Sentences with phrase «epiphany for»

It is the discovery of an unusual and intriguing detail (lip marks on a mirror) which leads to an investigation by the psychiatrist and an epiphany for the patient.
I don't think it will be an epiphany for gaming, but it does have the very real capability to incorporate some neat stuff.
After dwelling on that epiphany for about half - a-minute, I decided I'd make this list showing my top ten games of this gen.
It was a true epiphany for Arms who asked God: «Let me live, and I promise you, I will do everything in my lifetime to protect them.»
It was, literally, an epiphany for me — «Holy $!
It was a major epiphany for me.
The good news is, and it seems to be an epiphany for many writers when they realize this, that you can take multiple paths.
The epiphany for me was 9/11.
This was an epiphany for me.
It can be quite an epiphany for people to eliminate a seemingly innocuous food and in a matter of a few days experience significant health benefits or begin rapid weight loss.
I was lying in bed that night and had this epiphany for these little beauts!
Of course this epiphany for the most part continues to elude modern science, which due to monied interests and its myopic pursuit speculative, novel solutions, has little time for moldy old traditions like food fermentation.
He felt trapped like a bug inside glass — an ironic epiphany for a man who would work so hard to seal up a handful of his followers three decades hence.
When we read Holt's How Children Fail, it was an epiphany for both of us, putting words to what had always felt wrong to us about our school experiences.
Here's a tip that I THINK came from Elizabeth Pantley, that was a big epiphany for me: have the kid wear his next - day clothes to bed the night before, with a pair of underpants over his nighttime Pull up.
The day I realized that what worked for us was WAY more important than being included in a group label was SUCH an epiphany for me and I've been more confident and applying it to issues throughout our family life.
But basically the epiphany for entering the photo business came from my acquisition about nine years ago of a company called Successories.
But the epiphany for me at William Morris was realizing, «They bullshit on the phone!
Other areas of your teachings have been illuminating if not epiphanies for me.
Personalised «Question & Answer» Bring your questions and be ready to learn because I'm going to provide breakthrough - epiphanies for your most frustrating challenges in dating.
These tools and content, when used at the right moment for the right end, enable breakthrough epiphanies for students that stoke further conversation and questions.

Not exact matches

For Sale by Owner Leslie Vander Baan had her entrepreneurial epiphany while navigating the difficult task of selling a car on her own.
They used to work for Tradiv, a once - promising marijuana tech company that collapsed amid bad decisions, sexual harassment allegations, and a co-founder's psychedelic epiphany.
After working on that set, O'Brien had an epiphany that she needed a business model for her work, so she started crunching numbers, looking at market research, and talking to clients.
For every triumphant epiphany they enjoyed, they endured a humbling moment that reminded them how far they still had to go.
The Fix: In early 2012, Spinak had «an epiphany» for how to improve the company's financials: Downsize to a core staff of four employees to oversee the business structure, and then rely on a stable of independent contractors to fill other roles that were needed less consistently, such as account executives, Web designers, graphic designers, copywriters and videographers.
Thus spawned his concept for Freshii, which now occupies a spot on 39th Street and Broadway — a block from the deli where he first had his epiphany.
New management cancels a position, a company goes bankrupt or you have an epiphany on the bus home one night, and all of a sudden, you know it's time for you to switch careers.
Refresh is the result of an epiphany Bhavin Shah had 10 years ago, when he was director of new business for LeapFrog Enterprises.
When Elon Musk shares his vision for space flight or an electric car; or Steve Jobs shuns a CD - happy world for an iPod / iTunes business plan, or Jeff Bezos creates an online book store that will be «the world's most consumer - centric company, where customers can come to find anything they want to buy online,» they are honoring their epiphanies.
They do not wait for epiphanies to move forward, nor do they ignore them.
For example, Frank Schuler, president of Ornstein - Schuler, among the most active promoters, describes a personal epiphany that he says spurred his move into the conservation - easement business after a decade in Atlanta commercial real estate.
(Meaning: Don't wait for epiphanies to begin a process; the process itself can trigger one.)
When we have that epiphany, we start to dive into what's next for the Hill Family.
Yet that metaphor of the mirror is too Platonic, because God's epiphany in the world is not through mere surface shadows, but is in the coming to be, development, and passing away to make room for novelty of primary natural units, each of which truly exists and acts in its own right and according to its own nature and structure for its time, and interacts with other units in a process of mutual actualization and eventual replacement.
He might be responsible for resultant epiphany...
True, the disciples will never manage to figure out for long just who this is that is leading them, despite a fair number of epiphanies of their own.
When it GETS DOWN TO LIFE, (i.e., kisses on hands, words of love and forgiveness spoken and believed, epiphanies, being there with someone as they die, SEEING EACH OTHER FOR WHO WE ARE,) we're all the same.
Like the parallel story in Luke 5, the miraculous catch serves as an epiphany, shining a light on the stranger, showing him for who he really is.
The Greek word for this radiance, this shining of the face, is επιάνεια, or epiphany, and it was by no means only a benign thing.
It serves now as a transitional period for a future cosmic fullness of the sacred, Altizer states: «We can not understand the «Unhappy Consciousness» unless we realize that it too, like the «Dark Night of the Soul,» is a transitional state between an individual and particular realization of the truth and the reality of Spirit, a realization whose very particularity demands a chasm between itself and Spirit, and a universal and total epiphany of Spirit which obliterates this chasm.
For us at Liberty University, this epiphany came when we were faced with the colossal challenge this week of being a homeless congregation.
It is precisely because an epiphany of Antichrist abolishes the transcendent source of evil and nothingness by embodying a primordial chaos in the actuality of history that it is a redemptive epiphany, an epiphany unveiling the full reality of alienation and repression, thereby preparing the way for their ultimate reversal.
Insofar as an eschatological epiphany of Christ can occur only in conjunction with a realization in total experience of the kenotic process of self - negation, we should expect that epiphany to occur in the heart of darkness, for only the universal triumph of the Antichrist can provide an arena for the total manifestation of Christ.
When all evil and nothingness pass into the faceless epiphany of a total Antichrist, then the ultimate ground of chaos will be dissolved, every inherent sanction for all alien and compelling demands will be removed, and every opposing other will stand revealed in a lifeless and vacuous form.
Yet Christianity has now at least implicitly evolved to an absolute form wherein it can realize the final epiphany of Spirit as immediately present and actualized for us.
We must not dissociate the lines of the text from their accompanying illustration, for the apocalyptic epiphany of Jesus occurs when Satan and Jerusalem engage in a mutual embrace.
Indeed, theologians have celebrated the advent of the full worldliness of the world as an occasion for the epiphany of a truer form of faith.
The only difference in our outlooks is that we Christians expect the epiphany of God in the end; for the Marxists, there is only the epiphany of man.
Through our liturgies and epiphanies, we slowly uncover something of the mystery of God's incarnation for the Church.
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