Sentences with phrase «environmental perturbations»

"Environmental perturbations" refers to any disturbances or changes that occur in the natural surroundings or ecosystem. These perturbations can include natural phenomena like weather events or human actions such as pollution. Full definition
The overall combined effects of environmental perturbations caused by climate change could ultimately result in the displacement of some populations from their current geographical ranges and ultimately in the extinction of some marine mammal species (Kovacs et al. 2010).
Furthermore, Ellis et al. argue that the «key to better environmental outcomes is not ending human alteration» but «anticipating and mitigating the negative consequences» of human environmental perturbation.
For example, in Ghana the causality of migration was established to be relatively clear in the case of sudden - onset environmental perturbations such as floods, whereas in case of slow - onset environmental deterioration, there was usually a set of overlapping causes — political and socioeconomic factors — which come into play (van der Geest, 2011).
We hypothesized differential distributions of the various attachment styles as a function of age and ethnicity, on the basis of extrapolation from attachment theory's formulations concerning (a) the functions of attachment, (b) stages of human development, and (c) the effect of environmental perturbations on family structures and attachment bonds.
Dr. Hill studies the response of marine species to environmental perturbation and is part of the Bodega Ocean Acidification Research group at Bodega Marine Laboratory.
So understanding coral - algae dynamics, and how different algae can handle increased temperature, is important to see how the whole ecosystem will be affected by this environmental perturbation
It showed that complex, optimized irrigation networks could arise from a series of false starts, abandoned irrigation works, conflicts between groups of farmers and environmental perturbations.
We use the fission yeast, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, to study the dynamic changes and plasticity of gene expression programs as a function of cell proliferation, quiescence and ageing, and the effect of various genetic and environmental perturbations.
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