Sentences with word «epiphanic»

The exhibition «Intuition» intends to explore the theme of intuition is bound to begin from humanity's first attempts to forge an immediate relationship between heaven and earth: from the erection of totems, to shamanism and mystical ecstasy, from examples of epiphanic moments in religious iconography, such as the Annunciation, Visitation and Pentecost, to the potential for divine revelation through dreams.
With signature museum architecture, «after you experience the outside as epiphanic, you experience the inside as anticlimactic — as well as the art as anticlimactic,» says Robert Venturi, who designed the Seattle Art Museum and the Sainsbury wing of the National Gallery in London.
In the early 7th century, a man named Mohammed went into a revelatory / epiphanic trance and, with the guidance of the angel Gabriel, wrote the Qur «an, and founded Islam.
For what it's worth: a great epiphanic revelation when I realized all the «love» talk by Paul in Corintheans (move mountains, speak in tongues, etc) described what I did not have — not what I might have if I just asked for it.
Karl Urban is as dull an action hero as ever there was, and his twice - shouted epiphanic declaration, «I know who I am!»
There is an array of visually ravishing dream sequences, epiphanic surges, hallucinatory closeups, lush swathes of music.
Yet the way that Fleck and his writing - directing partner, Anna Boden, turn this low - key character study into something so epiphanic and ecstatic is absolutely miraculous.
Hooleys epiphanic Rudi gig, the beautifully played scene when he slips on the headphones to hear * that * song for the first time and the very subtle hint at his «I punched John Lennon» story.
In each of her novels, Miller has written with exquisite precision about the experience of grace in daily life — the sudden, epiphanic recognition of the extraordinary amid the ordinary — as well as the sharp and unexpected motions of the human heart away from it, toward an unruly netherworld of upheaval and desire.
[1] Despite the three subjects» ostensibly divergent histories, Calder Williams wove them into a complex web that expanded into several narratives that highlighted epiphanic and unexpected connections.
The epiphanic moment arrives as they are instead made to feel like idiots for believing in the patch in the first place.
In his post on Local Color, Jody includes the epiphanic observation that American literature has entailed a «substitution of geography for heroes in our moral vocabulary.»
This revision of theological concepts beginning with an exegesis of the New Testament centered on the preaching of the Kingdom to come finds support in the parallel revision of the theology of the Old Testament inspired by Martin Buber, which insists on the massive opposition between the God of the promise — the God of the desert, of the wandering — and the gods of the «epiphanic» religions.
He records the epiphanic moment (in 1957 or 1958) when this step suddenly was accomplished:
«Lying on the radiation table, I had those epiphanic moments when I realized that you come into the world alone, you go out of the world alone,...
«I do not credit the epiphanic, the seeing - through that reveals all, triggered by a mastering detail...» writes Ford in the voice of his American everyman narrator, Frank Bascombe.
Whether experienced as an epiphanic blast or a cumulative gain of insight, this ongoing exploration of self is something that artists are surely guided, defined, or even misled by.
For Brill the first encounter with this piece was an epiphanic experience, prompting deeper excavation into the Epstein archive: a collection of letters, documents and personal effects that belonged to the Epstein family, purchased by Walsall in 2007 from Anne and Annabel Freud, daughters of Esther's sister Kitty Godley.
The hallucinatory, epiphanic and sublime installations were captured in stunning full - page image features, documenting and enlivening this seminal show.
After an epiphanic experience witnessing Iggy Pop in concert in 1969, he teamed up with Martin Rev to form Suicide.
Was there an epiphanic moment or do you feel like it was always with you?
It was an epiphanic moment for me, realizing how little Western culture knows about repairing the goods we buy.
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