Sentences with phrase «epiphany because»

Amy: The very first step is sort of having this... I don't want to say it's an epiphany because it really wasn't an epiphenal moment for the people I interviewed but an awakening or a realization that yes in fact, they had been manipulated by one parent to forego a relationship.
Most of us never get to share Galileo's epiphany because ubiquitous light pollution easily overwhelms the glow of the Milky Way.
No person of opposing opinion is EVER going to have some epiphany because you regurgitated someone else's words over and over again.

Not exact matches

That's not because of some religious epiphany.
Yet that metaphor of the mirror is too Platonic, because God's epiphany in the world is not through mere surface shadows, but is in the coming to be, development, and passing away to make room for novelty of primary natural units, each of which truly exists and acts in its own right and according to its own nature and structure for its time, and interacts with other units in a process of mutual actualization and eventual replacement.
You know that such a prayer will be answered, because there has already been a previous answering, a previous epiphany, a previous moment where the ground opened up and you knew you were in touch with infinite mystery and you knew you were yourself infinite mystery.
It is precisely because an epiphany of Antichrist abolishes the transcendent source of evil and nothingness by embodying a primordial chaos in the actuality of history that it is a redemptive epiphany, an epiphany unveiling the full reality of alienation and repression, thereby preparing the way for their ultimate reversal.
Christ is the redeemer because he is the full actualization of kenotic energy; but the Creator, or the wholly alien and transcendent epiphany of Spirit, is the redeemed because an absolutely transcendent and sovereign God is finally the source of all that repressed energy which is transmuted in self - sacrifice.
At no point in this process does the incarnate Word or Spirit assume a final and definitive form, just as God himself can never be wholly or simply identified with any given revelatory event or epiphany, if only because the divine process undergoes a continual metamorphosis, ever moving more deeply and more fully toward an eschatological consummation.
In fact, the epiphany that came to me on the day over six years ago when I chose to quit drinking was that all my crying to God to help me quit wasn't going to work — because in that moment I was confronted by the awareness that I had to choose whether to quit or not, that there was no heavenly big daddy waiting in the wings to help me do so, that my choice to not drink would not change the fact that I have come from a family of alcoholics and other addictions that may have a genetic component.
At no point in this process does the incarnate Word or Spirit assume a final and definitive form, just as God himself can never be wholly or simply identified with any given revelatory event or epiphany, if only because the divine process undergoes a continual metamorphosis, ever moving more deeply and fully toward an eschatological consummation.17
That's because Modern Man has found so many epiphanies in Flaubert, Rilke, Mallarmé, Rimbaud, Joyce, and all those other last flowers of the Ironic Age.
But they did see that epiphany, and then they could not see anything anymore, because the cloud swallowed them up.
«69 Once this kerygma is disentangled from Hellenistic epiphany religion, we see that «the Resurrection, interpreted within a theology of promise, is not an event which closes, by fulfilling the promise, but an event which opens, because it adds to the promise by confirming it.
I just had this kind of epiphany, although maybe that's not quite the right word because I think it had been coming on for a while and I just didn't realize.
Too bad I did nt have this epiphany earlier in the week, because when it came to my diet over the last few days, I made the same mistakes!
@Michael W I do nt always put everything in because I want you to experience you own epiphanies or sparks of insight I talked about in the Primal sense blog.
Personalised «Question & Answer» Bring your questions and be ready to learn because I'm going to provide breakthrough - epiphanies for your most frustrating challenges in dating.
If dating apps make you queasy because of its spam bots, fake profiles, and years - old profile pictures of users, you can finally calm your online dating epiphanies as iReal is going to provide you quite an enjoyable online dating experience, minus the catfishers, stalkers and identity thieves.
The best dramatic film I saw at Sundance was easily «Like Crazy,» and, because I saw it near the end of my run here, it had the inadvertent force of an epiphany.
At times, it feels as though transitions happen because it's time for the plot's next act to begin, rather than because the character has really had an epiphany.
He says other teachers had advised him to keep track of all the positive encounters, lessons, and epiphanies he will experience, because the first year can be filled with hurdles and negativity.
When questioned about this, Brill gets quite defensive because he knows that this epiphany has been misinterpreted.
This is a passage from early on in Lady Bird & The Fox, when Jem is just beginning to get to know Annie, and has a bit of an epiphany about where she's really come from; it's a favourite passage because it puts the loss of cultural heritage into some perspective in a clear and simple way:
I had a little epiphany recently, though it's a little la - la landish: we will solve it because we must!
Having said that, if we environmentalists do our job right we will start to see people changing their ways — not because they have had a sudden moral epiphany — but because there is simply a better way of doing things.
The epiphany also came, I'm embarrassed to admit, from a TV show, in which one of the characters is taking a writing class, and the teacher tells her she is not a creative writer because her writing springs from her own experience.
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