Sentences with word «epistemological»

"Epistemological" refers to ideas, theories, or concepts related to the study of knowledge, how it is acquired, and how we can know things to be true or false. It deals with questions like: How do we gain knowledge? What are the sources of knowledge? And what makes knowledge reliable or trustworthy? Full definition
Data on the students» factual knowledge about the GDR and their understanding of basic history concepts and their insight in epistemological principals of history were collected immediately before and after the teaching unit as well as two to three months later.
Barth, because he makes an attempt»... to answer the methodological and historical problems raised by the nineteenth century by foreclosing all discussion of epistemological questions and insisting that the subjectivity of Jesus Christ, the God - man, is the only important reality confronting the mind of man.»
The empty pit into which the modern project has fallen may well reveal Bacon's failure far more convincingly than any purely epistemological argument ever could.
Much of my early research and writing were preoccupied with epistemological questions of faith.
Continuing fundamentalists will, of course, deny this possibility and object to the erosion of what appears to them to be the only possible epistemological foundation for their faith.
Epistemological issues in the study of microbial life: alternative terran biospheres?
The fundamental tenet of this structure is found in the theories of Rene Descartes and Iqanuel Kant, which is still in their full force in epistemological theories.
These knowers occupy epistemological standpoints that are salutary precisely because of, and almost in direct relation to.
If we do not seize upon the promise of this moment through what we might call «the mutual conversation, consolation and correction of the brothers and sisters» (to rephrase Luther), we could be in for a period of theological Balkanization or Beirutization - armed camps firing away at each other from their places of epistemological privilege.
Space is a metaphysical as well as epistemological fixture in Bergson's thought.
... to insist on epistemological and even ontological discontinuity is not to deny historical continuity, for conditions which are continuous can give rise to, or trigger, systems which once in existence are self - sustaining and hence not explicable entirely in terms of the conditions which produced them.
Epistemological realism not only does not contradict metaphysical idealism, it greatly strengthens the case for it.
This raises the question of what epistemological status it can claim.
This paper proposes to discuss the effect of epistemological aspects which must deal about my PhD research entitled «Realizing the melody with the chords of science: a study of musical sensibility from a physical perspective.»
This is not the place to dispute modern criticism's epistemological assumption that only impersonal cognitional methods are fully trustworthy.
Von Hagens contends that his specimens fall into the same epistemological category as mummies and classroom skeletons.
Most self - described atheists are Agnostic Atheists who do not believe in Gods, but also do not make epistemological claims about God's existence (or lack thereof).
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960,18) The latter is the position of epistemological skepticism — knowledge is not possible.
Combine this understanding of self with a common epistemological belief, and we bring God into the picture.
Although this notion of perception has been the dominant epistemological view in modern philosophy, it has never adequately explained precisely how the outside world and the mediating senses get over to the (totally different) realm of mind.
Whitehead's approach is, in my opinion, unique among modem philosophical systems because he attempts to resolve a long - standing epistemological difficulty by an appeal to ontology.
As a result of such an «epistemological break,» the power of objectivity and the «objectivity» of the powerful must be judged according to new and somehow more stringent standards.
It is clear, then, that in his doctrine of symbolic reference Whitehead parts company with the Cartesian epistemological tradition and attempts to mediate the dualities which have plagued it.
When it comes to dogmatic absolutism you, Frank, Old Adam and even Brigitte to a lesser degree have a similar epistemology and, for all of our disagreements, neither Gary nor I are dogmatic absolutists and so share a similar epistemological perspective.
But it also has a distinctive epistemological starting point: the foot of the cross.
But at stake are fundamental epistemological issues concerning the very nature of the university.
And he retains in his own epistemological scheme objectivism's honorable opposition to self - centeredness.
We can be Bible - believing Christians without foisting our positions on others, taking them for granted or disregarding the views of people with a different epistemological framework.
Using epistemological analysis as her tool, Seikkula's recent PhD research in philosophy discusses the social and cultural sustainability of artistic practices from a process perspective.
Scientists who invent new theories usually reject certain epistemological presuppositions which were once regarded as absolute axioms.
Some contemporary thinkers, however, suspect all such references to communal ideals, regardless of whether these ideals are advanced within epistemological contexts, and this brings me to the third and final difficulty that attends current conversation about community.
Such belief has obvious epistemological consequences, as reflected in I John 4:6: «We are of God.
Epistemological modesty means that you believe certain things, but you're modest about these claims.
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