Sentences with phrase «equal educational opportunities for»

The Commissioner shall conduct a survey and make a report to the President and the Congress, within two years of the enactment of this title, concerning the lack of availability of equal educational opportunities for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin in public educational institutions at all levels in the United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia.
Members of the caucus work to promote equal educational opportunities for American Indian and Alaska Native students and address the unique challenges and opportunities these children face.
(a) Promote and advance equal educational opportunities for Hispanic children by Council members becoming actively engaged in national dialogue on educational problems, issues and concerns in conjunction with the National School Boards Association and other national organizations committed to the continued growth and development of minority children.
The struggle to desegregate America's schools while ensuring equal educational opportunities for students of all races is one of the greatest social challenges the nation has faced over the last half century.
The article conveniently overlooks that fact that the charter school industry fails to provide equal educational opportunities for children who require special education services, those who aren't fluent in the English Language and those who are forced out of charter schools for failure to survive the abusive disciplinary policies.
The bill maintains a limited oversight role for the federal government — what Murray calls «guardrails» — that aims to ensure equal educational opportunities for disadvantaged students.
It is the policy of the DeKalb County Board of Education to promote equal educational opportunities for all students regardless of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or age.
High quality schooling that provides equal educational opportunities for secondary English language learners (ELLs) must include seven key components: state leadership, oversight and compliance; governance; fair funding; parent and community engagement; student achievement and support; teaching and curriculum quality; and accountability.
They are called on to promote equal educational opportunities for children in identified racial and ethnic groups, to monitor their development and academic achievement, and to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by school board members working with issues concerning these students and their families.
Their involvement, as well as the 1993 ruling in McDuffy v. Roberson ordering the Commonwealth to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in Massachusetts, led to the passage of the Education Reform Act of 1993.
If LCFF is implemented in a manner that prioritizes investments in addressing the needs of low income, English Learner, and foster youth students, it could help to fulfill Brown's promise of equal educational opportunities for all.
Section 402 of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964 is short, just a paragraph long, but it demanded something huge: The federal government had to conduct a nationwide survey «concerning the lack of availability of equal educational opportunities for individuals by reason of race, color, religion, or national origin.»
Capital Prep and Steve Perry have shown a complete and utter inability to provide equal educational opportunities for Latino children, children who are not fluent in English and children who need extra help due to their special education requirements.
Education federalism has served as a consistent roadblock to federal efforts to remove barriers to equal educational opportunities for low - income and minority students.
The Declaration on Education 2030 agreed at the Forum will mobilize all countries and partners to implement the new agenda, and propose ways for its coordination, financing and monitoring — globally, regionally and nationally — to ensure equal educational opportunities for all.
We want to strengthen Europe, improve integration through equal educational opportunities for everyone, drive forward the energy transition as a trigger for global climate change mitigation and firmly anchor cultural education in schools.
(1) to strengthen the Federal commitment to ensuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual;
Strengthen the Federal commitment to assuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual;
It aims to mobilize all stakeholders around the new global education goal and targets, and proposes ways of implementing, coordinating, financing and reviewing the 2030 education agenda — globally, regionally and nationally — to guarantee equal educational opportunity for all.
Vastly more jarring is that the central goal of the report — the development of an education system that provides equal educational opportunity for all groups, and especially for racial minorities — has not been attained.
A defining moment came in the 1970s, when the California Supreme Court in Serrano v. Priest decided that in order to ensure equal educational opportunity for all children, all school districts in California must spend equal amounts per pupil, instigating a wave of school - finance court cases across the country.
As long as the Stull Act remains unenforced in numerous districts throughout the state, our students will continue to suffer and California will fail to live up to its promise of equal educational opportunity for all.
The Secretary of Education approves plans, ensures state implementation through oversight and enforcement, and takes action when states fail to meet their obligations to close achievement gaps and provide equal educational opportunity for all students.
«The ultimate issue is whether funding is provided to each school in the district so as to provide equal educational opportunity for all students.»
Our mission is to achieve equal educational opportunity for every child through strong public schools that prepare all students to access and succeed in college.
Educational choice brings people together and creates equal educational opportunity for children.
As secretary of education, DeVos is responsible for meeting the department's mission to «[s] trengthen the Federal commitment to assuring access to equal educational opportunity for every individual.»
More than 50 years after the U.S. Supreme Court's unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, the nation's public school system has yet to fulfill its promise of equal educational opportunity for all.
We continue to have a school funding system that does not provide an equal educational opportunity for our children; does not meet the additional needs of the three student populations identified in our standard; and does not provide a fair and equitable school tax burden for property owners.
The school as an extension of those principles must provide an equal educational opportunity for all children to develop to their fullest potential.
Although his statewide marathon of appearances has proven less than fun when addressing crowds of individuals who seek to improve his reform proposals, he's repeatedly acknowledged how imperative it is for this state's future that the ravages of poverty be overcome within our public schools and that policies and state funding mechanisms be devised to ensure equal educational opportunity for all children.
[3] On the other hand, it has been far from inclusive of the state's large population of nonnative English speakers and has a long way to go before reaching its goal of equal educational opportunity for all students.
We ask you to help make New York one city, with equal educational opportunity for all.
More than 50 years after the U.S. Supreme Court outlawed school segregation in Brown v. Board of Education, the nation's schools are still plagued by inequalities, yet the High Court today declines to intervene on behalf of equal educational opportunity for all children.
Supporters of «desegregation bussing» argued that integration would provide minority students with equal access to equipment, facilities and resources thus providing an equal educational opportunity for all students in the area.

Not exact matches

Conversely, equal educational opportunity makes it possible for all citizens to exercise their civic duties intelligently.
The same universities who denied for years and years minorities equal access to equitable educational opportunities?
Interscholastic Athletics: Statute 121A.04 (2003) requires each educational institution to provide equal opportunities for both sexes to participate in its athletic program.
In his 1999 paper Determinants of Democracy, Harvard macroeconomist Robert Barro finds a significant relationship between more equal educational opportunity between the sexes and the «target» level of democracy (for which elections serve as a proxy).
However, as the gap between the incomes of wealthy and poor families has increased over the past three decades, so too has the educational performance of their children, bringing into question the nation's reputation for equal opportunity for all.
Equal opportunity in choosing a school A recent Wall Street Journal editorial had it right in criticizing civil rights groups like the NAACP for not jumping on the educational choice bandwagon since, as the Journal says, «reform's main beneficiaries are poor and minority students in places like Harlem and New Orleans.»
This set him apart from his more - liberal colleagues, who viewed Brown v. Board of Education (1954) not as a prohibition on the use of racial classifications in education, but rather as a mandate for judges to do whatever they could to promote «equal educational opportunity
Although the word «education» appears nowhere in the federal Constitution, advocates for recognizing that such a right is implied typically argue that it would ensure «equal educational opportunity» and foster more effective participation in civil society.
The aim of racial integration of our schools should be recognized as distinct from the aim of providing equal opportunity for educational performance.
To advocates of a «living Constitution,» this lack of clarity is liberating: it frees them to do anything they think appropriate for promoting equal educational opportunity.
When he called for equal educational opportunity in the South, the test scores of African American students in southern states rose dramatically.
Much has changed since the fledgling Campaign for Fiscal Equity (CFE), 14 New York City community school boards, and 23 individual parents and their children lodged the initial complaint charging the State of New York with denying «thousands of public school students in the City of New York their constitutional rights to equal educational opportunities
The Goldwater Institute, the Foundation for Excellence in Education, the Hispanic Council for Reform and Educational Options, and the American Federation for Children argue that the Blaine Amendments were «motivated by bigotry» and «present an obstacle to the provision of high - quality educational opportunities for millions of American schoolchildren» that must be removed in order «to vindicate our nation's sacred promise of equal educational opportunities
The five - judge court ruled unanimously Oct. 8 that the state's contributions for teacher pay produce such wide disparities in salaries that poor, rural districts can not compete for and retain well - qualified teachers, and thus can not provide the equal educational opportunities required by the state constitution.
«Educators must make their voices heard at all levels — at the local, district, state, and federal levels — to promote equal access to educational opportunities for all students,» said Deb Delisle, ASCD Executive Director and CEO.
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