufficient Republican support to get 60 votes on a climate bill.
NTM is committed to the conservation of Maltese nature by promoting environmental awareness, managing areas of natural and scientific interest, and lobbying for effective environmental legislation.
On one hand, most major green groups have either come out against, or just failed to take a stand on, the most significant piece of environmental legislation on the ballot: Initiative 732's carbon tax.
To what extent does the government have to follow the precautionary principle when it enacts environmental legislation?
«These results support the need for a major shift in the scale at which environmental legislation is applied in Brazil and the tropics,» said Dr Jose Manuel Ochoa - Quintero, from Cambridge University's Department of Zoology, who led the study, published recently in the journal Conservation Biology.
Especially notable was how Richard Nixon collaborated with a Democratic Congress by signing several of our nation's most important pieces of environmental legislation into law in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
You suggest that activists saw climate change as a «golden opportunity to further a political agenda: reining in corporations, regulating free markets and imposing environmental legislation», and that these have prematurely politicised the science and caused «pushback» from the other side.
After gutting most of Canada's federal environmental legislation to expedite tar sands development and pipeline proposals at the behest of the oil industry, now the federal government is making it more difficult, and in some cases impossible, for members of the public to participate in the National Energy Board's (NEB) review of Enbridge's proposal to reverse its Line 9 pipeline through southern Ontario and Quebec.
KERRY: The League of Conservation Voters says Kerry supported 96 percent of environmental legislation since he entered the Senate in 1985 and rates him «the strongest environmentalist in the field.»
What makes climate change different, they say, is that there are five new variables: uncertain and fragmented environmental legislation and regulations; the reactions of capital and insurance markets to emerging business opportunities (and matching risks) posed by climate change; stakeholder activism; pending litigation and the rapidly evolving scientific debate over proper responses to climate change.
On Monday the government also introduced environmental legislation covering the industry, but New Democrat environment spokesperson Spencer Chandra Herbert says it doesn't go far enough.
Reducing the power of governments to deal with environmental issues by giving the WTO the power to overrule environmental legislation thought to restrain free trade hardly seems to be an expression of rationality.
Perhaps because we can sometimes recycle it, we think it's okay — or perhaps the reams of environmental legislation lead us to think the situation is taken care of?
Higgins says rallies like this are important because it sends important messages, citing the 1970 push of the first Earth Day, quickly followed by groundbreaking environmental legislation.
But the new study demonstrates that factors occurring beyond the riparian zones, and which are not addressed by Brazilian environmental legislation, also threaten the fish fauna.
Even though Nina Cedargreen's research is aimed towards environmental legislation, synergists are found in everything.
He noted that California's Republican governors signed some of its strongest environmental legislation into law.
Sweden, a long - standing architect of pioneering environmental legislation, has taken the biggest steps.
In the 1980s, under conservative prime minister Brian Mulroney, Canada led the way in international policies to control acid rain and chlorofluorocarbons: the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer is the most successful piece of international environmental legislation ever enacted.
Next steps for the Waterloo research include ensuring that the treated water meets all of the objectives Canadian environmental legislation and regulations required to ensure it can be safely discharged from sources larger than the samples, such as tailing ponds.
Researchers from the US and China have determined that a duckweed biorefinery producing a range of gasoline, diesel and kerosene products can be economically competitive with petroleum - based processes, even in some cases without environmental legislation that penalizes greenhouse gas emissions.
Symbol C An abundant nonmetallic To combat increased levels of air contaminants, and to meet environmental legislation, we provide a range of activated carbon solutions for effective air
With strict quality controlled processes, we will ensure your data is fully contained and hardware is safely and efficiently disposed of — with compliance in terms of data protection and environmental legislation firmly at the forefront of this.
The book vividly reveals the layers of financial and political interests that can eviscerate environmental legislation and describes the tussle within the Obama White House over how hard to push on climate.
And it could give some congressmen a new angle to start approaching environmental legislation from, and could have a positive net impact in that regard.
about Scenic Hudson Joins Groups in Praising Governor for Signing Critical Environmental Legislation
«The same set of polluting special interests that blocked international action in Copenhagen and strangled environmental legislation in Washington descended on California to try to overturn our landmark legislation,» Mr. Schwarzenegger wrote in an essay published at his official Web site last week.
This reduction commitment was made in the Climate Change Act 2008, arguably a highly bold and innovative piece of UK environmental legislation.
, are also still hoping to cobble together compromise environmental legislation that would require emissions reductions, but also expand nuclear energy production and allow limited offshore drilling.

Phrases with «environmental legislation»

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