Sentences with phrase «epigenetic factors»

"Epigenetic factors" refer to external influences or modifications that can affect the expression of genes without changing the underlying DNA sequence. These factors can impact how genes are turned on or off, influencing various traits and health conditions. In essence, they are environmental factors that can influence our genetic makeup and play a role in how our genes function. Full definition
The difference in eye colour is determined by epigenetic factors.
Genetic and epigenetic factors related to the natural and anthropogenic environment modify defence mechanisms, leading to an excessive inflammatory response to common allergens [20].
There are several key epigenetic factors that must be addressed to regulate and better coordinate the immune system.
Despite the involvement of epigenetic factors that determine centromere identity, certain DNA sequences seem more suited to life in a centromere than others [26].
However, researchers from the University of Zurich now reveal that so - called epigenetic factors play a role in the formation of metastases in malignant skin cancer.
For instance, the egg - cell cytoplasm strips off all of the many epigenetic factors which differentiate a genetically restricted donor skin cell from a totipotent zygote.
Epigenetic factors also are another area of basic science research currently being conducted.
«A general message from these studies is that cancer cells benefit from modulating epigenetic factors like SIRT6 by acquiring the ability to override normal cellular growth control patterns,» says Mostoslavsky, an associate professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and an associate member at the Broad Institute.
Our group is interested in understanding how genetic factors interact with other non-genetic and so - called epigenetic factors to determine such phenotypic variation.
«Protein that stem cells require could be a target in killing breast cancer cells: Cancer cells, like stem cells, have the ability to multiply indefinitely; epigenetic factor BPTF may be a shared weakness.»
«Epigenetic factors including diet, environment, and lifestyle habits have the power to regulate our DNA by switching genes on and off, which can influence the health of up to four generations.»
Upon attaining her medical degree from Baylor College of Medicine, she completed residency / fellowship training in Child Neurology and Neurodevelopmental Disabilities at Baylor College of Medicine / Texas Children's Hospital, where her clinical training focused on behavioral neurology, specializing in autism and other developmental disorders, and her research focused on epigenetic factors in autism.
Although food allergies are «learned» by a dog's immune system, there are epigenetic factors at play that can cause them to be inherited by the dog's descendents.
Epigenetic factors modify histone tails by e.g. transferring methyl or acetyl groups on lysine side chains.
Dexter also wants to look at links between epigenetic factors and disease.
«Now, we know that epigenetic factors accumulate at a very different pace in each person, depending on the genetic variants of the lactase gene.»
The current study was designed to clarify the cellular hierarchy underlying glioblastoma, to identify epigenetic factors that distinguish glioblastoma stem cells from more differentiated tumor cells and to suggest potential therapies targeting those factors.
Methylation, the attachment of a methyl group to a gene or protein, and other types of histone modifications are considered epigenetic factors, which modify a gene's behavior without changing its DNA coding.
The research also analysed human cardiomyocytes and importantly the same molecular changes were seen, demonstrating that the same epigenetic factors underlie cardiac hypertrophy and disease remodelling in humans.
Consequently, the Zurich - based researchers studied whether epigenetic factors are especially active in melanoma cells — and stumbled across EZH2, an epigenetic control protein found very frequently in malignant melanoma cells compared to normal cells.
These «pluripotent cell lines» will be especially groundbreaking for studying Gulf War Illness, because they preserve the genetic and possibly epigenetic factors specific to disease susceptibility.
To date, we have compared whole genomes from cancerous and normal cells for more than 800 patients, successfully pinpointing the genetic and epigenetic factors behind some of the toughest pediatric cancers.
324/9: 15 Genetic and epigenetic factors affecting regulatory elements underlie lactose intolerance and lactase persistence.
Epigenetic factors act on the structures in which genes reside, called chromatin.
While many of today's tools were not yet available in 1991, IFM was already focused on using this emerging knowledge to adapt therapies to the patient (rather than the reverse) by training clinicians to examine the genetic and epigenetic factors for each patient and to develop an individualized therapeutic approach that addresses these underlying factors.
We are learning so much more about how sound affects our biology even down to the genetic level, and it is now recognized as a legitimate epigenetic factor that impacts on our gene expression.
«Human Embryonic Stem Cells Remain Embryonic Because Of Epigenetic Factors
The readability of genes is controlled by epigenetic factors, namely factors which do not influence the gene sequence directly, but rather cause certain genes and chromosomal segments to be packed in different densities — and thus make them accessible for reading.
A new study by researchers at the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine reports which epigenetic factors in certain chromosomes that make one twin more at risk for autoimmune thyroid diseases.
Epigenetic factors like EZH2 therefore appear to be highly promising targets for future cancer treatments, especially combined with other drugs that are already available.
Cancer cells, like stem cells, have the ability to multiply indefinitely but epigenetic factor BPTF may be a shared weakness...
Epigenetic factors include elements like diet, exercise, stress, and the environment in which you live.
While genetic and epigenetic factors play between the host organism and the microbiota — determining which microbes successfully colonize the gut and other organs — the ultimate dictating force of the composition of an organism's microbiome is diet and environment.
The OAR proponents» claim that that the egg - cell cytoplasm will remove all of the many epigenetic factors restricting genes of a skin cell, but not just one more epigenetic factor, nanog, is not credible.
The OAR proposal uses a variation of therapeutic cloning called altered nuclear transfer (ANT) in which the nucleus of a donor cell (a skin cell, for example), containing the 30,000 genes of the genetic code, is altered in such a way that it produces an epigenetic factor, a protein called nanog.
So even though formula is made to mirror the nutritional components of breast milk — carbohydrates, lipids and proteins — it doesn't have any of these epigenetic factors,» Hicks said.
Epigenetic factors — enzymes in the brain that alter the packaging and accessibility of genes without changing the genes themselves — influence this process, according to research at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) appearing online on September 27, 2017 in Neuron.
The combination of genes and epigenetic factors that build up over time with age, provide a plausible avenue to investigate in illnesses such as schizophrenia.
Histone tail: The tails of histones protrude from the nucleosome and can be modified by epigenetic factors.
Many properties are determined by genetic factors, but we are starting to recognize that also epigenetic factors are of great importance.
«With the advance of cancer genomics, it has become evident that alterations in epigenetic factors — those that control whether and when other genes are expressed — represent some of the most frequent alterations in cancer,» says Raul Mostoslavsky, MD, PhD, of the MGH Cancer Center, senior author of the report.
«Epigenetic factors are like the punctuation marks on the DNA that enables the cell to read and comprehend it correctly for the functioning of the cell,» Blewitt said.
Blewitt said the gene Smchd1 — or «Smooch» as she calls it — encodes an epigenetic factor that switched genes off to suppress their function.
«We found that an epigenetic pathway is crucial for growth of HER2 + cells and this epigenetic factor reduces sensitivity of the cancer cells to lapatinib, a HER2 inhibitor,» said senior author Xianxin Hua, MD, PhD, a professor of Cancer Biology.
Joining forces with dermatologists and oncologists from the University Hospital in Zurich and backed by the University Research Priority Program «Translational Cancer Research,» Sommer's team was able to demonstrate that, in melanoma cells, the epigenetic factor EZH2 controls genes that govern tumor growth as well as genes that are important for the formation of metastases.
Conducting future studies on specific genes and epigenetic factors that cause this association is relevant,» the study concludes.
«Future studies on maternal smoking and other environmental, genetic, and epigenetic factors, as well as animal models, should allow identification of the biological mechanisms responsible for these associations.
The genes susceptible to genetic factors and epigenetic factors are different,» Watanabe explains.
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