Sentences with phrase «environmental light»

Our bodies are honed to environmental light via a biological chain reaction.
One of the drawbacks of e-readers right now is that you need heavy environmental light or to read outside.
During the three - year fellowship, Walton will explore the basic functioning of the master circadian clock, a small group of nerve cells in the brain that serve to coordinate and synchronize daily rhythms of behavioral, physical and mental changes with environmental light - dark cycles.
«The sort of environmental light outside is much more intense than the light produced by artificial lighting,» says Professor David Hillman, chair of the Sleep Health Foundation.
The display also features an ambient light sensor, allowing Ionic to adjust brightness as needed to suit environmental lighting conditions — the majority of past Fitbit wearables have had only one brightness setting.
It also has an infrared RGBC - IR sensor for environmental light color temperature, intended for precise automatic white color balance.
Their sole job is to internalise information about environmental light intensity.
Photo credit Bridget Johnson Eindhoven, Environmental Light Installation, 1969; photo credit Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution
The retina signals environmental light changes to the SCN but it was previously unclear on how this process took place.
This property of mammalian melanopsin would contribute to lower photosensitivity of ipRGCs to detect environmental light intensity without saturation.
«Artificial lighting, including light given off by tablets, mobile phones, night lights, and television, means modern children are exposed to more environmental light than any previous generation.
Most commonly it is associated with poor husbandry including improper environmental lighting or temperature, inadequate nest site, improper diet (malnutrition) and dehydration.
The game's landscape is reported to have geographically accurate environmental lighting based on longitude, latitude, date, and time, with over 250,000 sq km of terrain to explore.
A mechanical element widens the aperture to f / 1.5, and when the camera is in auto mode, the switch happens automatically if environmental lighting drops below 100 lux.
Interior additions include leather and Alcantara sports trim, electrically adjustable front seats with driver's seat memory and auto folding and dimming door mirrors with environmental lights.
This 7W adjustable LED tank light works best for five - gallon tanks but can be used on tanks up to ten gallons for environmental lighting.
Of this Doug Wheeler January 17 — February 25, 2012 For immediate release DOUg WHeeLeR Untitled — Environmental Light Installation, 1969 Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Historically, this correcting signal came from our interaction with the environmental light / dark «clock».
Response to environmental light is initiated in the retina and transmitted to the pineal by way of the central nervous system and the cervical sympathetics.
«At time 1, we found moderate intensity light exposure earlier in the day was associated with increased body mass index (BMI) while children who received their biggest dose of light — outdoors and indoors — in the afternoon were slimmer,» said Ms Pattinson of the Environmental Light Exposure is Associated with Increased Body Mass in Children study.
These processes appear to be regulated by circadian rhythms and response to environmental light, such that the number of phagosomes in the RPE is highest shortly after the onset of light.
This may lead to sluggish transmission in brain serotonin systems, insensitivity of the eyes to environmental light, and abnormal circadian (daily) rhythms — a cycle that doesn't resolve until the body senses the return of longer / lighter days.
In the winter when our environmental light levels are at their lowest, using a light box while studying or in the morning when we wake up is an effective way to ensure we get enough light.
It had a sweet capacitive screen that came with a stylus and an ambient sensor that automatically switched to Pixel QI mode from normal LCD mode depending on your environmental light.
Also new is that the screen features automatic brightness so it can react to environmental lighting.
Not to be outdone by the unveiling of Gran Turismo 6 this week, Evolution Studios has unleashed some new swanky screenshots of their debut PS4 project DriveClub, further showcasing the highly detailed car models, interiors and environmental lighting.
While the framerate never has issues, and some of the environmental lighting on characters looks nice at points, environments and character models have a generally uninspired feel to them, and outside of the cutscenes, the color scheme is often darker and muddier than I expect from this kind of series.
There is a particular economy in the shadow and light, how one material's color can cycle through several hues depending on its placement and the environmental light.
Environmental Lights, a manufacturer of LED lighting solutions, recently announced the availability of the new LED Magnetic Channel System for...
Environmental Lights, a manufacturer of LED lighting solutions, recently announced the availability of the new LED Magnetic Channel System for use with LED strip lights.
The intent behind True Tone is to produce consistent color results on - screen, no matter what the environmental lighting conditions are.
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