Sentences with phrase «equal marriage during»

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They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
We mothers bookmark this post about equal parenting during and marriages.
German law, for example, defines the standard case not as a split of assets, but an equal split of GAINS during a marriage.
You need to hire a top - rated attorney; hire forensic accountants, tax experts and other professionals needed to obtain all the necessary information and evidence to properly prepare your matrimonial matter to ensure that you receive your equal and fair share of the assets acquired during your marriage.
They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
His ex-wife, 44, who was a «housewife and mother» during the marriage, successfully argued she was due nearly half their wealth because of her «equal contributions to the welfare of the family».
They are fighting for an approach to marital property that would give a husband and wife equal control and ownership over property obtained during the subsistence of the marriage during marriage, and half the value -LSB-...]
All property jointly acquired during the marriage would be divided between the parties in equal shares.Both attorneys were present when the parties executed the agreement and the signing was recorded on videotape.
But if you live in a community property state, both spouses have an equal stake in earnings and property during the marriage — including life insurance.
Arizona is a community property state, which means assets accumulated during the marriage are generally presumed to be the equal property of both spouses.
Under the ERA, the equal right of a married woman to ownership, possession, and management of marital property during marriage will be strengthened.
This means that there is no automatic exclusion or equal division of assets and liabilities acquired during the marriage, but rather there are a number of factors the Court is to consider to arrive at a fair division, see N.J.S.A. 2A: 34 - 23.1 for the specific factors.
This means that any property (other than gifts or inheritances) you and your spouse acquired during the marriage belongs equally to both parties and any joint debts incurred during the marriage are the equal responsibility of both parties.
That means that anything you and your spouse have acquired during marriage is subject to equal division and distribution upon divorce.
There are countries that do not acknowledge that right of women to own an equal share of the property with the husband during a marriage or de facto relationship and when that marriage or relationship ends.
No - fault divorce laws notwithstanding, if the partners were effectively unequal before and during the marriage, it would be folly to expect them to be equal at the time of and subsequent to the end of the marriage.
Married parents share equal parental rights over a child during the marriage and throughout separation unless a judge issues a court order to the contrary.
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