Sentences with phrase «episodic event»

The reductions in emissions could be seen in the frequency and maximum concentrations of the short - term episodic events of emissions, and the annual average concentrations.
Such episodic events can easily be misinterpreted as an «acceleration» of ice loss.
Telltale's The Walking Dead is back with it's new the episodic event featuring the well known comic book and AMC character, Michonne.
An important ecological effect on the maintenance of Aristeus antennatus populations in the northwestern Mediterranean has been linked to the episodic events of dense water cascading on the Gulf of Lions [260].
Limited information is available, but the effects of these episodic events on the deep Mediterranean Sea appear relevant (Cap de Creus Canyon, Western Mediterranean)[15], [260].
Future work must track how changes in sea ice and surface turbulent fluxes influence specific atmospheric regimes related to the episodic events.
Climate time - series and monthly discharge data for the past several decades at selected locations provide the opportunity for important tests of models, including appraisal of the impact of episodic events, such as El Niño, on surface water balance and river discharge.
Finally, it should be noted that more general knowledge of a person's life is considered to be less prone to the inaccuracies known to be associated with memories for one - off, unique, episodic events (3.26, 3.27 & 3.28).
In other cases unhealthy relationships among parents or parental loss result not necessarily in violence (or not only in violence) but in a traumatic, chronic neglect that may not look like an acute, episodic event (a rape, a fire, a car crash) of the sort that we tend to associate with trauma.
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