Sentences with phrase «environmental sounds»

Through headphones modified to work in the scanner, the researchers also used a combination of environmental sounds, such as water or frogs.
In these outskirts you'll largely hear only environmental sounds with the music building in layers as you near the center of activity.
The only other notable audio - visual difference is that the Switch has higher quality environmental sounds.
Don't disable the actual game audio, though, as hearing environmental sounds can be crucial for survival.
Your baby will also make use of the various environmental sounds that surround her.
The sounds are well done with great environmental sounds, along with good vehicle and weapon sounds.
They found that the infant brain attends to human voices and emotions even more than familiar environmental sounds.
Amazing graphics, and the best environmental sound I have ever heard.
They also seemed less able to distinguish between environmental sounds and vocal noises compared with humans.
Environmental sounds do wonders for the atmosphere in some spots.
Since it's a stealth game, silence and environmental sounds play a bigger part during the gameplay.
The end result was more environmental sound sculpture than concert.
The back of its drivers are exposed to the open air, which means headphone audio leaks out and environmental sounds leak in.
It means that they don't block environmental sounds while still delivering you info from your device.
With the exception of the Switch running at a higher resolution, and having higher - quality environmental sounds.
-- Various environmental sound to create the best immersive gameplay.
Though we didn't get to play as much of the game as we'd like, we greatly enjoyed the soothing low - pressure approach to solving puzzles as well as the beautiful music and atmospheric environmental sound effects.
While Fontana's previous collaborations with SFMOMA relocated environmental sounds from the regional landscape, Sonic Shadows creates a live composition generated by the building itself.
The Ear Duo is basically the polar opposite of Sony's esteemed noise - cancelling headphones; these earbuds aim to deliver a «dual listening» experience that combines your music with environmental sounds happening around you.
Your baby will be excited to share this activity of imitating environmental sounds!
For example, you might say different environmental sounds like «beep, beep,» «vroom, vroom,» or «errrrr.»
In this work of environmental sound music, twelve trombonists positioned around the lagoon play meditative music across the water to one another at dusk and dawn while the music is cued via flags from a raft.
Many years ago I discovered that I had a habit I might call «extreme onomatopoeia,» which involves «matching» environmental sounds in my head to a word or phrase with a similar inflection and rhythm.
In the new study, the researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to record brain responses in sleeping babies while they were presented with emotionally neutral, positive, or negative human vocalizations or nonvocal environmental sounds.
The team's metamaterials are able to control environmental sounds and structural vibrations, which have similar waveforms.
Scientists speculated that these spindles shut out environmental sounds during sleep.
The game does a great job of naturally teaching you when to run, when to fight and when to call it quits, thanks in part to some great environmental sound cues.
Also interesting to note with regards to not only environmental sounds but specifically playback of sound is Codemasters use of Ambisonics.
Cities: Skylines manages to be both engaging from a gameplay perspective and good looking, but it fails to deliver on the audio front, with a soundtrack that never feels like its connected to the action and limited environmental sounds.
Explosions and other environmental sounds (e.g. flames burning, walking on different surfaces, etc) get the job done, but again, not in a lasting or overachieving fashion.
Although the musical soundtrack is minimal, it allows environmental sounds to stand out starkly.
Janet Cardiff first became known for works that she calls walks, in which her recorded voice guides headphone - wearing visitors through a site — a park, a museum — and modulates their experience of it through scraps of description and information, fragmented stories, and 360 - degree environmental sound.
Nestler and Stein's collaborative audio work is a collection of environmental sounds sourced from western rural areas as well as around the installation site in the Lower East Side.
With a large body of water, environmental sound recordings and projections, Viola's multi-faceted yet serene creation was pioneering in its mixed use of media.
The effects of the transparency mode for letting in environmental sounds range from weird - and - tinny with paused music to a completely indecipherable cacophony of muffled surroundings and music.
Pros: Wider soundstage, More - natural - sounding audio; Don't block out your surroundings Cons: You're sharing your tunes with those around you; Environmental sound mixes into your audio
It reproduces in - game environmental sounds, explosions, movements, and more perfectly.
They're wireless headphones capable of combining ambient environmental sound with regular phone - connected audio to provide users with a seamless listening experience.
The audio, rendered in 5.1 Dolby TrueHD, is fairly robust, if a tad monotonous, working every channel and the sub with ambient and environmental sound effects plus a generally rumbly score.
Also, elephants are known to exhibit vocal flexibility and vocal learning, by vocally imitating environmental sounds and the vocalizations of other species, including different elephant species and humans [62], [63].
The different blaster weapons sound distinct, and environmental sounds like forest creatures and crashing spaceships are clean and detailed.
- The Nintendo Switch version has higher - quality environmental sounds.
The impact of environmental sound was used to test the response of sleeping babies that were swaddle and non-swaddle.
While some babies enjoy looking at lights, others are interested in sounds ranging from animal sounds to environmental sounds.
I'll put on a white noise app or music or environmental sounds to drown out anything that doesn't serve her.
«Watch and determine whether your baby likes music, environmental sounds, lights, touch, gliding or bouncing,» she says.
These toys play lullabies and environmental sounds, letting baby know it's time to rest and sleep.
As baby swings side to side or back and forth, they can also look up and watch moving toys while they listen to environmental sounds and lullabies.
White noise will help to drown out the environmental sounds and keep them asleep longer in the morning.
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