Sentences with phrase «environmental news»

I occasionally try to step back from the nonstop flow of environmental news to consider the beautiful basics that too often hide in plain sight on a busy planet.
Learn the latest environmental news from around the world.
As we head into a new year, we not only have a lot to look forward to — but we are also celebrating the top environmental news stories of this past year.
Their work involves not just covering environmental news, but uncovering developments that communities need to know but which the powers - that - be would prefer to keep hidden.
There are two resources here: - A selection of paragraphs about environmental news items.
We now publish environmental news articles and information on various environmental problems.
That's good environmental news — more people come in under the cap than over it — but bad news if you're trying to create a vibrant market.
Their site features information on healthy environmental habits and global environmental news.
This, too, will be a loss for serious environmental news coverage.
How are you able to stay optimistic in the face of distressing environmental news?
A great way to educate yourself on environmental issues is to join an environmental organization or sign up to receive environmental news by e-mail.
However, practices in accounting and disclosing Latest environmental news, features and updates.
I would also like to point out that the Daily Mail story (own goal by the Green Team) was featured on Environmental News Network, usually an advocate for clean tech.
Brian Palmer covers daily environmental news for OnEarth.
The Revelator In May 2017 the Center launched our own online media outlet, The Revelator, which focuses on environmental news, incisive investigative reporting, and deepening conversations about the most important conservation issues of this century.
Get the latest environmental news from Earth Island Journal.
Lloyd Alter is managing editor of environmental news site TreeHugger.
If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, there are four key «high - impact» actions to take, according to the Canadian study just published in Environmental News Letters:
Planet Earth About Blog Mother Nature Network is the world's leading source for environmental news, advice on sustainable living, conservation and social responsibility.
The rest of the month, however, brought environmental news both good and bad, developments that prompted reactions of «süper» (yep, just like in English, but with an umlaut) and «maalesef» (unfortunately): Süper!
Environmental news magazine Grist summed up her positions as not bad but «not quite the climate hawkishness we need.»
She won the 2016 President's Environmental Youth Award for Greenversal, her website and YouTube channel that has her weekly environmental news reports.
Linder has a background in oceanography and focuses on the Arctic Ocean — and if you follow environmental news at all, you'll know that if there's a single place on earth that tells us the impact our actions have on the planet, it's the ocean and the waters and ice at the poles in particular.
London, Brussels About Blog ENDS Europe brings you the latest European environmental news and a wide range of services including analyses, interviews, opinion pieces and updates on national and EU laws, as well as additional reports on topical issues.
Dallas, TX About Blog We provide Environmental news and content to help you, as a consumer, live a zero waste lifestyle.
Champaign, IL About Blog The blog is about Browsing environmental news everyday.
Champaign, IL About Blog The blog is about Browsing environmental news everyday.
A new multimedia feature story by Brazilian environmental news group, -LRB-(o)-RRB- eco, highlights the ongoing debate over Yasuni National Park in Ecuador,...
More Environmental News from Buenos Aires at TreeHugger: New Garbage Management Plans for Buenos Aires to Involve Cartoneros Public Transit: Buenos Aires Could Welcome Metrobus System next May Buenos Aires to Remove 40 Thousand Billboards to Fight Visual Pollution
The National Association of Science Writers sent a letter to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency last week to comment on an unusual and restrictive press office episode that affected science reporters at several environmental news organizations.
Linkages Update is an electronic newsletter service that provides our readers with: top environmental news stories; updates on negotiations covered by IISD Reporting Services; brief summaries of key international environment and sustainable development meetings; links to noteworthy publications and online resources; and a comprehensive calendar of upcoming meetings.
May 31 INSIGHTS: Coexisting with Nature: Reflections after the Devastating Earthquake in Japan by Environmental News Service
A new multimedia feature story by Brazilian environmental news group, -LRB-(o)-RRB- eco, highlights the ongoing debate over Yasuni National Park in Ecuador, arguably the most biodiverse place on the planet.
I picked the story up from the Making Environmental News digest service, to which you can subscribe here.
As a story syndicator, Ekuatorial enables journalists to share breaking environmental news between media houses and transmit local perspectives to international audiences.
On Facebook, Twitter, or whatever social media platform you're obsessively logging into these days, you've shared articles about the shaky future of the EPA, the reauthorization of the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines, and all of the week's bad environmental news in Trump v. Earth.
Environmental News Related to Climate Change The composite photos of the earth are by NASA (2001 - 2002).
Greenversal is a program packed with environmental news — local, national and international.
These days you probably feel flooded by dire - sounding environmental news («the Earth is set to deflate by 2011») and endless suggestions for greener living («algae cold - fusion reactors for your shoes»).
United States About Blog Science and environmental news featuring journal reviews, papers, renewables, ecology, politics, government, new technology, with a focus on global warming.
In a rare spot of good environmental news wildlife managers now tentatively believe that crisis may have been forestalled, thanks to a voluntary catch restriction.
That was my reaction when I first met Chuck Leavell in 2009, the year he and Joel Babbit, a longtime public relations and advertising executive, launched Mother Nature Network, which has since become one of the leading environmental news and lifestyle sites on the Web.
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