Sentences with phrase «equal mass»

The mass of water displaced only equals the mass of the object if the object is floating.
The angular momentum of the solar system is carried mostly in the planets because angular momentum equals mass times distance times linear velocity.
All high school physics students can tell you that force equals mass times acceleration, and a 6 - 2, 210 - pound safety who runs a 4.5 40 is going to deliver a significantly more dangerous hit than a 5 - 10, 160 - pound safety who runs a 5.2.
If the bottles are filled with EQUAL MASS then specific heat ALONE matters.
The remaining three segments (connected by hinges) house a single, elongated balloon filled with a gaseous fuel made of mostly methane, making it neutrally buoyant (the balloon's mass equals the mass of the air it displaces).
According to your logic, Americans equal mass murderers.
Regardless of how hard they struggle, says Brodeur, the pros are such slaves to the dictates of physics that the results of their labors are as foregone a conclusion as ball impact equals mass times velocity squared.
(From your old notes: Density equals mass divided by volume.)
In his fourth missive, Einstein showed that energy and matter were different faces of the same thing, their relationship described by the most famous equation in all of physics: energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared, E = mc2.
The equation shows that spacetime geometry equals mass - energy density when adjusted with the proper units and numerical constants.
The spectra indicate a system of evolved stars with nearly equal masses (q = 1.02), where one component shows significant line profile variations while the profiles of the slightly more massive component are constant.
As everyone knows, putting two more or less equal masses on either side of a painting's centerline is, compositionally speaking, instant death.
For an ice sheet to have constant size, the mass of ice added from snowfall must equal the mass lost due to melting and calving (when icebergs break off).
A planet's angular momentum equals the mass of an object multiplied by its distance from the Sun, and corresponds with the force that the planet exerts on the overall system's spin.
If energy equals mass (times the speed of light squared) and energy equals frequency (time Planck's constant), then voilà, mass equals frequency (times some combination of the constants).
A planet's angular momentum equals the mass of an object multiplied by its distance from the sun, and corresponds with the force that the planet exerts on the overall system's spin.
They simulated the simplest type of black whole merger possible: that of two non-spinning black holes with equal mass.
«Force equals mass times acceleration,» Steele says.
Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen disagreed, and they suggested a simple thought experiment to explain why: Imagine that a particle decays into two smaller particles of equal mass and that these two daughter particles fly apart in opposite directions.
The difference in mass dissipates as energy governed by Einstein's famous formula, E = mc ², where the energy equals the mass times the square of the speed of light.
This person (who will remain nameless to protect my sources) knows all too well that whether you are using an iPhone, a Galaxy, a Droid or a Jitterbug, force equals mass times acceleration.
If our Sun were replaced with a black hole of equal mass, for example, -LSB-...]
If both black holes have equal masses and spins, their merger emits gravitational waves uniformly in all directions.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
Force equals mass times acceleration, and objects with a smaller mass have a greater acceleration (and vice versa).
What if we replaced the solar mass with an equal mass shell of unobtanium whose diameter is the same as Venuses orbit; Where would mercury go then?
The Global Warming Potential (GWP) is defined as the time - integrated RF due to a pulse emission of a given component, relative to a pulse emission of an equal mass of CO2 (Figure 8.28 a and formula).
So long as an ice sheet gains an equal mass through snowfall as it loses through melt, ablation, and calving from glaciers and ice shelves, it is said to be in balance.
Inasmuch as H2O weighs.409 % of CO2, it means that an equal mass of CO2 requires 2.444 molecules of H2O.
It holds 99.8 percent of the solar system's mass; and equals the mass of 332,946 Earths.
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