Sentences with phrase «equal access to public»

ICERD article 5 (c) emphasises the need for countries to «guarantee the right of everyone, without distinction as to race, colour, or national or ethnic origin, to equality before the law, notably in the enjoyment of... Political rights, in particular the right... to take part in the Government as well as in the conduct of public affairs at any level and to have equal access to public service».
The hope is to include these voices in our community narrative and to incite audiences to advocate for equal access to public spaces and resources.
(Tragically, when Reconstruction was violently ended by white supremacists, African Americans were then denied equal access to public schooling.
Recommendations include convening district and charter leaders regularly to discuss district - charter collaboration; bringing North Carolina charter authorizing and performance legislation, policy, and practices in closer alignment with national standards to improve charter school quality; and using charter - district pilots to explore mechanisms such as common enrollment and sharing of resources that would give all students equal access to all public schools.
That constitutional guarantee means that the state must ensure that Plaintiff Students have equal access to a public education system that will teach them the skills they need to succeed as productive members of modern society.
That starts by giving charters equal access to public space.
The amendment, which Johnson submitted to be included in the Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies Appropriation Act that has yet to pass, prohibits DOJ from enforcing provisions of the ADA that ensure equal access to public education.
The current U.S. Department of Education should reaffirm this guidance to ensure that immigrant students have equal access to public schooling.
last year by sticking to a main message: all public school students deserve equal access to public resources.
For more than five decades, Congress has consistently recognized and acted on the need to promote fair and equal access to public schools for: children of color; children living in poverty; children with disabilities; homeless, foster and migrant children; children in detention; children still learning English; Native children; and girls as well as boys.
Advocates in Colorado also helped achieve a major funding equity win last year by sticking to a main message: all public school students deserve equal access to public resources.
This letter provides information to SEAs, LEAs, and parents about the requirement to provide all children with equal access to public education at the elementary and secondary level.
The right to equal access to public service depends on a minimum level of education, i.e. literacy.
A bill would gut the Americans With Disabilities Act, which ensures equal access to public places and businesses and requires owners to supply «reasonable accommodation.»

Not exact matches

For example, instead of preferred access to bankers, a direct listing grants equal and simultaneous access to the public.
Last week U.S. President Barack Obama said Internet service providers should be regulated more like public utilities to make sure they grant equal access to all content providers.
majority - women - owned businesses (51 % +) are given fair and equal access to corporate and public sector procurement opportunities locally, nationally and internationally
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC), ACORN Canada (ACORN) and National Pensioners Federation (NPF) today reacted negatively to the Canadian Radio - television and Telecommunications Commission's (CRTC) rejection of their review of the CRTC's previous decision to deny creating a fund to ensure all Canadians, including lower - income Canadians, have equal access to broadband and other telecommunications services.
In addition to civil rights for people of color, women and LGBT, there has been an expansion of religious liberty for minority sects, enforcement of viewpoint neutrality with respect to access to various public and non-public forums (e.g. religious student groups must be granted equal access to school facilities as their secular counterparts, etc) greater protections against age and disability discrimination, and recognition of habeas corpus rights even for enemy combatants.
Whatever legal norms increase the measure of general emancipation to which there is equal access, this measure is less than it might be unless all are subjects of the rights to private and public liberties.
Civil - libertarian feminism is primarily concerned with «equal rights» — i.e., equal access of women to the public world of work, power and education.
No Jewish organization supported the Equal Access Act, which wrote the equal time principle into law and allowed religious students a platform from which to inject religion into the public high school environEqual Access Act, which wrote the equal time principle into law and allowed religious students a platform from which to inject religion into the public high school environequal time principle into law and allowed religious students a platform from which to inject religion into the public high school environment.
Washington DC — Wine Institute, the public policy advocacy group for California wineries, applauds today's announcement by the U.S. government requesting formal World Trade Organization (WTO) consultations with the Government of Canada to ensure that both imported and British Columbia (B.C.) wines have equal access to B.C. grocery store shelves.
In public schools, children at risk of anaphylaxis are often afforded the protection of a section 504 plan, which allows them to have equal access to all school experiences and activities.
A new bill in New York aims to ensure equal access to diaper changing stations, plus providing lactation rooms in state buildings open to the public.
The second point is that mutualism in the public sector raises issues concerning equity similar to those posed by localism: how can equal access and quality of service be maintained nationally if there is much greater variation in how services are delivered locally.
«We are all shocked that the governor vetoed a bill that would have reduced racial disparities in the criminal justice system, helped ensure equal access to justice for all New Yorkers, provided improved public defense programs for those who can not afford an attorney, and much - needed mandate relief for counties,» Gradess said.
It states, in part, «Creating a sustainable regional food system that meets [the $ 1 billion] demand and offers equal access to nutritious food will improve public health, bolster the city's «good food» economy, build resilience in the wake of extreme weather events and reduce the city's «foodprint» as a way to mitigate the impacts of climate change.»
replace big money control of election campaigns with full public financing and free and equal access to the airwaves;
By writing Town Hall transparency into law we can make certain every citizen gets open and equal access to information about local public expenditure.
After the council hearing, the group was set to hold a press conference and protest outside the education department's headquarters at the Tweed Courthouse, accusing the DOE and the Public Schools Athletic League (PSAL) or denying schools of color equal access to sports teams.
«The public financing system was designed to ensure equal and fair access for all candidates who seek elected office in New York City by limiting the amount of money candidates can raise and spend during an election cycle.
«It is entirely appropriate for faith communities to be given access to our parks,» Stringer wrote in a Sept. 21 letter to Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe, «so long as our public spaces afford every faith community an equal opportunity to practice religious observance and such activities have no detrimental impacts on the parks.»
Specifically, according to Dezenhall's suggestions in a memo to the publishers that they should «develop simple messages (e.g., Public access equals government censorship; Scientific journals preserve the quality / pedigree of science; government seeking to nationalize science and be a publisher) for use by Coalition members.»
According to one of the study's lead authors, Professor Maigeng Zhou, from the National Centre for Noncommunicable and Chronic Disease Control and Prevention in the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, China, «There is an ongoing effort by the Chinese Government to reform the health - care system, especially in terms of ensuring equal access for all to basic public health services.
Though the verdict was based on a technicality related to the scope of the term «product of nature,» Plomer argues the verdict «calls into question patent policies which put the rights of organizations motivated by the pursuit of profit above the public interest and rights to equal and free access to open science.»
For example, your elected officials should be focused on things like equal access to essential public services, fair governmental priorities and policies, city hall policies, school district choices, and public health measures.
Washington — A broad coalition of education and legal groups has drafted guidelines for the implementation of the Equal Access Act, which the Congress passed in August to guarantee student religious groups the same access as nonreligious groups to public - school facilAccess Act, which the Congress passed in August to guarantee student religious groups the same access as nonreligious groups to public - school facilaccess as nonreligious groups to public - school facilities.
A series of public policies are implemented in different areas of life, in order to ensure equal access of Roma people to education and employment, but very little is done in order to change the negative attitudes of the majority population towards Roma.
What matters instead is whether a school is «a great, free public school and whether parents have an equal opportunity to access them.»
In October, 2014, the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) sent a 37 - page «Dear Colleague» letter (DCL) to public schools, detailing what they must do to ensure that all children have «equal access to educational resources without regard to race, color, or national origin.»
By giving these schools true control over their programs, staff, and curricula, and by opening them to all families, authors of the charter school law resurrected the true American vision of public schooling: equal access to great instruction and accountability for results.
The Supreme Court's 1954 Brown v. Board of Education decision, which mandated the desegregation of public schools, gave the executive branch a legal precedent for enforcing equal access to education.
At least since the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, this has been interpreted to give the federal government the power to intervene in cases of legally sanctioned discrimination, like the segregation of public schools across the country; to mandate equal access to education for students with disabilities; and, according to some arguments, to correct for persistently unequal access to resources across states and districts of different income levels.
Over the past 50 years, the role of the federal government in K - 12 public education has been to ensure equal educational access and to provide resources for those students who need additional supports.
Since 1968, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), an office of the Department of Education, has collected data from public schools on student and school characteristics to ensure all students have equal access to a quality education.
Others include the 1975 civil rights law mandating public education for special needs children, the bilingual education act of 1968, and the original civil rights education law, which passed in 1965 as part of President Johnson's war on poverty and mandated federal funding to states, equal access for all children, and higher standards.
Public school advocate, engineer and parent David F. Welch founded Students Matter to defend children's fundamental right to have an equal opportunity to access quality public educPublic school advocate, engineer and parent David F. Welch founded Students Matter to defend children's fundamental right to have an equal opportunity to access quality public educpublic education.
Jen Walmer, state director of Democrats for Education Reform, explained, «Our focus was always on ensuring that all kids enrolled in public schools — including charter schools — had equal access to local revenues.
The centerpiece of this initiative was a 37 - page «Dear Colleague» letter (DCL) detailing what public schools must do to ensure that all children have «equal access to educational resources without regard to race, color, or national origin.»
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