Sentences with phrase «environmental measures»

"Environmental measures" refers to actions or steps taken to protect and preserve the natural world, such as reducing pollution, conserving resources, or addressing climate change. Full definition
At the same time, he says, lawmakers did not approve a number of environmental measures that his group was pressing.
Of course, many if not most environmental measures are relatively painless other than for polluting vested interests.
Public transport is still the most effective environmental measure that can be undertaken as also the ability to do things over the Internet.
Researchers have previously used environmental measures to map areas most at risk of yellow fever outbreaks.
He hopes environmental measures like these could be used to fight bugs that are even worse than the flu.
These results highlight the importance of implementing environmental measures in neonatal units in order to reduce noise levels, e.g. via architectural considerations and the choice of equipment.
We spoke to scientists, economists, and policy advisers, who recommended the most impactful environmental measures, ones that can be achieved over the course of the next four years.
They say that by packaging reductions in greenhouse gas emissions with other environmental measures, like cutting other power plant emissions, they could win concessions on other pollution rules.
What is being proposed now would have much more serious economic effects than any previous environmental measures.
These buildings achieve substantially better performance across a range of environmental measures, and in many cases the cost per square foot can be comparable to that of conventional buildings.
Sugarcane also comes out ahead of corn on environmental measures.
Alternatives to declaw surgery are often effective and include: scratching posts, deterrents (both physical and chemical), environmental measures such as reducing stress and territorial squabbles, nail covers and nail trimming.
«The Trump Administration is committed to defending U.S. rights to enforce environmental measures that protect wildlife and facilitate fair trade.»
Instead, the panels found that the United States» environmental measure does not discriminate; the labeling requirements prevent Mexican tuna product produced by chasing and capturing dolphins from being inaccurately marketed to U.S. consumers as «dolphin safe.»
To achieve this design - stage accreditation, the project is assessed using a system of environmental measures grouped by management, health and well - being, energy, transport, water, materials, waste, land use and ecology, pollution, and innovation.
The implementation of agri - environmental measures over the whole of the European Union and also other European countries is the core of the European Community's environmental strategy.
«Rather, it will be utilized for environmental measures that will protect water quality and marine life in the Hudson River Estuary, projects that assist in the implementation of the U.S. E.P.A. Approved National Estuary Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan,» he wrote.
Or would the idea of propping up a Labour Party willing to pursue constitutional reform and meaningful environmental measures suddenly become a more attractive partner, even if they remained the second biggest party in Parliament.
This hemisphere difference is further amplified over European - African longitudes due to both natural (Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation) and anthropogenic factors (decreased aerosol pollution over Europe following stricter environmental measures)-- both explained in more detail in our Sahel greening article.
The leaked draft of the regulatory coherence chapter of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement encourages countries joining the pact to conduct regulatory impact assessments or RIAs when developing regulations, including environmental measures, which have more than a minimal cost burden on business and the economy.
Could environmental measures help create solutions as well?The Middle Eastern environmental blog Green Prophet published its piece on «What Urban Rooftop Gardening Could Do For The Middle East» just before unrest broke out in Tunisia and subsequently spread across the region, but it takes on new significance in light of the past two months» events.
What sets them apart, however, is their commitment to environmental measures within their own operations — including energy efficiency and green building measures at their corporate locaions and zero interest loans to employees for efficient vehicle purchases — as well as reduced - rate commercial and consumer loans for green building projects and hybrid vehicle purchases.
First of all, he notes that clarification and elaboration of under which conditions distinctly applicable environmental measures can be justified will contribute to legal certainty (para. 93).
As an adjunct to this — but not as a replacement — we recommend the use of repellents to prevent the bites of mosquitoes, along with environmental measures that reduce mosquito breeding and feeding.
Yet the less - developed countries, and emerging countries in particular, are not exempt from their own responsibilities with regard to creation, for the duty of gradually adopting effective environmental measures and policies is incumbent upon all.»
Both the UN Global Compact and OECD Guidelines reference existing human rights and environmental measures.
She and Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie (D - Bronx) said the delay is meant to give city and state lawmakers time to come up with a compromise before a vote in the state Assembly on the matter, where Democratic leaders were split on the environmental measure.
«Examining developmental changes in the brain over a critical period of reading appears to be a unique sensitive measure of variation and may add insight to our understanding of reading development in ways that brain data from one time point, and behavioral and environmental measures, can not,» said Chelsea Myers, BS, lead author and lab manager in UCSF's Laboratory for Educational NeuroScience.
Sato says part of the bill's problem lies in the fact that it was not conceived as an environmental measure, and the Enviroment Agency has had little input.
By all environmental measures, the Focus diesel is ahead of its keenest rival, the Holden Cruze diesel.
If the depression does not respond to these environmental measures, the veterinarian may decide to prescribe medication.
Because Fitzroy Island is a nature based attraction and part of a World Heritage Wet Tropics region, all environmental measures are taken to ensure our pristine environment is protected.
Environmental Measures & Social Responsibility: Hotel Plaza Colon is a member of Rainforest Alliance.
And here is the real meat of the matter: if the eco-tax works as an environmental measure, the airlines will lose passengers.
This analytical report discusses the environmental measures taken by the organizers of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing and assesses their effectiveness and lessons learnt, all of which will be useful for those planning future Olympic and other sporting events.
His pleas to Obama comes in a discussion about whether the environmental debate in the US has become too partisan, with the belief that the Democrats are all in favour of change while the Republicans simply want to back big business and stop all environmental measures.
Details of how the cuts will be achieved remain a little sketchy, but assuming that there will be a significant focus on saving energy and improving efficiency, this is one of those environmental measures that should please even the most fiscally conservative climate skeptics.
(2) The Director may make an order mentioned in subsection (1) if the Director has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that any environmental measure required by the approval, order, certificate of property use or a regulation made under clause 176 (1.3)(i) in respect of which the financial assurance was given has not been or will not be carried out in accordance with the requirement.
Importantly, in these studies, the genetic factors had no main effects on the outcome and the genetic influence was detected only when the environmental measure of maltreatment was included in the analyses.
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